Lucid dreams


Oct 20, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
Some three weeks ago I was having a long conversation about lucid dreams with a good friend mine. He is very used to them and sees them numerous times in a month. He told all kinds of fancy things he has made while lucid dreaming and one of them was flying. I found out that I might have experienced something that might be called lucid dreaming, but I have never ever flought anywhere.

Well, just three night ago I were having a dream. Suddenly I attained my conciousness, but I didn't actually wake up - that's what lucid dreams are. I remembered our conversation and the method he told me he had used to get flying. Believe me or not, it really worked. That was quite an experience, but not very long though. I remember clearly how I was flying around my neighbourhood, which actually were just a vague copy of the real thing. All the houses and other big details were there, but I can't remember any small details. The awakening was just like the friend had explained: the dream image slowly fades away as the real world image fades in. I just hope I will have another lucid dream very soon. ;)
A tip for anyone who suddenly realises he's lucid dreaming and wants to try flying. Try to run and jump. For me it was running which helped. First i tried to just jump, but it didn't get me anywhere. I think it's important that you also believe in that you are able to fly.

One can also manipulate the dream world in many ways. One thing that just popped into my mind is that at one point I felt like I was falling back to the ground. I imagined a solid object near me - which I think was a piece of fence ;). I grabbed it and exerted myself back into the air. Gosh that was fun. ;o)
I had one when I was 8, that there was a murderer in my room, and I flipped the fuck out, even once I was awake i didn't understand what happened and was scared shitless for a week or so to sleep.

I get something slightly like them now. I can see my environment, my hearing is bleak, and my whole body has a tingly numb feeling, like when your foot falls asleep. I'm in a complete state of paralysis, and if i consentrate enough, I can wake the rest of myself up. I hate it, because sometimes I see things, like I'll imagine some wild animal runs acorss my room, and I'm afriad I'll have a bad vision and flip out once i'm awake.
When i was a kid, i used to have lucid dreams nearly every night... it got to the point where i actually thought i could fly... and even now when i look back upon it, it doesn't seem 'unreal' to me, because i was conscious in the dream... Very odd feeling, i know it's not possible, but i feel like i happened... very cool actually... there is other things too...

and btw... if you take drugs, you most likely wont lucid dream... so i don't know where you got the idea from...
I´ve had a few short lucid flying dreams. But I´ve only been able to control my flying limitedly. Which sucked. Cause I would have crashed down several times unless some force wouldn´t preveneted that and turned me around just when I was about to hit the ground.
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
I haven't still succeeded to do this, only some "pre-lucid dreaming".

Err, what do you mean by "pre-lucid dreaming"? I remember my dream was just an ordinary dream before it became lucid. If you in anyway were aware that you are dreaming, then you were surely having a lucid dream. Next time be sure to try all fancy thing you can think of. You'll be surprised. ;)
Well, I realized I was dreaming and I can do whatever I want, but I couldn't because I was scared and thought it's really happening after all. I read about lucid dreaming from some site and there were different kind of steps to it, and mine was descriped as "second step" or something, I wasn't really lucid dreaming yet.