The American Dream is fucking dead.

En Vind Av Sorg said:
Ayn Rand's catalog.
the Rand-o-Matic Dyatrybe 3000

Mehn. Not sure if you were talking to me or not, but I dont think I've ever really bitched about my income. I hate money in all honesty, in fact Im about to quit the government for a lower paying job that I will be happier at!
I was clearly the target as the $14 reference was mine.

whatever. I'll tell you what, the day you have a learning disability and a chronically ill wife with non generic prescriptions, and still hold down a job supporting the defense of this nation, every fucking day, then you can judge me. not until. It's arrogant swine such as yourself who personify the me-first ugly american stereotype, when you produce nothing for the society at large, only your own self agrandizement. Your over-weaning hubris regarding yourself as the pinnacle of human evolution has shed most of your occasional admirers, because the more you speak, the more you reveal a deeply flawed, egocentric persona that is so entirely inwardly focused that an implosion is immenent (sp).

:) know your targets before you shoot. It's the first rule of hunting.
and I'm not even particularly pissed, it was just fun to rant.
lizard said:
Your over-weaning hubris regarding yourself as the pinnacle of human evolution

Haha, yeah, this is the best stuff that comes from RiA. Always makes me chuckle.
A person with a learning diability still being given the opportunity at working a government job that will give him a nice hefty pension is the point of my posts all along. How is being given a job after filling out the application on a speak-n-spell not a grand opportunity? I haven't once said the opportunity to go from rags to riches can easily be done through a little hardwork. That my friend is an exception to the rule. But you can work towards a home, a couple cars, a bint, a couple kids, with a dog, with a little brow sweat. It makes me fucking sad that you and people like you are behind the cog wheels of this nation. I guess McCarthy was right? :(
Reign in Acai said:
But you can work towards a home, a couple cars, a bint, a couple kids, with a dog, with a little brow sweat.
This country is losing that. We're losing our middle class. That is the point.
Reign in Acai said:
Cease lending friends $1,500 would be a start. :)
What can I say, I give back to the community. :loco:

The point of that statement was to say that America shits on the middle class as much as they do the poor. I truly believe that, barring some massive revolution taking down the entire system, that the top 1% will have a complete domination over the rest of us eventually.* If they don't already of course, which can certainly be argued. Look at the cost of living v. earnings, how much education costs, etc. It's getting awfully nasty and yes, I can take care of myself just fine and certainly love a lot of aspects about the US of A, but there's no way I'd raise my children here.

*I hope it's like that one Itchy and Scratchy where all the Itchies have giant brains