ive had a really really bad day


Jun 17, 2005
New Plymouth, New Zealand
Im so fucken angry. Yesterday i bought cubase system 4, as i have a lot of songs i want to record and some covers and shit like that i wanna do, and i wanna do a good job of it. so i get it home all excited and unpack it, only to find the software is on a DVD-ROM disk......i dont have a DVD ROM.

So i rush out again to a hardware retailer (Dick Smith electronics for the NZ people) and buy an external DVD-ROM as my case is full, take it home and guess what....its broken. by then the store is shut, so i cant go and replace it (also my broadband has been capped...so i cant just dl the software)

So today i take it back and replace it with a working one, i go home and install all the drivers and software, and .....it doesnt seem to work. i plug in an instrument and it doesnt pick it up, and i cant record. i wont go into detail but the reason im posting this is because...

If someone has any experience with Cubase SL and the MI4 hardware, please contact me i really want to get this going :erk:
I don't want to belittle you, but a common mistake when recording, is that the windows sound mixer by default has the mic & line in ports volume down. You might want to check that.

Also, if you're doing multi-track recordings, make sure your sound card is able to
play and record at the same time, without recording what it plays IE it doesn't record the backing track when you record a new track. My solution was to get 2 sound cards.

Hope it works out.. there's nothing more frustrating than do it yourself recording that isn't doing what it should..
Brains for breakfast said:
I don't want to belittle you, but a common mistake when recording, is that the windows sound mixer by default has the mic & line in ports volume down. You might want to check that.

Also, if you're doing multi-track recordings, make sure your sound card is able to
play and record at the same time, without recording what it plays IE it doesn't record the backing track when you record a new track. My solution was to get 2 sound cards.

Hope it works out.. there's nothing more frustrating than do it yourself recording that isn't doing what it should..

I found out what the problem was....MY stupid fucken computer thinks that my 6 in 6 out MI4 hardware is a 2 in 2 out soundcard (which is why the instrument input wasnt working, but the stereo input was). NZ Rockshop actually knows stuff about the software they sell. :D. And even better, the guy who sold me it is coming over now to fix it. for free. yay.
-Ea- said:
I found out what the problem was....MY stupid fucken computer thinks that my 6 in 6 out MI4 hardware is a 2 in 2 out soundcard (which is why the instrument input wasnt working, but the stereo input was). NZ Rockshop actually knows stuff about the software they sell. :D. And even better, the guy who sold me it is coming over now to fix it. for free. yay.

A rare happy ending! Yeah! :headbang:
Silent Song said:
i use cubase sx 1 and i find it to work just fine. how is version 4?

Ok ive got it going...

can you tell me why the quality is so poor. like it sounds exactly the same if i plug a shitty microphone into my mic jack at the back of my computer....
-Ea- said:
Im so fucken angry...

Dude, I so sympathise with you. I got myslef a Tascam usb recording device thingie after my digital standalone died, thinking: Hey, time to move into the modern age and record onto my 'puter, right?

Nothing but troubles, the software it came with was sucky (knew that going in), I have aquired other software but in the course of trying things out have destabilized by peecee several times and had to perform major surgerey to get it back. I'm actually thinking of getting a Mac for music, believe it or not. 'Course now that the Mac is just a Linux box on PowerPC, it's not so bad. I don't think the peecee music recording thing is mature yet.
Everytime I try to use cubase I get so uptight it isn't even funny. Nuendo seems less buggy, but it still drove me nuts setting up the signal path. My "comfort" software is adobe audition.
My comfort software used to be Cool Edit/Audition as well, but after I got a hang of Cubase, I didn't have too much trouble with it. So now that's my comfort zone.

I also find I can run a huge amount more tracks on Cubase than I can on Audition.
Moonlapse said:
My comfort software used to be Cool Edit/Audition as well, but after I got a hang of Cubase, I didn't have too much trouble with it. So now that's my comfort zone.

I also find I can run a huge amount more tracks on Cubase than I can on Audition.

What hw are you running w/cubase? I think my problem is I'm running a non-Intel based chipset, I've seen a lot of threads complaining about non-Intel usb chipset usb...