'I like Avril Lavigne and In Flames!'
you must have misunderstood me, i wanted to see you try to explain why your taste is so superior to everyone else's. and i don't really know what you are implying with Avril Lavigne, seeing how she's not a prominent discussion figure here at UM.Guardian of Darkness said:'I like Avril Lavigne and In Flames!'
'Oh, do you? I like stuff that DOESN'T suck.'
'Oh, you have better musical tastes than me, I'm a stupid dolt'
Ludicrous...Guardian of Darkness said:If you're basically asking 'who are you to judge what music is shitty and what isn't?' then my response is 'I'm someone who believes that he can'.
I'm saying that the perfect person would listen to the perfect music. Obviously one can't obtain perfection, but I must judge people by something. Intelligence is certainly one factor among other mental characteristics. I'm not saying that everyone who listens to good music is intelligent (although this tends to be the case), but everyone who is intelligent (and knowledgable) will like good music. Those who are intelligent and not knowledgeable will admit that their opinion is invalid and they'll stop arguing.SunlapseVertigo said:tell me, what do you think of my "taste"? or anyone elses at UM? do you think I am inferior?
thing is, you claim to be forming your opinions around fact, while you in reality are trying to form facts around your own opinion. and you think you are right, simply because you feel that intelligence will guide you to the "correct" opinion.... there is no correct opinion.
and once again, you give me a copout answer. you can't explain exactly why your taste is superior, you are just basically saying, "well my taste is superior because i'm intelligent and therefore i listen to good music because its good as a fact".... as "confident" as you are in your tastes, they are just that, your own tastes, and once again I fail to see your superiority. is it just because you "think" you are superior? thats sad then.
replace "will like good music" with "will recognize good music". they don't have to like it, because there is undeniably something like personal taste.Guardian of Darkness said:I'm not saying that everyone who listens to good music is intelligent (although this tends to be the case), but everyone who is intelligent (and knowledgable) will like good music.
I covered that when I said 'I'm not saying that everyone who listens to good music is intelligent.' Some good albums appear better on the surface than others.Some of the people tyhat I would deem the stupidest that I have met, listen to metal.
No, but I am saying that those who are intellectual are better at expressing their emotion artistically.Are you saying muisc that was creative from emotion is inferior to emotion that was created from intellect?
I'm not pretending I'm the most knowledgable expert ever to live. I'm self-confident though. When I can't think of any logical points which would suggest that I'm not correct, I tend to believe that I am.I doubt you have as much fromal musical knowledge as I do; if you even have any at all. I won't use this for superiority though. What makes you think you are so quallified to say the things you do? An example of your behavior would be say... self-appointing yourself the adjudicator of music.
Thank god thats the case! :Smug:Guardian of Darkness said:Also, I oppose most aspects of modern society, and if I had my way many of the things which are accepted now wouldn't be tolerated.