Hardcore...yay or nay?

Here's a couple reviews of Hopesfall, with a link to more below.

Rock Hard (December 2002)
Hailing from Charlotte, North Carolina, this quintet continue the Trustkill tradition of signing bands who are more than capable of taking hardcore to the next level. With each new release from bands like Eighteen Visions and Hopesfall, the days of hardcore being nothing more than thug music are fading into a distant memory. ‘The Satellite Years’ isn’t about chest-beating aggression, it’s about carefully-crafted, emotional, passionate sounds. Sure, ‘The Satellite Years’ is still an aggressive, heavy album but the likes of ‘Dana Walker’ see the band dilute that aggression with a haunting melody. Lurching from grinding, chugging guitar workouts to slow, heartfelt melodic breaks, Hopesfall prove that hardcore these days is a much more intelligent form of music, with vocalist Jay Forrest adding more moods and angles to the sound with his range of vocal styles. Listen to his throaty screams or his soothing melodies and you won’t believe they come from a man who has spent the last few years delivering pizzas just to fulfil his dream of making a living from his band. Still, on the evidence of ‘The Satellite Years’, it won’t be very long before Forrest will be parking up his moped for the last time.

Maelstrom (December 2002)
It's common that bands of the harder, heavier genres try to add some dynamics to their albums by throwing in acoustic tracks or some kind of quiet to prevent losing the listener's interest. Generally, this means that you'll get harsh and brutal that comes to a full stop, followed by pretty and melancholic that also comes to a full stop. Many times, these individual tracks are good, but there isn't much cohesion between them. Hopesfall's unique brand of mixing technical hardcore with mellow, melodic breakdowns and vocals is seamless. It's a refreshing thing to hear a group make not only something that is outstanding in creating music whose individual parts are exemplary for their particular genre, but also mesh so well together, in turn creating a signature style all its own. In Hopesfall's case, this style is like a mix of technical hardcore and melodic alt rock. To put it most simply, imagine Aereogramme if it were a hardcore band, and you've got Hopesfall in a nutshell. The Satellite Years is guaranteed to be one of the top five albums of this reviewer's best of 2002 list. Even after seven complete, uninterrupted listens, there are still things to be discovered. The music soars and goes in beautiful directions of color - kind of like driving along the exhilarating California coastline on a sunny day, windows down and the smell of the sea everywhere. Everything about this album, down to the brilliantly designed booklet with its gorgeous blue hues and themes of escape and renewal that all ideally reflect the music, is perfect.

i like some hardcore:

dillinger escape plan
dead kennedys(some of their stuff is hardcore)
black flag

and i used to like hatebreed but it just occured to me that they are a whole bunch of pussies who are inner nazis trying to convert weak minded teenagers

yeah and emo is pretty boring
as i enter fashionbly late i have a couple of points to make

1 wether hardocre is metal or not is irrevealant next your be arguging wether britpop is metal or not ( Echobelly use solos they must be under the metal umbrella etc etc)

2 there are shit hardcore and they are shit metal bands and there are great hardcore bands and great metal bands this is the same for every genre (except for emo thats just shit whatever happens)

3 i went to an concert witha variety of local Hardcore and punk bands playing yes their was a moshpit which was a bit violent but if you cant handle it then just sit it out. near end of the gig this girl suffering from a form of retardity took the fact that i was moshing into her personally ( i had no choice it was either that or falling over) and tried to bottle me. does that mean i think all punk and hardcore people are violent thugs. no way and besides if your a metaller your supposed o be scared of no one (execpt of that shithead from Travis thats understandable)

4 if it wasnt for hardcore then metal would be Hammerfall and Rhapsody. thank fuck for hardcore. fucking Hammerfall, even if you dont like hardcore you have to respcet for saving us from hammerfall

if you love hardcore then check out avenged sevenfold their a metal core band you are influenced by both Bad Religion, At the Gates, Rancid, and Borknagar
and their fucking excellent too
I like like hardcore music, but I don't like the sXe attitude. Fuck 'em! If I wanted religion, I'd go to church.

And I have to say I agree with what Papa Josh said on the last page. Listen to what you fucking like. (I just agreed with Papa Josh? Oh fuck!)
I'm so sorry for liking both metal and hardcore, tell you what just to make you happy i'll burn all my metal cd's. Since obsivouly we can't have people who like anything other than metal listening to metal now can we?
nergal S is simply brilliant. I hope to have knowledge on his level some day.

killthisday: How dare you like anything other than straight up metal? I hope you don't like Napalm Death, because they don't want to be called metal. They want to be called grindcore. Stay away from Ulver as well. They've abandoned metal and should be ignored totally.

Everybody grab you crotch and scream the lyrics to any tr00 metal song you know. Preferebly Manowar. We all know they are the only real metal band.

For more absolute brilliance, be sure to see some of nergal S' brilliant speeches on the subject farther back in this thread. This isn't stuff you think of while simply taking your morning shit.

Brilliant I say!!!
Originally posted by nergal_S
I still say Nay, and any one who likes hard core should not belong in the metal scene.

Allow me to adjust to your mentality so I can think of a comeback that could easily match your wit and prose........just a minute...............ok...........

What a fuck head! :lol:
Originally posted by nergal_S
I still say Nay, and any one who likes hard core should not belong in the metal scene.

Okay, here's an idea. Try not to be so gay. You're entitled to your opinion..but to say someone doesn't belong in the metal scene??? That's some serious fucking ignorance displayed for the whole world to see. I may not like Power Metal..but I'm not going to bash other people and say they're not "metal" because they enjoy it. You're a fucking moron. And as for hardcore..it fucking rules. Bands like Strife, older Vision of Disorder, Sworn Enemy, Blood4Blood, Black Flag, Minor Threat, Hatebreed etc..are ALL solid bands who OWN you. Period.
"2 there are shit hardcore and they are shit metal bands and there are great hardcore bands and great metal bands this is the same for every genre (except for emo thats just shit whatever happens)" -Kollex
I have to agree there. Emo punk just fucking annoys me but I do like some hardcore punk bands.

I think I said this many times before but I'll say it again. Heavy Metal and Punk influenced each other in the past. Thrash/Speed Metal wouldn't of come up if it wasn't for hardcore punk.

Hardcore and Heavy Metal are seperate but there are bands that
combine both.