Does hardcore deserve a place in music?

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Hardcore music sucks ass
Dec 16, 2004
southurn NJ
all of my friends listen to hardcore and i cant stand it. i just dont see what they like about it. what does everyone think about hardcore talent wise to metal?
it does have a place in music. Hardcore kids don't have a place at a metal show. These fucking venues and labels, its almost like the don't understand that the metal crowd and the hardcore crowd doesn't mix even thoug they both genres are extreme music with guitars and screaming. I can speak for some one who was attacked and punched in the head 3 times at a shadows fall concert for pushing this hardcore kid in the pit. He was being a little douche bag by going in and punching other people then stepping back out, you know, taking cheap shots. So I went in pushed him when he came in, like I would any one in the pit, but his friend didn't like that so he attacked me with my back turned. I say fuck them. As for tallent in the music, there are hardcore bands with great riffs and guitar playing, but I'm sure their fans are dicks.
Well maybe you should give some of the older hardcore bands a spin.I tend to like the older stuff.In some ways these old punk/HC bands influenced some of the 80's thrash.



I think Hardcore definitely has it's place in music, as does any other genre (often not to my liking but opinions differ) but 90% of hardcore fans are total dicks. It's the same in any "core" scene. In the hardcore scene it seems to be how tough you are or how well you can hardcore dance. In the emo (and related sub-genres) scene it's just entirely about dress sense, which really, really fucks me off.
I fucking hate anyone who goes round saying how "straight edge" they are. It's a dumb trend for people to boast some kind of obscure superiority, as though they're above anyone who chooses to drink etc.. Total fucking boring, losers who need to grow up. So what if you don't do drugs, drink etc.. wow, good for you! No need to have badges, t-shirts, tattoos, belt buckles etc...

the best part about them is, how they claim to be all righteous and everything, and then promote kicking people's asses at shows and beating the shit out of anyone who "betrays" them.
i actually agree with that, i don't drink or do drugs, but who cares. half my friends do. i'm no better or worse than them for it, its just my choice. no more or less metal than any other choice. i hate elitism of all forms. people who claim to be better cause they're 'straight edge' or better cause they can drink more without passing out, who gives a damn......
I certianly don't mond watching hardcore shows, i love to laugh at the shits do their kung foo fighting and i love it when you see some little shit get punched in the face
Funeral Portrait said:

the best part about them is, how they claim to be all righteous and everything, and then promote kicking people's asses at shows and beating the shit out of anyone who "betrays" them.

hahaha agreed. my friend is into hardcore, which is cool if he likes it, but whatever. i don't like going to shows fearing if i'll get hit by some big dumbass (i'm not a gay mosher)

also - dude, that link for that girl on saw the tattoo.. XxX and hardcore is all SHE fucking HAS. at least let her keep THAT! :lol: :lol:
SxE is the gayest fad to hit this planet since AIDS.

A lot of old-school hardcore is good. New school "hardcore" is pretty funny. There are a handful of alright bands, but most of them are bordering on metal or are really "tech" (DEP, etc.). Some metalcore is excellent.
Straight Edgers are the gayest bunch of fags in music, and they're gay. They're pussies also, becaue they always come to metal shows with a "crew" and wonder why the metal people get pissed and they kick their asses. DUH! Don't fucking start kung fooing when a fucking metal band is playing. Pretty soon the hardcore kids will start the buttfuck mosh, where they just buttfuck eachother when their favorite metalcore band is playing.

Have you guys heard this new metalcore band, Here I Lye Dying in a Pool of Blood After Some Cool Kids Went Fag Bashing and I was the Victim?
Iv'e always liked hardcore of old.. since i grew up in the 80's and alot of them played shows with the thrash bands... some of the ones i liked and recommend are below if you can find their CD's...

Minor Threat
Murphy's Law
Agnostic Front
Sick of it All
Six and Violence
Biohazard (the first album)

there are others but they slip my mind at the moment.. a couple of what i considered metalcore or crossover bands or thrashcore from those days you might like as well...

Ludichrist (later became the band Scatterbrain)
D.R.I. (later on they were more thrash then anything)

As for the criticism of the rituals of slamdancing, stagediving, fighting etc.. metal has a few of their own that can be stupid as well lol as for straight edge .. even though i dont agree with them about being clean to each his/her own.. but you see some things similar in metal like elitism , true bm etc...
Hardcore's alright in my book...and VVVVV's synopsis covers the new core scene pretty well, although I give props to teh old-skoolers which Unfaithfully Metalhead listed.

However, it is my opinion that the pit ninja brass knuckles hardcore kiddie buttfuck brigade shit needs to stop, especially at metal shows.

Especially the pt ninjas. And slam dancers, too. I mean what the fuck? What happened to moshing etiquette? Just because your music is rooted in punk as opposed to blues and classical doesn't mean you have to act like a fucking monkey! ;)
it's funny, i find most of the music in hardcore is good, but the Vocals change around too much to give one single opinion over the whole genre. and also, too many breakdowns can definitely be a bad thing. Pit Ninja's are fucking hilarious, never been at a show with any though. so havent had to deal with them first hand. i just watch em on Dvd's, funny shit
Typical hardcore shouts usuallly make me cringe, and most traditional hardcore bores me (some of the older stuff is pretty alright though). But I really like post-core or whatever the correct term for it is, stuff like Neurosis, Isis, Today is the Day, Goatsblood, etc.

Straightedge as a movement in rock n' roll is fucking lame. If you want to be a wuss and not do drugs that's fine, but beating people up because they want to? Fucking weak.
I don't really like hardcore but least they play their instruments rather than just sampling "phat beatzz".
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