Izo – Sons of Izo

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Izo – Sons of Izo
Unsigned – 2007
By Ryan Starr


The first thing I think of when I hear of Izo is the Takashi Miike flick. I’m not sure if that’s the reason they chose the name, but the music doesn’t really have any connection. At least none that I picked up on. Izo is a unique blend of doom, black metal, and Swedish melodic metal. Not melodic death metal per say, but the Gothenburg style is certainly present, especially in the softer parts. But honestly, Sons of Izo kind of confuses me. Its not that it’s poorly written, but maybe just a hair out of focus. I feel like sometimes they let their imaginations run wild and that causes the music to lose direction. It’s almost like they’re trying to imitate Opeth’s broad range, but falling just a little short.

But while the song writing is a bit off, the riffs themselves are excellent. Their style of melodic black metal intrigues me, kind of like the older Extol albums do. It’s dark, but melodic and technical. And the clean parts are pretty good too, with one slight problem though: the singing.

The clean singing is flat and pitchy. It sounds like he is singing from his throat instead of his diaphragm. And unfortunately not only does this affect pitch and tone, but it gives the listener the impression that he just doesn’t care about the music. I know that isn’t true, but that’s the way it sounds.

Although there is a lot of potential, perhaps just a little more seasoning is required for Izo to really break out. A little more time song writing can go a long ways, and perhaps that’s all they need. None the less, I’ll be keeping an eye on these guys.

Official Izo Website
genocide roach said:
"...And unfortunately not only does this affect pitch and tone, but it gives the listener the impression that he just doesn’t care about the music. I know that isn’t true, but that’s the way it sounds..."

Wow dude..... just wow. :eek: