Hardcore...yay or nay?

Originally posted by ProphesizedDoom
Also the second comma is not needed. Nice try though, i'll give you credit. And I'm sorry if I don't go through all my posts with Spell Check, I'm sometimes in a rush to do stuff.

I make posts with bad spelling and grammar all the time, but I don't try to claim I know what I'm talking about when, in fact, I don't. I wouldn't have made fun of your grammar if you wouldn't have tried to act like you were such a well-read lad. Also . . . your little misadventures in the world of the coorelative conjunction only fueled your own fire. A coorelative conjunction is a conjunction that is used in indirect coorelation with a word that would simply be an adjective by itself. How many different ways do I need to explain it to you?:rolleyes:
Originally posted by npearce
I make posts with bad spelling and grammar all the time, but I don't try to claim I know what I'm talking about when, in fact, I don't. I wouldn't have made fun of your grammar if you wouldn't have tried to act like you were such a well-read lad.

another fine point there teacher nathan!! .. well done ..
its mad to see how completely off topic this has had to go to try and prove prophesized to be the tit that he seems to be proving himself as ..

basically he shouted about how much he reads earlier on, and still cant put together coherent sentences .. thing is, ive read about 5 books in my life, and am still more knowledgeable than he appears to be !!! .. at least i am not arrogant about it like he is, i know my limitations and stick to them ..

back on the hardcore thread .. i am listening to cave in right now, a band probably equally placed into metal as they are hardcore (their first album this is) .. and fuckin love it .. if those that are into metal stood back from their "i hate hardcore just because.." stance, then they would not miss out on so many wonderous bands, of which older cave in are one of the best ..

im glad you aint getting to hear such quality music, with your attitudes you dont actually deserve to!!

*yes, paul DID wake up feeling rough as fuck!!!!!
I think the banter I've read on this thread pretty much speaks in loud volumes of the moronic exchange of "ideas" (& I use the term lightly here...) within the scene. Who fucking cares?? Listen to your shit and shut your fucking trap!!!! Or go sit your ass on Ricki LAke's stage and whine about "this faction of fans are stupider than this one, that music sucks more than mine, blah, blah, blah!!!!"

Idiots in the mosh pit suck regardless of the scene... did you come to hear the music, or to throw yourself around like some sort of jackass, inconsiderate of the people's space around you? I mean do those same people do this shit in their bedroom when they're listening to their music?

And like all music, some of it fucking sucks and some of it is not bad.
It seems that those that don't consider Hardcore as metal judge it solely on its roots or its fans. Judge it based on the music, which is, metal.
hardcore is hardcore. what that huy said. its the metal of punk. metalcore is metal. metalcore is basically what hardcore would sound like if it was metal. the "hxc" kids i know even say hardcore is not metal.
Vision of Disorder's 'Imprint' is considered Hardcore, yet it is more brutal and metal (and better) than anything Pantera have released (Phil Anselmo makes a guest appearance by the way). And yet, Pantera is metal, but VOD is not? Whatever....