Music and violence

I'm not gonna change who I am for them.

never once did I suggest changing who you are.

You yourself suggest you want to live without the bother they cause you
since you can't stop them
and don't want to conform with them
your last option is to change how you feel about the situation.

If being upset at every stupid opinion which doesn't deserve to have any impact on your life at all is 'who you are' then I really don't respect the person you want to be.
The United States is, at the high school level, probably the most divided between terms of "jocks/popular kids" and "weird people" compared to everywhere else. I was always under the impression (based on what people from those countries have said) that Europe put far less emphasis on high school/college competition like that. Because of that, I find it hard to believe that what you're putting up with has anything to do with culture or geography.

our schools (In New Zealand) have compulsary school uniforms, so there is a lot less opportunity to intentionally outcast yourself based on image (edit: and you're also not allowed to wear jewelery or peircings). Seems like quite a good idea really, even though no one really wants to wear the uniform at the time.
it used to be physical and I did solve that by force but it went on with words and laughter. Like I said: when it's happening like 10 times an hour, day in day out (in my class for instance) it gets annoying, you can't keep not caring about it

What in the world do you wear? Do you wear metal/goth attire? If so, do you wear such attire to fit into the goth/metal community? Or do you wear it to support your music?

It seems most acts of outward rebellion these days are the most pathetic and trite forms of herd-like conformity. If you really wanted to be different, you'd dress in a style all of your own. If you really want to be metal, listen to metal music! Who cares if you wear metal-attire?

Anyway, I do find it interesting that the easiest way for persons to discriminate is based on appearance.
I've thought for a long time that if outward appearance is the only way someone has of expressing how 'different' they are, they really can't be very different at all :) Is there any reason to stand out other than to attract attention? Appearing 'mainstream' is a much more practical choice, if you really are different, imho.
I've thought for a long time that if outward appearance is the only way someone has of expressing how 'different' they are, they really can't be very different at all :) Is there any reason to stand out other than to attract attention? Appearing 'mainstream' is a much more practical choice, if you really are different, imho.

I concur; although I might add that this craving for attention is also a craving to fit in to a specific group, or get the attention of like-minded and dressed individuals. Truly, these are some of the most basic social needs of any individual: find a group, fit in, and be noticed.

I sort of touched on the power of outward appearance in my misguided Beauty thread, but this sort of brings it up again. Perhaps it needs a new and seperate thread of its own?
The United States is, at the high school level, probably the most divided between terms of "jocks/popular kids" and "weird people" compared to everywhere else. I was always under the impression (based on what people from those countries have said) that Europe put far less emphasis on high school/college competition like that. Because of that, I find it hard to believe that what you're putting up with has anything to do with culture or geography.

well I always thought it's less in the US since alot of ethnic backgrounds are gathered there and everyone looks diffrent because of that. I don't speak for Europe or Belgium (not even for the rest of my school) but I know what's happening in my class and that's enough.

If being upset at every stupid opinion which doesn't deserve to have any impact on your life at all is 'who you are' then I really don't respect the person you want to be.
I didn't say every stupid opion has an impact on my life, it doesn't have impact at all but it's just annoying as hell. Imagine this: for the past 4-5 years I'm getting that same laughter, same insults, day in day out, every hour multiple times and it got worse when they found out I was a Satanist. Wouldn't that get on your nerves as well?

What in the world do you wear? Do you wear metal/goth attire? If so, do you wear such attire to fit into the goth/metal community? Or do you wear it to support your music?
not at all, I dress in normal pants, normal T-shirts or sweaters, mostly black colored. No piercings, tatoos, one neckless which is always under my T-shirt, no rings, normal shoes. I just wear what sits good and looks good to me. I would never change my clothes just to 'blend in' a group because that means loosing part of my individualism. I have red hair and glasses.

Anyway, I do find it interesting that the easiest way for persons to discriminate is based on appearance.
true, I used to be bullied for having read hair, back then I still thought like any other kid. But now it's not for my appearance anymore.

it's so inconvenient having to get to know someone before disliking them :heh:
Now that's just the thing, you see it all the time, like I said in my first post.
I didn't say every stupid opion has an impact on my life, it doesn't have impact at all but it's just annoying as hell. Imagine this: for the past 4-5 years I'm getting that same laughter, same insults, day in day out, every hour multiple times and it got worse when they found out I was a Satanist. Wouldn't that get on your nerves as well?

if it did get on my nerves I'd probably do something about it rather than let it get on my nerves for the next 5 years. Are you going to stop believing in Satan? or grow your natural hair color? or ya know... if they're not going to change and you're not going to change, then you could either do the easy thing and be upset with them, or do the harder thing and get over it one way or the other. It doesn't matter if it 'gets on your nerves' it doesn't matter what kind of person you are now, babies cry but that doesn't mean you have to, what matters is what kind of person you want to be, one who does what's easy or does what's important to them.
Satan has little to do with me actually, check the thread about Satanism. Red is my natural hair color.
- I've tried using force. Altough I am stronger than most of em (proved that before) they just don't get it. Some ppl will just never learn.
- I tried just talking
-being passive doesn't help either, they want to bring me down and sitting there doing nothing proves it's working.

besides, 1 vs. 15 isn't really a fight you can win.

and who said I cry about it? It's just irritating, that's all.
The United States is, at the high school level, probably the most divided between terms of "jocks/popular kids" and "weird people" compared to everywhere else. I was always under the impression (based on what people from those countries have said) that Europe put far less emphasis on high school/college competition like that. Because of that, I find it hard to believe that what you're putting up with has anything to do with culture or geography.

I don't know about that, there were definitely distinct "cliques" of kids and such at my school, but there was never much problem between them. They generally left each other alone.

I had the advantage of being a nerd (commonly referred to as a "gorilla nerd") who was bigger and stronger than all the jocks. I also played a few sports (mostly reluctantly), and was in the school choir, as well as heavily involved in the art department. Being who I am, I transcended clique classification, so I had a lot of friends from different social groups and got along with them all pretty well (moreso with the nerds than anyone else). So I don't really see the separation you speak of.
and who said I cry about it? It's just irritating, that's all.

I didn't mean literally cry, I guess it wasn't clear. you were saying 'well thats just how I am' as if 'well most kids are weak I should just be weak' rather than realizing the tough people are those who toughened up , it wasn't that people are just born smart or tough or strong, rather than just going 'well that's just how I am, weak and easily bothered, not very smart, etc.' they decide 'I want to be something, so I will.'
well I didn't really mean it that way. With "that's just how I am" I stated that it's the way I act, etc. Mentally and Physicly I do change, I do thoughen up because of all the insults and stuff but it's doesn't change the way I act.
We all discriminate on external appearances. If we didn't, beauty wouldn't exist.

External appearances indicate many internal things as well. Someone with a ragged appearance and giant fat gut is mostly likely unstable. Someone with a deformity will feel an underconfidence that inspires a kind of revenge. Other ethnicities have different values. Other genders interpret things differently.

We either accept it and move on, or whiiiiiiiiiiiiijne like emos.