I've written to Classic rock magazine.


Sep 10, 2002
A stranger in a strange land!
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I have sent classic rock magazine an email about O/D Saxon. Here it is -

When is a band not a band? When they are called Oliver/Dawson Saxon and are trying to pass themselves off as the real Saxon!

I saw O/D Saxon support Dio at the London Astoria on the 4th October and it was obvious to me, (and others I have spoken to), that Graham Oliver and Steve Dawson are deliberately trying to mislead people into thinking that there is only one Saxon, and they are it. BUT THEY ARE NOT!

So to anyone not "in the know", I'll set the record straight. There is another Saxon, and the members are - Biff Byford, Paul Quinn, Doug Scarrett, Nibbs Carter and Fritz Randow. This is the TRUE Saxon, the band that plays major festivals in Europe, decent sized venues over here (Astoria 26/01/03), and were at the forefront of N.W.O.B.H.M.

To those people who saw O/D Saxon supporting Dio, and thought you were watching the real Saxon - you were in fact watching the band that plays pubs, Butlins, and on ferries in Scandinavia!

Having heard the completely shit singing of O/D's 'Wardi', there was no way I was going to let a bunch of imposters drag the good name of Saxon through the mud by pretending to be something they are not.

Biff and Saxon are alive and well and still putting out storming albums. They are not a bunch of "has beens" trying to con people. I suggest that Messrs Oliver and Dawson stick to entertaining holiday makers, instead of trying to ruin the good name of Saxon, and ripping people off.

Mark, from London.

Lets hope that they print it!
Best of luck Pax.
Perhaps Dave Ling'll do a feature length article about the whole sorry affair...probably not. Easier for someone to lift part of a band biography (Aerosmith, Crue, etc) to fill space, or recycle Mick Wall's encounters with Axl Rose for the umpteenth time!
Yeah can't do any harm Nige. Wouldn't hurt to have a few people writing to Classic rock, they might take some notice then! I didn't bother writing to Kerrang because basically Kerrang is pants! Whatever is the dish of the day, Kerrang eats! I'm sure they couldn't be bothered with bands like Motorhead, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden etc, let alone Saxon!