Music and Suicide

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Inspired by the "lolz" thread. This has been an issue for many years, especially in the metal community. Over the years many people have blamed many metal bands for suicide, especially for the deaths of young kids. The fact is, it's not the metal bands fault. The fault relies on the dead kids. It's simple. People blame the metal bands because they can't handle the fact that their kids are messed up in the head. They hide their own insucrities. The kids are in fact sad, pathetic little souls with no brain. The blame is not to be put on the music, but the kids.

The kids that kill themselves because of music is based on many reasons, but NOT the music in question. Children who listen to music and decide to kill themselves are suffering from many problems, such as bad parrenting and bullying. But insted of dealing with these problems, they decide to act on their stupid inpulses and take their favoite bands lyrics to heart. They are too retarded to figure out that the bands intentions are not for their fans to commit suicide. But the idoits who think that's the case deserve not to breathe.

It's their destiny to kill themselves. That's the reality. It's the sad fact that the kids think suicide is the only option and think it's "cool" makes it a fact that they deserve to die. It's their destrucity. No foke is paid to them when they listen to the music. It's art kids. Face it. Killing yourself is only going to prove that your retarded. Plus your parents and guaridans are also idiots because they ignore your problems. People like that don't deserve to live. They just shrug it off and say stupid stuff like "It's just a phase, they'll get over it!' Well, if they say they want to kill themselves, and don't do anything to try and stop their death, then they're probably going to do it. But the parents, especially in the case of the recent deats of two French teens, just ignore it, and figure it's "just a phase". Well, you're kids are now dead because you igored their problems. Karma is a beautiful thing to behold.

I'm getting tired of the old "they seemd so normal, they were middle class" type of shit that gets trown around whenever something like this happens. The kids obviously were not normal, because if they were they would have tried to get help insted of just deciding to kill themselves. That's why these retarded deserve to die. They make no effort to try and stop what drives them to sudicide. They are ignored, and they don't try harder to stop the problems in their lives. Music is not to blame, it's the kids and parents who ignore them. The world has no place for people like them. We are better off without them.

Well, now, I’ve gone and done it again. Damn if I haven’t. This chest-thumping poser has scrawled another classic

Your regional poster of rational thought--
Oblivious Maximus
Blaming ALL kids who are messed up in the head for their problems is fucking moronic, simply put. Some of them may have fucked themselves over with drugs and such shit, but many of them could have been born with their problems or they could have come from shit that happened to them, family, traumatic experiences and stuff.

And some people just don't want to live anymore. Leave them to their choices.

Oblivious Maximus said:
bands intentions are not for their fans to commit suicide.

Never read any Abyssic Hate interviews, I take it?

edit: also, for the record, I'm not trying to target or lash out at you, because you don't seem to think in such black and white terms, I'm just giving my opinion.
I don't think that people like that should die, or don't deserve to live. It is almost for certain that such people suffer from clinical depression, which has to do with a chemical imbalance in the brain. They need medical attention, and if they don't get it, it is kind of like someone has a disease but does not get any medical treatment for it. Everyone feels depressed sometimes, no matter how much of an alpha male you are. I'll be the first to admit that I have problems with depression myself. But people who go to the extreme of taking their own life when depressed have a chemical imbalance in their brain.
it's darwinism alright :)

The future of humanity won't be emotionally weak enough to fall prey to depression once all the depressed people have offed themselves.
The_Isle said:
it's darwinism alright :)

The future of humanity won't be emotionally weak enough to fall prey to depression once all the depressed people have offed themselves.
Not all depressed people are suicidal. In fact, the majority of them aren't.
Life Sucks said:
But people who go to the extreme of taking their own life when depressed have a chemical imbalance in their brain.

Yep, and all blacks, jews and irish are subhumans, people who drink or have pre-marital sex are evil, homosexuals are intrinsicly mentally handicapped, and every band with a guitar, bass and drums is rock and/or roll!

Life Sucks said:
I don't think that people like that should die, or don't deserve to live. It is almost for certain that such people suffer from clinical depression, which has to do with a chemical imbalance in the brain. They need medical attention, and if they don't get it, it is kind of like someone has a disease but does not get any medical treatment for it. Everyone feels depressed sometimes, no matter how much of an alpha male you are. I'll be the first to admit that I have problems with depression myself. But people who go to the extreme of taking their own life when depressed have a chemical imbalance in their brain.

I've suffered and sometimes still suffer from clinical depression. I havn't killed myself. It's all fortitude of the mind, people are a lot stronger then they believe or want to believe. Simply put, people that commit suicide for petty reasons are members of the weak. I've thought about killing myself in the past because there's been times where I believed I had exhausted my purpose for living and my existance but I weighed in many factors about why it would not be a good idea to do so.

Instead I often harness my depressive state to bring something positive out of it, some drive or motivation to get something done. Like I said, it's all fortitude of the mind.