Music Causes Violence?

they took your cd's away? mom almost threw half my cd's away..then i got them back...
You know I do remember hearing that metal was studied and it did induce violence in listeners more than any other music style. I lift weights to metal, as it gets me good and violent- when I hear SYL, or Slayer I just want to break things- which i many times do.
You know, that's funny, because even the best metal songs, regardless of how heavy or kickass, make me do nothing more than \m/ or bang my head or tap my toes, so it's an individual thing, and the experts should take it per capita instead of generalizing that metal is a violent genre.

I think gangsta rap is almost equally violent. The next time a school shooting occurs, I hope they blame it on Eminem or 50 Cent, because they're the ones who are reaching the mainstream, not Emperor or Cannibal Corspe.
Blaming music for violence/suicide is like blaming guns for all the violence around-

both DO NOT cause these things-the actions of a living, breathing person causes these things.

Having metal/guitar around as a kid in high school SAVED MY LIFE!!! It was the only thing that helped me through those 4 years of mental torture; playing guitar helped me focus my rage and anger in a constructive way. Metal, as my music of choice, gave me the strength to hold on and wait out that bullshit.
Now, much later, I am stronger than ever!

Only weak minded fools with no grip on reality blame something else them themselves for causing death or violence.
Proof that "death metal rock music" is evil.

Even the Beatles, who were Sunday School boys by comparison to many Death Metal groups, were viciously anti-Christian and blasphemous and thus did their part to pave the way for Death Metal.


In January 1993, two 15-year-old boys mulilated a neighbor’s dog, Princess. They later told police that their fascination with Deicide led them to commit the atrocity.

Poor brainwashed babies... it's not their fault, it's those evil death metal rock music bands like Marilyn Manson!!!
Wow,that was the funniest article I've ever read, should that be in the satanism thread?

It's very sad that someone has wrote such an article, but sadder that people actually believe it.

Lousy fucking Christian scum

This shows a lack of knowledge, lack of research and more importantly a lack of free will, brainwashing people with crap is what the Church is good at, of course they don't want you to think for yourself, you might actually realise that Christianity is a joke when you think for yourself.

The Bible has caused more violence than Death Metal Rock
Who said such bullshit??? - Im gonna kill them for telling lies!!!:D

By the way; that topic was debated in "Bowling For Columbine", and Marilyn Manson was interviewed because he got pointed out as inspiration in the Columbine massacre. In fact, he said lot of good stuff - I must say that! Intelligent man who can defend his image...
As much as I dislike Marilyn Manson, he is an intelligent man who knows his stuff well.

My parents don't care about what I listen to, so I'm pretty lucky. My cousin's mother is pretty damn fucked up. She lets him listen to Eminem, Papa Roach etc which convey either about teen angst with suicide, drugs etc. But she doesn't let him listen to any of the music I lend him. She calls it satanic, violent and has subliminal messages. That woman cannot be helped *shakes head*.

In the end, it's not the music that causes the violence, it's the weak-willed individual.
Holy fuckin' shit! that guy that wrote that article better do more research before writting an article like that. Death metal (also known as goth metal, black metal, grindcore)? lol. The guy doesn't have a clue. Instead of mentioning all the idiotic things metal bands have done, why doesn't he do a full research and portray the good and bad things of the genres?
Ive noticed alot of death metal fans listen to death metal- as they are actually shy unassuming people- metal becomes a conduit for the rage they are afraid to exhibit. I on the other hand- have been known to have a rageahol problem-yes I am a rageholic.
Holy Fucking Christ On A Stick...Most of those symbols were around before the Jews forced Christianity onto the world. This type of thing is utterly fucking disgusting, this is the most dispicable thing I have seen. people were worshipping Zues long before Jesus came along, so it is God who is the false one. But people like this don't care about "Facts" like that...ARGH!!! It's shit like that that makes people want to burn Churches.

Fuck God, Fuck Christ and Fuck the Paedophille Child-molester Priest who wrote that fucking piece of Shit.