i've been running my space heater

Sounds to me like someone's landlord is former KGB left over from the Stalin era and trying to either torture you to death or just for information. Right now, he's just reporting back home for some more diabolical communist plans. I say when he comes back you go ninja style on his ass and totally cut his head off, that pinko commie bastard.

Hattori Hansou
That's why I suggested cold steel. Most katana are at least a half meter long, at the very shortest. My Dragon blade alone is a full meter of Ninja Magic Doom.

Ryu Hayabusa
well, the heat finally came back on. about 10 minutes ago. it'll take like 3 hours to heat up the place.
when the fat bastard is back from russia i'll be sure to throw some sand in his eyes or something.
p.s. here is the squirrel i feed every morning. i finally caught him out there.
try to get a picture of him crawling on/sniffing a giant (normal-sized) football?

sam: i'll see what i can work out regarding a complementary picture involving Arrow and a donkey.