I've seen this forum die several times.....

I will be checking here daily, I want to have a home where I can talk metal or anything with others. Been searching metal forum and I have found this forum looks cool, I snoop around and to see what threads are most active.
Yes, I think he's Shane McFee if memory serves.
a guy from here (Nuno Filipe) contacted me via email to ask me to help out on some guest leads for his album and I didn't even hesitate, dropped everything else and just did it.

This man speaks the truth and I am really grateful by his contribution, it was great to have some solos by a really skilled guitar player! :kickass:

It´s funny that I despise this kind of virtual life that we have nowadays, social network and other derivations of this shitty trend. But I really miss those old days here, the people here most of them were helpful and I learn really a ton of information, despite I dint pursuit this kind of job, a lot of what I know, I owe it to this place, and it´s quite useful when I am mixing my own shit.

But I really remember those great old days, lots of great people here, and some funny ones! lol some great collaborations for covers, with Felix, Kimon Zeliotis and other people that I dont remember their name. I remember that in 2010 this place was really alive and I checked the forum several times a day. Even this off topic section was a great place. Fuck I am old...

I also remember almost everyone that posted here in this topic, CatharsisStudios and those epic impulses! lol I still use them and another one called ASEM RECTO, I dont remember the name of the guy who create this one but was a regular member here back in the day.

Machinated you probably dont remember but I still have a song you mixed in my pc, a song called SIS ROUGH2, some kind of alternative metal, but man that mix still sound good to me, even nowadays, those guitars have a juicy mids.

Anyone remember splat88? Man that dude was really gifted, he had a some kind of project called march hare, his music was and still is awesome to this day, this man had so many great songs, like both side, sand on fire, lost at sea. Not only he wrote great music but he knew how to mix it. To this day I am still waiting for a march hare album! lol
What is a 'Facebook'?
Yeah what the fuck is Facebook? Fuck all that shit, I stumbled across this forum accidentally, they shut down the Black Sabbath Online forums and I was randomly just searching the net and came across this forum and joined and am glad I did.
Thank you! I’m a Sabbath head just so everyone knows.

Glad you clarified that :D Just in case it wasn't obvious enough from your name/avatar/signature.
Sabbath was the first "heavy" band I listened to as a kid. I think TYR or Dehumanizer was the one that got me hooked. Strangely, back then I never really appreciated any of the earlier records (anything before Heaven and hell) because I couldn't stand Ozzys voice. I guess one has to grow up first to be able to appreciate the early works. Today I do see how revolutionary that stuff was.
Tony Iommy is one of my all time favourite riffmeisters.
Glad you clarified that :D Just in case it wasn't obvious enough from your name/avatar/signature.
Sabbath was the first "heavy" band I listened to as a kid. I think TYR or Dehumanizer was the one that got me hooked. Strangely, back then I never really appreciated any of the earlier records (anything before Heaven and hell) because I couldn't stand Ozzys voice. I guess one has to grow up first to be able to appreciate the early works. Today I do see how revolutionary that stuff was.
Tony Iommy is one of my all time favourite riffmeisters.
Ozzy is my preference to me Sabbath is Ozzy, but I do like the, Dio and Gillian material. Nice To meet you.
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Hello just checking in again. I'm hopeful forums will come back into fashion again because the more time passes the more you realize how valuable they are. I still post on GS here and there and glad to see it's still active. But this forum was the true metal internet moment for producers and engineers and Andy was realize the reason and nucleus for basically a whole movement. Gonna make a separate thread in honor of him in the main forums (if I can still navigate all the folders)

On edit: here is the link https://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/threads/andy-sneap-appreciation-thread.1763139/
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So sad to see this place desolate, especially since whoever runs the Facebook group doesn't approve new members. I literally just found the group last year and have been waiting for approval with ZERO luck.... I miss everyone!
You're not missing anything. Just scrolled through and it's just people spamming their youtube videos.