The Five Most Intellectually Insulting Films

Europa Ascendent

New Metal Member
Jun 10, 2006
5. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Because Nazis are so bad and so evil that only the magic monkey in the sky can beat them. This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't EXACTLY HOW THE FIRST MOVIE IN THE SERIES ENDED.

4. IZO - For trying to palm off 2 hours of unremitting crappy swordfights as a Nietzschean philosophical journey.

3. Starship Troopers - For teaching me that in the future, the Marines will have co-ed showers. And 'science' will be primarily concerned with sodomizing bugs.

2. Schindler's List - For being one of the most simplistic, moralizing, propagandistic films in modern history. And for one of the most pandering scenes in film history, the Graveside Hokum ending.

1. Saving Private Ryan - For assuming that Americans won't know who to pull for if you don't have the only German character in the film turn out to be a lying, sadistic psychopath. And they sure as hell won't know what happened to Tom Hanks if you don't close the film with Graveside Hokum, Pt. II.
Europa Ascendent said:
5. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Because Nazis are so bad and so evil that only the magic monkey in the sky can beat them. This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't EXACTLY HOW THE FIRST MOVIE IN THE SERIES ENDED.

4. IZO - For trying to palm off 2 hours of unremitting crappy swordfights as a Nietzschean philosophical journey.

3. Starship Troopers - For teaching me that in the future, the Marines will have co-ed showers. And 'science' will be primarily concerned with sodomizing bugs.

2. Schindler's List - For being one of the most simplistic, moralizing, propagandistic films in modern history. And for one of the most pandering scenes in film history, the Graveside Hokum ending.

1. Saving Private Ryan - For assuming that Americans won't know who to pull for if you don't have the only German character in the film turn out to be a lying, sadistic psychopath. And they sure as hell won't know what happened to Tom Hanks if you don't close the film with Graveside Hokum, Pt. II.

So what's the deal with all the Nazi themed films here?
I actually like all of the movies you've mentioned. I think you've missed the over-the-top satire of Starship Troopers.

I think all of the superhero/comic book/ romantic comedies/horror movies being produced today, are terribly insulting. Oh, and anything with David Spade.
i actually do not like saving private ryan, either... the opening scene was good for the first-ever ww2 reality check (though the horror was much worse i gather), but the rest of the movie was too hoaky for my taste...

as for schindler's list, propagandistic? i hope not because it was directed by a jew?
Evomo said:
i actually do not like saving private ryan, either... the opening scene was good for the first-ever ww2 reality check (though the horror was much worse i gather), but the rest of the movie was too hoaky for my taste...
did any body see that mad tv sketch called "Saving Ryan's Privates" that was hillarious
I think we have an offended Nazi on our hands

watch the Pianist.. there's a real nice one in there.. that and Battle of the Bulge
while, some of those are arguementive....

starship troopers was bad...very very bad...

particularly if you ever read the book...cause they are nothing alike...

except they both have bugs and marines in them...

and some of the same names for charactors in the movie and the book...
though the charactors are often different

totally different story involved though
Heres some:
- Crocodile Dundee in LA: Fuck...where to begin. This movie made me so fucking angry, it was horrible. Hot chicks in LA aren't going to fall for a 50 year old hick leatherface, its stupid. That little turd misquoting The Rock was enough for me.

- Home Alone 4: Good god. Home Alone 3 was fucking awful, but I couldn't believe how bad Home Alone 4 was. Completely pisses on the legacy of the first two movies, what a stinking pile of shit.

- Any movie where kids beat adults. Like, by throwing a pie in a henchmans face, what the fuck? That happens or that slip on a marble and they're never shown in the movie again. In reality, they'd quickly recover from the marble slip, or wipe the cream and shit off their face, get a lead pipe and cave in the kids face as blood splatters around. I tell day when I become a script writer/editor/producer, I'm going to make a film where the kid tries a stupid comedy-spot, the bad guy no-sells and beats the ever loving shit out of the kid.
Almost anything with Steven Seagal
Alexander(Oliver Stone), good story that could have been a great movie, without the emphasis on homosexuality and Angelina Jolie's lips.
Red I need to elaborate?
Paul Burns said:
- Home Alone 4: Good god. Home Alone 3 was fucking awful, but I couldn't believe how bad Home Alone 4 was. Completely pisses on the legacy of the first two movies, what a stinking pile of shit.

Home Alone has a "legacy"?? :lol:

Requiem for a dream is my choice for this thread. Don't get me wrong, the movie is excellent, directing-wise one of my favorites, but the story is pretty stupid cliched anti-drug propaganda that's been told a million times.
Christopher Reeve was in a whole 20 movies and the Superman ones were his worst peformances
the Batman movies sucked, the character Batman (comic-writer Frank Miller's version, the early 90's cartoon that started in 91) was similar to what we see in the Daredevil movie, but the Batman movies just butchered it all to hell, except maybe the first one with the Joker (89)