Jacob's Ladder is fucking amazing

Jacob's Ladder is easily a top 10 all-time film. Watch closely for a brief, but memorable performance by a very young Jason Alexander (George Costanza) sporting a full head of hair...classic!

Also, anyone that "gets" this flick should check out "Angel Heart". It's somewhat similiar in tone and features Robert DeNiro as a gentleman with the curious name of Louis Cypher.
It is brilliant. One of the most underrated films of all time, too, I must say. One barely hears about it in the critical sphere.

Clive Barker's Lord of Illusions also had that other killer Nevermore sample, of course. That one's a cool movie with some awesome moments... but JL is a work of art. This conversation has inspired me to seek it out on DVD next time I'm in the money and in the city, which can only be a good thing.
neonblak said:
I'm actually not familiar with this movie. Is it a horror flick?

I caught a countdown of some scary horror flicks on Bravo or AMC a couple months ago while I was making dinner. There were quite a few films listed that I had never heard of. Obviously, I'm no horror buff. People interviewed on the show raved about "Susperia" and "Audition", both foriegn films I believe. Anybody have a take on either of those? I find that whole genre kind of intriguing.
jacob's ladder has it' horror moments from the things jacob sees, but it's more of a psychological thriller. susperia is much more surreal that jacob's ladder. not quite as strong plot-wise, but what it lacks in plot it more than makes up for in imagery ... wow. i def recommend it.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
did anyone else think that one of the two doctors/medical guys pronouncing jacob dead at the end of the movie was also Tim Robbins?

I just watched it again after many years I haven't seen it...
i don't think the doctors are Tim Robbins....

what a great movie.
I did, however, remembered it scarier.. heh.
Kvlt Wench said:
That is indeed an excellent movie.

Agent Orange is a defoliant... Jacob's Ladder was about a hallucinogen, and I think Andrew's right that it's BZ.
project bluebird
it's BZ