I don't know, rap is more complex than folks think. It doesn't seem easy to come up with rhymes right off the top of your head. It's impressive.
But it still annoys me most of the time except for a handfull of songs.
Rap is talentless crap just like metal is noise. If you base your opinion on mainstream rap than you suck balls, dig deeper. To hear some complex rhymes listen to tech 9ne and tell me its talentless because i would really want to see just anybody rap like that and make sense.

By the way i like metal because of the feelings it gives me when i'm in the right mood.
I like metal because it doesn't have forced rhymes or sleazy subject matter like most rap music (inclduing underground), and it utilizes musicianship in it's fullest potential (somewhat), also cause the sick riffs and teh br00tal vocals.........oh and the acoustic passages :kickass:
I deleted my posts and you will never see me type the word 'rap' again.
If you are going to call me ignorant and stereotypical atleast make sure it's over good music.
The atmospheres and eargasms induced by skillfull and clever use of instruments and vocals does it for me.
Ofcourse one could say that about most genres...

Maybe it's because it feels so sincere?
I mean, the technical guitarwork, brutal drumming and growling just makes certain other genres look like lazyfucks :P
Why are people talking about rap and hair metal? Seriously, we all know these things SUCK - do we have to hear it everytime a new lamb comes to the slaughter? Lets stick to the serious stuff (metal, and only metal).
If someone is going to talk about non metal in a metal forum atleast make sure it's something that someone would not think sucks or be open too. Rap ?

I mean fucking come on. You are not anymore open minded because you like rap and when it comes down to it you probably do not know jackshit about general music history anyways so keep your stupid 'your ignorant' shit to yourself. You fucking hip modern wigger fucks.
On rap music. Rappers are ignorant to their past and disrespectful to their own race.
Jimi Hendrix played a guitar very well. You think blacks would think about that.