... And this is why i hated the Art based subjects at school. English, Social Sciences, Art ... whatever, they over analyzed everything to the point of no fun.
One made up example would be:
"The white flag rippled in the wind."
The English department might have then asked : What is the symbological use of the white flag here? Commenting on word choice and sentence structure, what does the author wish to convey to the audience?
So many times i feel like saying, "The flag is white. Who cares."
Too much subjective crap for my liking. Maybe the reason I preferred the science courses at school... and now at university too.

Studying English is just stupid (dont take that too seriously

i just didnt enjoy it). *looks to ScultedCold* Only a fool would choose to study that. *smirk*
As for music, if it sounds crap; no point listening to it. But, if the music is good even if the artwork on the cover is crap, then i would listen to it. Cheap thrills are more pleasing than over analyzing my music in hopes to get a hard on.
Arguably.... those who put more thought into the music's ideology/artwork are more likely to produce better music? It's pretty much based on the idea of not rushing production on an album to just get sales. So i respect those that put a lot of work into their music, but I dont wish to consider everything that they have done in order for me to enjoy their album. I would be pondering all day.