Arguing about music

arguing about music is utterly pointless. all it does is anger people. why? cuz people listen to different things for different reasons.

for example, i was arguing with people about black metal on another board. i argued that certain bands are terrible because they have very minimal melody and orchestration. they argue that it isnt the music itself that makes it great, its the meaning behind the music. they were drawn to the message first, not the music. i on the other hand prefer great orchestrations and dont care about the message.

another example, some people like very simple music, others like very complex music (which is where i fall). although when i ask why they like simple music they say its because its more "heart felt" or "passionate", and if they connect with that music in that manor then good for them. i on the other hand happen to think complexity, when used properly can potray amazing emotion and passion. but some people cant grasp all the stuff going on and they get lost and confused and they cant connect with it.

there are simply too many variables involved to argue about music. some people would rather pay attention to the words, others would rather pay attention to the actual music being played. i have my preference, others have theirs and it is utterly futile to try and convince another person to see it your way, because they cant and wont. they have their own set of requirements and we just gotta remember that before ever entering such a debate.
I only argue when someone is very narrow minded about music. They'll say something like "Grunge is sooo stupid. 3 chord songs are lame." "Songs without solos are not worth listening to." etc.
I assume you are an American... the fact that you proudly stand for something that is "out of the norm" shows you are a "true American" and believe in liberty and freedom as opposed to allowing the media and peers to make personal decisions for you. It really doesn't matter what they think and in fact, those same people will respect and envy you once they "grow up" in a few years. As you and your friends get older, they might not like your music anymore than they do now, but they will learn to appreciate the fact that you have to go out of your way to listen to what you like and appreciate the fasct you are an individual with tastes that are unique to you.

Whoops !! I see now you are in Germany, but though I have only been to Germany once, the same thing applies. Remind your friends that germany for the size of the country produces an incredible amount of quality metal bands. Say hello to Vanden Plas for me and tell thenm to come back to America soon. >:P~

genocide roach said:
arguing about music is utterly pointless. all it does is anger people. why? cuz people listen to different things for different reasons.

for example, i was arguing with people about black metal on another board. i argued that certain bands are terrible because they have very minimal melody and orchestration. they argue that it isnt the music itself that makes it great, its the meaning behind the music. they were drawn to the message first, not the music. i on the other hand prefer great orchestrations and dont care about the message.

another example, some people like very simple music, others like very complex music (which is where i fall). although when i ask why they like simple music they say its because its more "heart felt" or "passionate", and if they connect with that music in that manor then good for them. i on the other hand happen to think complexity, when used properly can potray amazing emotion and passion. but some people cant grasp all the stuff going on and they get lost and confused and they cant connect with it.

there are simply too many variables involved to argue about music. some people would rather pay attention to the words, others would rather pay attention to the actual music being played. i have my preference, others have theirs and it is utterly futile to try and convince another person to see it your way, because they cant and wont. they have their own set of requirements and we just gotta remember that before ever entering such a debate.
" but some people cant grasp all the stuff going on and they get lost and confused and they cant connect with it"

Jesus fucking christ. You sure are full of yourself, aren't you.
um, that wasnt meant to be insulting.

however many people have said that to me (that they get confused and cant connect with it). its not meant to be an insult, they simply cant pin down whats going on, so they cant get into it. and thats the words out of their own mouths.
well if it's really complex, original music then it just takes some time,i.e. listens, to appreciate it. I mean it happens very often that I buy a certain CD and upon first listen think "what's that?" you just have to spend some time to "connect" with it. but this requires that you have a serious interest in music, which many people just don't have.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Some people that ask me to play some Death Metal can't grasp what the hell is going on. It just sounds like noise even though I'm playing Behemoth's "As Above, So Below". I can't understand it at all, but I put it down to me listening to it for years, I can't remember disliking Death Metal. I only remember not 100% liking the vocals. Personally I think its very weird when people can't "get" music. You just have to listen. :erk:
SADUDE said:
Please stop... Its too much, it is painful to read the infinite amount of these everyday. People validating themselves through music (spec metal) is pathetic. This good/bad shit needs to go.
Yeah, because all people are equal, as are their tastes.

And you call me a troll. Grow up.
I call you a troll because you have an elitist attitude but really shitty musical tastes. Intelligent people listen to good music is hardly an immature quote.
I know a lot of intelligent people that don't listen to what I would call quality music, whether it be metal/prog/classical/... . once again, I think if music is not among your personal interests, you'll be "satisfied" by just listening to the radio or M-TV because music doesn't mean much to you. that has got nothing to do with your intelligence...I mean there are also very intelligent people that never read any books, for example...
Alex78 said:
I know a lot of intelligent people that don't listen to what I would call quality music, whether it be metal/prog/classical/... . once again, I think if music is not among your personal interests, you'll be "satisfied" by just listening to the radio or M-TV because music doesn't mean much to you. that has got nothing to do with your intelligence...I mean there are also very intelligent people that never read any books, for example...
In which case they won't get into arguments about music, because they lack knowledge/interest.
From personal experience it is totally pointless to argue music with someone, one can suggest music, but actually arguing about it never leads to good results.

My band broke up a few years ago based on musical tastes, half of us wanted to play death/thrash, the other half progressive power metal- there never was a common ground, we could somewhat appreciate each others music, but never accept it. Today i think i would have really pushed for more of a comprimise- but i really dont think it was ever going to happen. Anyway, the members of the band that did like power/prog metal actually put out a album on a small label- its not selling at all, but they at least made a shot at their dream.

Its been some time since I had an argument about music with someone( other than this board of course), I think it was when the place i used to work a year ago, played the same music in everyday, and the people I worked with liked the music( Sean Paul and 50 cent, anythin on the top 40 charts, and let me tell u they only play the top 20 songs over an over again ahh). I dont mind telling people i hate the music they like however, I just no longer give a sermon on why my music is better- i just say I dont care for that artist.

Guardian- your friends arent any better for being metal fans- if you have metal friends thats fantastic, if one doesnt, there are many other things in the world to relate to besides music.
I agree. I never bother to argue with my friends about music, as temping as it may be. I just laugh when my friends say that metal is just noisy guitars and screaming. Comments like that are really ironic coming from my friends who like rap, which is no more than some black idiot chanting retarded rhymes to a beat that is the same in every song. I'd actually be right if I told them that rap takes no talent, and it would be a valid arguement. But I chose not to argue because I feel it is not worth wasting my time.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Yeah, because all people are equal, as are their tastes.
All people are not equal. I wouldnt use an overall heirarchy. As far as people go, most everyone has an area where they can outperform another in. YOu would have to deside which traits are better than others to make a better person. You see that you must introduce the concept at some point, and the flaws of it will carry on into the rest. What have you done in your 15 years to make you worthy of anything, including wasting the air I also breathe?
speed said:
Guardian- your friends arent any better for being metal fans- if you have metal friends thats fantastic, if one doesnt, there are many other things in the world to relate to besides music.
I said 'intelligent people appreciate good music', that's all.
SADUDE said:
All people are not equal. I wouldnt use an overall heirarchy. As far as people go, most everyone has an area where they can outperform another in. YOu would have to deside which traits are better than others to make a better person. You see that you must introduce the concept at some point, and the flaws of it will carry on into the rest.
You can't say to me 'you are not better than some people' because that is your opinion, and what you have just said contradicts the statement's validity. Arguing this point further is pointless. We are not all the same, my musical tastes are better than most people's, I am more intelligent than most people, nothing has made me believe otherwise. I'll admit to my weaknesses when they are relevant.

What are the 'flaws', anyway? That I get disliked by a few people and I offend a few people with my 'arrogance'? At least I'm confident in myself. People who say 'elitists suck' will realise that they are complete imbeciles if they comprehend that thoroughly elitist statement for a moment.

What have you done in your 15 years to make you worthy of anything, including wasting the air I also breathe
Firstly, why do you keep mentioning my age? Uh oh, are you DISCRIMINATING?! Am I not worthy BECAUSE I'm 15?

Secondly, surely what you consider to be 'worthy' and what I consider to be 'worthy' are different, so again, let's quit while we're not getting anywhere.

Also, ignoring what I've already done, the possibility that I may do something wonderful in the future, taking into consideration my vast intelligence-to-age ratio, is higher than it is for most of the self-deprecating retards I find myself surrounded by. IMO IMO of course.

Let's not insult me with words like 'arrogant', because after all, an arrogant person is no worse than anybody else, just different. ;)
Well Guardian you are pretty smart for a 15 year old, but your ego seems to be developing at the same rate as your intelligence- which isnt a bad thing if you can make something of yourself.