What about THERION?

Dying Sun said:
So you're still deaf in addition to no longer being funny.

Newer Therion and the other bands you listed are "classical" in the same way that modern film soundtrack composers are "classical." That is, they treat "classical" as an aesthetic element to add to music of basic pop sensibilities. The bands I listed (all massively innovative, one might add), embrace the classical/Romantic ethos rather than just superficial "cellos = classical" gimmick.

A.) I'm not trying to be funny, you fucking idiot!
B.)Sopor Aeturnus will always be better than any of the 10th rate death metal bands you're ever mentioned
C.)The Chasm remains the single most embarrassing display of shit that I've had the misforture of witnessing live since the emergence of Poison

Why don't you get off your high horse before your big, fat, bolbous head topples you off of it, you gay, elitist prick! Fuck off and take your lame "yes-man" Divine_intent with you, you D&D playing asshole, faggot whores. You're probably balding.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
A.) I'm not trying to be funny, you fucking idiot!
B.)Sopor Aeturnus will always be better than any of the 10th rate death metal bands you're ever mentioned
C.)The Chasm remains the single most embarrassing display of shit that I've had the misforture of witnessing live since the emergence of Poison

Why don't you get off your high horse before your big, fat, bolbous head topples you off of it, you gay, elitist prick! Fuck off and take your lame "yes-man" Divine_intent with you, you D&D playing asshole, faggot whores. You're probably balding.

JEEZ what a response lol
Dying Sun said:
This absolutely scintillating display of stupidity and Christ like vindictiveness leaves me all but speechless.

I'm not sticking up for anybody..........But ODB could take this somwere else so that the serious Music lovers around here Dont have to see it I mean c'mon dude show a little respect for the other ppl around here
Dying Sun said:
This absolutely scintillating display of stupidity and Christ like vindictiveness leaves me all but speechless.

Who are you quoting now, dickhead? You read shit on how to be an elitist (Anus.com, Varg interviews, D&D message boards, ect...) then come on here and try to spread the word. You have no original thoughts. Shut the fuck up!

I don't know who the fuck it is you're trying to impress. I know Divine_intent laps it up like a homo dog, but he's so desperate for a friend that he'd tell his life story to a corpse. Nobody cares. I doubt your own family can stand you. Your mom probaby wishes you would finally move out of her basement. Loser. Pseudo-intellectual fool. Everyone is laughing at your elitist arrogance.

You're a social retard, and everyone who meets you immediately hates you because you can't interact. You probably keep your head down and your eyes on the ground on those few times you're brave enough toventure out of your moms basement. Whenever someone talks to you, you either start spouting out Varg quotes, insult them or change the subject. And god help you should a girl ever be drunk or stupid enough to talk to you. You'd start rambling like an idiot and sweat profusely.

You take this rejection from society and clutch at the one thing you have left, death metal, and read as much useless information about it as you can, thinking this will make you somehow better than everyone else. It doesn't. It makes you a social reject who knows a lot about some stupid bands. Nothing more.

In short, you're not smart, you're not elite, you're not cared about. You're just some guy who listens to death metal and talks about how your taste in music is greater than everyone elses. You are nothing.
JonnyD said:
I'm not sticking up for anybody..........But ODB could take this somwere else so that the serious Music lovers around here Dont have to see it I mean c'mon dude show a little respect for the other ppl around here

It stopped being about "serious music lovers" the second Dying Wanker opened his stinking trap.
I'm sorry, Johnny, but I would have to agree in some way with OBD here. It hasn't been a very serious music discussion for a while at this point, there's no point in trying to fool anyone.
Dodens Grav said:
I'm sorry, Johnny, but I would have to agree in some way with OBD here. It hasn't been a very serious music discussion for a while at this point, there's no point in trying to fool anyone.

Yeah I agree it has turned into a bitch fest tho you may notice that I was talkin with a guy about a therion song that he wanted to hear at the same time as all this Bitching was going on :Spin:
I heard somebody named SOPOR AETERNUS... i can't remember who...
Damn... thats one of my favorite "cult" bands... amazing gothic shit, as well as Lacrimosa...

Hehehehe.. its funny, how we started talking about Therion and that stuff.. and here we are.

Ok.. let me see if i can get us back to the road. ..

I've seen nobody said anything about HAGGARD, has anyone ever listen to this band??? The orchesta its part of the band!!
Dying Sun said:
And yet you still follow me around like a lost puppy looking for a leg to hump. You waste time composing random, spiteful diatribes because I don't happen to like the same bands that you do. Then you sit back and eagerly wait the response, patting yourself on the back because you really showed me. Bravo!

Christ, could you at least attempt the occasional original insult? D&D, mom's basement, implying that I don't get laid? You sound like a Slipknot fan confronted with Iron Maiden. Grow up.

Dying Sun = http://www.planet-familyguy.com/info/pics1/stewie.jpg
Well i love that serie.
How old are you Ol' Dirty Bastard ?
Your "flames" are worthless.You talk about how no one cares for dying sun.Do you think anyone care what YOU are writing here? No cause its just empty bullshit.

Why do you even have a Tatu avatar pic?Do you like pop music perhaps?
Or do you just think their fake lesbian image is so cool ?