iTunes sounds terrible


New Metal Member
Feb 22, 2008
Auckland, NZ
Just a heads up,
I just started using iTunes after upgrading to Leopard. By default it has Sound Enhancer turned on in the preferences which sounds like shit to me. I was listening to Killswitch and I noticed it was clipping a little and sounding distant so had to investigate.

Sounds fine after disabling. Might be ok for other styles of music, but IMO it's not for metal.
Yeah, I always make sure to turn off EQ and sound enhancer in iTunes first thing on a new Mac. IMO it sounds awful with any music, largely because it boosts frequencies rather than cutting, creating digital clipping on most modern recordings.
yeah, it's pretty much a no-brainer to turn off all eq and sound enhancement options in any player app, in any OS... same goes for WMP. kind of common knowledge, especially around here.
iTunes always sounded terribly to me. Winamp has been my choice for a loooong time.
as long as you turn off the EQ, Sound Check, and Sound Enhancer, iTunes sounds absolutely no different from WinAmp in any way whatsoever. If it does on your system then you either have one of those turned on in your iTunes, or something similar in your winamp, or you're just psyching yourself out. full stop.
Dude, there's this kickass HAL9000 skin for winamp that makes the interface super compact. I love iTunes for ORGANIZING and playing most music, but I kept audio files associated with Winamp so that when i just want to hear a .wav or .mp3 etc, it opens with Winamp and I can keep iTunes on party shuffle all the time. It's very handy and awesome. you can also set the skin to fade out when you move the mouse away and fade in when you hover over it. awesome for it getting out of the way when your working/surfing.

old screeny:
as long as you turn off the EQ, Sound Check, and Sound Enhancer, iTunes sounds absolutely no different from WinAmp in any way whatsoever. If it does on your system then you either have one of those turned on in your iTunes, or something similar in your winamp, or you're just psyching yourself out. full stop.

But it has no stop button! How does I stops it?
