I've been having lots of lucid dreams.


Oblique and Nebulous
Nov 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
And the best dreams seem to happen when I get totally trashed the night before. Last night, or morning rather, or maybe even afternoon, I had a lucid dream, and I flew!!! It is such an amazing feeling. And last week I trashed a super market. Discuss.
^ I love dreaming wierd dreams. The subconscious plays tricks on us, orgenizing our thoughts in a bizzare way... I love it.
I used to keep a book with details about my dreams... goat knows where that little journal is.. I moved too much.
I'm having the dreams when I dream inside of the dream often. It's like I'm dreaming that I'm dreaming that I'm dreaming something and then I wake up a few times iside the dream and then when I really wake up I'm confused the whole day. It's really psychotic
I don't like them so much I'm fucked for the whole day after those becauce I'm never sure if I'm dreaming or not and if the stuff that happened while I was dreaming is true or not
Lucid dreams are awesome. The best part is that you can control them. I'm usually walking when I have them, and I like to jump forward and just float along and put my feet down whenever I want.

Have you ever gotten in a fight in a dream? It's happened to me a couple times and when I try to punch, my arm feels like jelly. It's really weird.
No, never in a fight. But, I guess I could if I wanted. :D No, but the first dream these past couple weeks, I was in a supermarket, and I started trashing the place!!! How fun!! Throwing glass bottles is bliss.
I recently had a lucid flare of mutated griffins in a huge forest, thick roots, that grow upon surface.
There was an edge, my dream just stopped there.
Over the edge, a nest on a ridge and if i lay flat on my stomach and look over the edge, i can see them.
I saw some weird and awkward creatures appear to me in lucidity and this was half chicken, half griffin.
The nest is all i see over the edge. Wider is nothing...grey mist.
Which also includes Karen in this, she showed me the nest.
Karen met me in the dreamtime!
(don't ask why, i do not know either)

And when i gave her this joyful news, she answered:
I'm glad to hear i didn't push you off that cliff!

Thnx Karen, i love you too!