The_Harmathroditic_Ferret said:
Aristotle asserted that men had more teeth than woman. Married twice, he never even bothered to examine his wives teeth to confirm the statement. Anyone who still listens to the Greeks for anything aside mathematics is an uninformed fool.
And Newton thought you could turn lead into gold, does that invalidate the Engligtenment tradition.
You seriously underrate Bertrand Russell.
Nope. You overrate him because he appeals to the vanity of technocracy.
Did you know he helped prove Einstein's relativity,
As Popper et al. have demonstrated, "proving" scientific theories is a dicey proposition.
predicted the political results of the atom bomb,
Which I suppose makes political pollsters brilliant philosophers, right?
along with G.E Moore totally disproved Idealism?
After all, it is entirely possible to disprove a metaphysical supposition... This is the problem with the Anglo-American liberal tradition and its doctrinaire adherence to formal logic. It isn't philosophy. It isn't an exploration of ideas. It's a semantic pissing contest in which the structure of an argument is made to be more important than its content.
Was also a mathematical genius?
And this makes him a great philosopher how?
Started the whole Language to Logic trend?
Congratulations, he piled error on top of error. His greatness is surely proven now!
Did Nietzche even use a formal proof or single mathematic equation to prove his theories?
Because, as everyone knows, adherence to approved techniques is what proves the importance of your ideas...
Most people consider Russell maybe the greatest philosopher of the 20'th century,
Who are these "most people"? The handful of old-school liberals left on philosophy faculties? The Allan Bloom school of curmudgeonly culture warriors who detest the very thought that absolute answers may not be possible?
And when did it become a popularity contest anyway?
You didn't even provide a reason why you hated him except he was popular for war protests. DO philosophers "sell out too?" Please.
What is there to talk about? His philosophical contributions are negligible, and those that he did make (chiefly logical atomism) are error of the worst sort. He isn't famous because he was a great philosopher, people think he was a great philosopher because his constant posturing in the media made him famous.
I have no quarrel with Kant, except he couldn't write for shit.
Irrelevant. The real problem with Kant was the dependence of his work on Judeo-Christian moral precepts.
Nietzche is like Hobbes. A little displacement, a School of One. He has no students, no one continues his work. He's jjust a little speedbumb in philosophical history.
Nevermind that almost every subsequent philosopher outside the Anglo-American liberal tradition drew on the work of Nietzsche...
Heidegger had a Jewish teacher (Husserl) whom he loved and was heavilly pressured by his publisher to remove an introduction by him in his work Being and Time. And you wouldn't rate Husserl over Heidegger?
Why, because he gets a thanks in the introduction? Husserl certainly influenced Heidegger's thought, but Heidegger's own contributions are much more sweeping, far more creative and vastly more influential.
Thats propostrous. Heidegger is just a mere continuation of phenomonlogy,
that argument is the preposterous one. Heidegger's work is primarily concerned with ontology and the question of being, and goes far, far beyond Husserl's concern with consciousness.
Husserl was the founding proponent, and Heidegger only did such minimal expansion.
Not at all, Heidegger's work doesn't even deal with the same questions, how can it be a 'minimal' expansion on ideas it isn't even primarily concerned with?
And how could you not even bring up a conversation of great philosophers and not even mention Hume?
Because the Anglo-American liberal tradition is a big pile of self-congratulatory crap? Secularizing Jesus doesn't make you great, it just makes you a major contributor to the world going down the shitter.
It's ridiculous how you are so fast to come down on poor old man Russell and praise fucking Heidegger, Nietzche because you believe they were "anti semetic."
Did I say they were great philosophers because they were anti-semitic? I didn't think so.
Do try not to lurch from one fallacy to the next, ok?