The most creative innovations in music.

Vital Remains

Just a Man
Oct 12, 2005
In a big building
Polyphonics, because i love anything melodic and music just sounds like shit without any harmonizing. Ever listened to that gregorian chant kind of shit? that stuff is all vocal but the makeup of it all is brilliant. What do you all think are the most creative and advanced musical advancements?
i kinda of agree with you.
So many metal bands that dont use decent harmony , and it so much richer when you have big chords even dissonant ones if you want the evil vibe.
thats why i love classical music, so much stuff happening at the same time that you dont get bored easily.
Well of course polyphony is going to be up there on the list, right along with homophony. Then there would be the gradual change in dynamics instead of the terraced dynamics of the Baroque period and earlier. And you can't forget the twelve-tone system.
Guthrum said:
Well of course polyphony is going to be up there on the list, right along with homophony. Then there would be the gradual change in dynamics instead of the terraced dynamics of the Baroque period and earlier. And you can't forget the twelve-tone system.

Yes, the twelve-tone system is something I wish I heard more in metal. Composers like Hindemith and Schoenberg utilized this method with dazzling results, while the only metal music I've heard even come close to using atonal structure is maybe Frederick Thorendahl's guitar soloing.
I throw the Schoenberg CD out of my player after about 2 minutes. This is music for people who tried to make something different and failed but make a big promotion around. I like Beethoven and Wagner best, it´s intellgent but also very complicated and intense music. Malmsteen also use a lot of Beethoven symphonies as basic for his solos...
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Yes, the twelve-tone system is something I wish I heard more in metal. Composers like Hindemith and Schoenberg utilized this method with dazzling results, while the only metal music I've heard even come close to using atonal structure is maybe Frederick Thorendahl's guitar soloing.

Sculptured use(d) the 12 tone matrix approach to a good majority of their songwriting because Don Anderson is a music theory nerd