Hardcore Music?

iAMtheblackwizards said:
Its pretty obvious after hearing the new cd why i hate poison the well

What the hell is this supposed to mean? The new Poison the Well is their best, and it's one of the best cds of the year.

Here's my gist of what you're saying: You are a poser, always have been. You didn't get into hardcore because you liked the music, you got into it because it seemed cool. You became straightedge not for beliefs, but because it was the trendy thing to do. God I hate you people just trying to fit in. Fuck fitting in, make up your own mind and don't change it and make up bullshit like Converge playing sloppy (yeah fucking right, grow some ears deaf boy), because there are some of us here that can call your bullshit for what it is, poser.
If I can tell you listen to hardcore because of the way you dress you're probably an idiot. Conversely if I can tell you listen to metal because of the way you dress you're also probably an idiot.

Lots of hardcore fans are assholes. Lots of metal fans are assholes. All this bullshit about metal fans being more "honorable" than hardcore fans: What the fuck? This is 2003, not feudal Japan.

There's lots of shitty hardcore bands. There's an equal amount of shitty metal bands. Deal with it.
food tastes good said:
what the fuck? can you back this up with evidence?
Here is your evidence. I went to a metal show, The Crown, and they had Darkest Hour on the bill. I was happy to see them play because I have a hardcore friend who is pretty cool and he let me listen to some of it and it was pretty cool. But on to my story. Basically they came out and played, they being Darkest. Well there was a metal head kid in the front enjoying the show, banging his head. Well this hardcore fag hit him in the back, which is fucking cowardly to begin with, but then shit happens in the fray when your in the pit. So the metalhead pushes the asshole away from him. Well the hardcore fucking dick goes back to the pit, he then soon signals all his friends to move out the way with his hands, you know they way where your elbows are up and the backs of your hands are facing eachother. So when they move, he runs and does this roll and then comes up with a kick to the metal head in the back. Well the metal head seemed pretty fucking pissed at this point so he puts that fuck in a choke hold for kicking him in the back at which point about 5 of his hardcore friends jump in and start hitting the kid who got kicked in the back. Of course, the metal heads come to the rescue and the band stops playing and ends their set early because of the fight. Point one, the kid punched the guy in the front in the back, now this might have not been intentional but from later actions you might think otherwise. Point two, not only did he hit him once, he went and kicked him by rolling which I can quickly describe as gay. Point three, not only did his friends act in unison by getting out of his way, the fucking attacked the kid holding him instead of trying to free him. No I'm not saying all hardcore kids are assholes, but the majority crowd is. In my town they are rich kids who sport abercrombie and fitch and do it for the fucking trend, because lets face it, This stuff isn't hardcore punk, it's not metal, its just a fucking trend, lets see if these kids are listening to this stuff 10 years from now, but i'm almost possitive metal will be around.
I have a story too.

This was the Bleeding Through/Kataklysm/Shai Hulud/The Haunted show, and I went, even though I still have no fucking clue why they mixed hardcore and metal, seeing as neither gets along with each other.

Anyway, first was during Kataklysm's set, when all the metalheads are in the front headbanging, and then a couple hardcore kids are there and theyre like "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHITTY MUSIC", and then proceed to start a pit by kicking and punching and swinging and being monkeys and all the metalheads are just sort of looking at them like what the fuck are you doing? One or two of them then start to come into the front where we're all headbanging to try to get us to 'mosh', or some shit, we just push them away, this happened 3 or 4 times.

Next, was when Shai Hulud went on. Seeing as I don't like them, I stood way in the back talking to some friends, on the outskirts of the pit, and they start being monkeys in the middle, and this one guy just keeps purposely fucking hitting people like me, on the outskirts. So after a while I get annoyed and I keep pushing the kid away from me after he gets close. Then one of his dickhead friends pulls out a lighter, and threatens to light my hair on fire, so I turn around say what the fuck are you doing? He says "yo son dont be touchin my friend yo this is how we do shit yo dont be fuckin touch him son or shit will happen yo". And I kind of just stand there, in amazement, in how fucking stupid one kid could be, so I start telling him I don't want his asshole friend knocking me in the fucking stomach and head while I'm standing there..argument insues but my friends pull me away before any fight or anything happens. The haunted go on, and *gasp*, they're all gone, that was nice and..peacefull? ;p

This was in NYC, fyi.
Me said:
I'm not saying all hardcore kids are assholes, but the majority crowd is
Apparently some people can't read in this forum. Funny being as they could type a reply long enough just to show that they were a stupid fuck.

BTW, what show did you see metal heads being such assholes that they started a fight.
All i can say is all the hard core fags want to Associate there music with metal, but no metal heads (real metal heads) want there music to be associated with hard core. This is very evident thought out this form and thought out the concerts. You never see a metal head go to a Hard core show but you see all the hard core kids go to metal shows. You never see a metal head say that metal is the same as hard coreBut you see all the hard core kids trying to be part of the metal scene. Metal is serious music done by serious musicians for serious fans. Hard core is for the jerk offs of society that like to swing there arms like monkeys and preach about there week vegan ideology.
Dreamlord.. Metal heads are not pathetic, we want to be left alone. Imagine you had a house and you invite your friends into your house, but your friends friends just come and make trouble, even thought you could call them you friends because they are the friends of your friends they are still not technically you friends. Only your friends friends. Now this is how I see the whole metal hard core thing. Sorry if I said friends to much.
@dreamloard - Yeah, your worse, a poser.:lol:
Listen man, don't pull that, "i'm to fucking cool to fall in a category." If you listen to metal, which you probably do judging from the amount of posts you've had, your a metal head. If you can't deal with being in a category, fucking learn man. It's human nature to put things in groups. Although, I don't think that I'm a stereotypical metalhead, I still am one.
MetalHeadMarc said:
Apparently some people can't read in this forum. Funny being as they could type a reply long enough just to show that they were a stupid fuck.
Still a fallacy to claim that the majority of hardcore fans are assholes just because of one incident.

But hey, you actually use "poser" as a serious insult, why am I even talking to a moron like you?

nergal_s said:
Hard core is for the jerk offs of society that like to swing there arms like monkeys and preach about there week vegan ideology.
And metal is for mulleted neanderthal high school dropouts who like to preach about their "week" fascist, bigoted and close-minded ideology. Hooray for retarded fucking generalizations!

Dreamlord's absolutely right. Anybody who labels themself a metalhead or a hardcore kid or whatever is almost certainly a moron.
nergal_S said:
Dreamlord.. Metal heads are not pathetic, we want to be left alone. Imagine you had a house and you invite your friends into your house, but your friends friends just come and make trouble, even thought you could call them you friends because they are the friends of your friends they are still not technically you friends. Only your friends friends. Now this is how I see the whole metal hard core thing. Sorry if I said friends to much.

If metalheads want to be left alone, that's fine. But I have to ask this, why do metalheads constantly feel they need to "educate" people about metal and make these people listen to metal bands? It seems if you want to be left alone, you would pretty much keep to yourself and shun outsiders. Instead, I constantly see threads where newbies to metal are asking for "new" bands, and people obliging him.

As far as the whole hardcore vs. metal thing. There are pros and cons to each side. No one side is greater than the other. The constant fights just show the small mindedness involved.
MetalHeadMarc said:
@dreamloard - Yeah, your worse, a poser.:lol:

I don't know if you are kidding here or not. If not, who am I posing as? I don't dress like a metalhead. I don't dress like a hardcore kid. I rarely attend shows because of the meatheadedness that many bring to the shows. I simply like the music. I don't showcase my musical preferences to people. If they ask, I'll tell them, but I don't offer that information.

I dress the way I want. I listen to the music I like with zero strings attached. If being a poser is being yourself, then yes, I'm a poser.

If you were kidding, ignore the above. :)

Listen man, don't pull that, "i'm to fucking cool to fall in a category." If you listen to metal, which you probably do judging from the amount of posts you've had, your a metal head. If you can't deal with being in a category, fucking learn man. It's human nature to put things in groups. Although, I don't think that I'm a stereotypical metalhead, I still am one.

Of course I listen to metal, but I am not involved in "the scene". I write for a webzine and I help out on another metal related website, but that's just because it keeps me busy and I enjoy it. I don't do it to be cool, because quite frankly, I think it's kind of...."nerdy". I just have fun doing it.

Let me ask you this, what if I listened to country music? Would I still be a metalhead? Because I do listen to some country music. Am I metalhead redneck now? A person's musical preferences does not define a person unless that person wants the music to define them.

I have literally hundreds of metal albums and hundreds of hardcore albums. What am I now?

I'm not trying to be cool, as you put it. I'm just a person hiding behind a pseudonym to all of you. What do I have to prove?

I'm not picking on you personally. THese are general statements.
Most of the fans of the extreme music around here (around me, that is) mix it up.. So far I haven't met a single metalfan who didn't like a little bit of hardcore - we even have a scene around here.. Most of the people can't even properly tell them apart.. I'm definitely not the biggest fan, but I just have to cope with it..
food tastes good said:
what's the gangsta/rap value system? and where is their bigotry?

see, the gangsta/rap value dictates that it's ok for you to gang up on someone when they have challenged you to fight, and even going as far as bringing a gun just to shoot someone down over some petty squable that really doesn't require a lot of attention (in example, some dude sleeping with some other persons g/f, etc.). a vast majority of hardcore fans are exactly like this. if i may ask, have you ever seen hardcore duking it out? i have seen one too many fights where one person is fighting another and it doesn't take long for the hardcore person buddies to gang up on the other, even if the guy is winning. and then theres the bigotry, this is all i have to say:

The Merriam Webster Dictionary
bigot n: one intolerantly devoted to his or her own prejudices or opinions syn fanatic, zealot.

for the record, i know we (the metal community) have our fair share of these people, in case those who wish to persecute me so blindly don't have much of a case against me, but, suffice to say, the hardcore fans outnumber us with these kinds of fans.
Hardcore as a genre is ok, but i cant stand the fans, they're so badly image obsessed and elitest, almost as as bad as black metallers. The whole hardcore pride thing is a bit cheesy but i guess it gives people something to be proud of and to belong to. One thing that does annoy me is all these people saying they like emo because they like dashboard confessional etc... who are not emo. These bands like finch, funeral for a friend, thursday, glassjaw etc... are appauling in my view, really pathetic bands that just get labelled emo or metalcore all the time which really annoys me and my real emo fan friends thingy people
It's funny how hardcore is becomming popular now, I know alot of kidz who used to be into poppunk/nu metal that are now "hardcore kids" I mean now I go to shows and I feel like it's big fashion show.
I currently have no idea what the hardcore scene is at all. I guess it hasn't invaded Green Bay. I know for sure the straight-edge scene aint here. That'd have a tough go in a town where drinking 1 or 2 cases of beer a week is quite acceptable. But I have listened to a few of the bands posted in this thread. They did nothing for me.