Why do we listen to music?

I listen to the music I listen to because I can relate to the emotions conveyed in the music (anger, agression, depression, etc.). But I'm not all tr00 and kvlt and only listen to the most underground bands.
its a good outlet for my repressed anger and depression, and probably the only thing that make this existence tolerable
The "why?" cannot even be explained by science. Somehow patterns of pitches and rhythms stimulate the brain's pleasure center. There are theories within the music itself on what pitches and chords do what, and there's endless musical terminology...but the effect itself cannot be explained.

Entertainment is anything that is pleasing to the senses, I think. For some reason, society seems to deem entertainment as a lesser part of the important things in a society.
Profånity said:
We listen to music to escape to a better place for a few minutes.
Yeah man, or if you are making/planning on making music you could find the technical aspect an issue...I think that people who are opinionated (the elitists) about particular styles are people who are passionate about their personal taste in music and want to be involved in that scene (whichever it may be) either as an artist, producer etc...
I would say it is the escape thing as well as the angst. You are completely rediculous and delirious if you think angst has nothing to do with your selection of metal.
I wasn't. And I got into metal was grunge was huge(liked grunge, too...). I just like the sound of the music.

I listen to jazz and classical and techno and country and pop also.