Izotope Ozone plug in?


MaN Of MaNy NamEZ
Oct 2, 2007
what do you think about it? i think it does alot to a mix for the good. i dont like the reverb on it though. whats your opinion on to getting the best sound with this plug in.
I like it but try not to get carried away with it- there's alot to do with it and i've really liked what it can do for bass, snare and kick drum especially. Its cool on the whole mix aswell. I don't much like the stereo widener or the reverb much though- I prefer to use impulses of some nice rooms instead.
I use it primarily as a mastering multiband comp+maximizer but also for its spectral analyzer. I stay away from the exciter and widener and rarely use the reverb. The eq is nice but it takes up a lot of pc power.
What mastering suites do you guys like to use then? I've only really tried Ozone and had pretty good results but blamed the fact that there were still problems with it on my complete lack of mastering experience and not on the software, but how does T-Racks and whatever else is out there compare? Anything else as easy to use as Ozone with all the presets and what not as starting points?
I'm not a huge fan of mastering suites. Lately when mastering my own work it's been an SSL G-Buss comp with a touch of Refined Audiometrics PLParEQ if need be. Sonalksis SV-315 Mk2 Compressor can be nice on the two buss as well...and nearly everywhere else.

EDIT: Add Voxengo Elephant to the chain.
I like the multiband compressor and the eq snapshot feature (it's like Curve EQ). I also use the limiter. You can get some pretty good results with it overall, but like people have been saying it's one of those easy to abuse plugs. If you use any of the sound coloring features, take another listen the next morning to see if you still like it. Tweak over at Tweakheadz also gave it a positive word.
I love the EQ on this plug. You guys know that you can do match EQ's with this plug right?

The reverb does suck. Stereo widener is okay.

Multiband compressor is meh as well as the loudness max.

+1 completely.

I wouldn't recommend the purchase of the plug for this reason though. There are many freeware eq's that are equally as good. The free version of Aixcoustic Electri-Q come to mind immediately as well as DDMF IIEQ.
I've used it here and there. I agree with pretty much everyone else. I think the presets are well done but how many of us can get away with just using presets all the time? It's very capable but the time-based FX are iffy. To me, it's almost like the BBE Sonic Maximizer makes a cool instant effect but not too practical in the long run.
i dont really like it, to me, its abit like a pod, u realy have to spend time on getting it to do something for your mix.

i only use it for the frequency anyliser, but never realy use that much either