dude, I kinda get what you're complaining about I guess but keep in mind these guys have been using that as their intro for what? 26 years? Sounds to me like they're not only just having a bit of fun and keeping it interesting for themselves but lets be honest, its not a bad little warm-up ... they're not 20 years old and hopped up on coke anymore
I actually dig it ... its cool to hear Metallica doing shit like this again, its been so long that I think a lot of people have actually forgotten what drew them to Metallica in the 1st place
I never really was into them, but I can abide them to an extent, but to me this is the equivalent of how riled up an evangelical Christian would get over someone taking the lord's name in vain or some shit.
Ecstasy of Gold is just one of those compositions that's just TOO epic to even considering covering/interpreting, because no-one does it justice. D:
God dammit somebody take the fucking wah away from that man! Seriously. Theres a limit. And it's been exceeded like a billion wahs ago. Fucking Kirk Crybaby Hammett.
What happened to the guy who played the solos on ...Justice and its precedessors? Did he die in a bus accident or what?
Sad thing is Kirk actually thinks his playing progressed in the last twenty years... Well at least up to Re/Load he stylistically grew, but after that...
if thats the most offensive thing thats ever happened to you, then i think you've had a pretty damn good life. and stay away from their concerts, cuz they do this track pretty regularly dont they?
I remember reading somewhere that it was actually James playing the leads in that cover, and yea that wasn't live it was a cover they recorded for a tribute album.