Race War


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — State demographers estimate that whites and Latinos are now an equal share of California's population, with Latinos poised to become a plurality by early next year.

Latino leaders planned a modest rally Monday at the state Capitol to mark the milestone, which researchers at the state Department of Finance had previously projected would be achieved mid-year.

"At this point, the numbers are very, very close," said Bill Schooling, head of the demographic research unit of the State Department of Finance. He said officials do not plan to estimate the exact date when Latinos begin overtaking whites, but they are expected to become the state's largest ethnicity in early 2014.

Whites and Latinos each comprise about 39 percent of California's population after a long-running demographic shift that already has altered state politics, the economy and culture.

Monday's rally was intended to mark the occasion and remind state lawmakers of Latinos' increasing clout, said Orlando Fuentas, president of the Latino Democratic Club of Sacramento.

"We want to recognize this momentous change by acknowledging the responsibilities that lay ahead for our community at large as well as our state," Fuentas said in a statement.

Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation Monday that dramatically changes the way California funds its public schools, including directing more money toward districts with a high proportion of students who are not proficient in English. At a news conference after the signing, Brown was asked to comment about the state's shifting demographics.

"That's part of the dynamism of California," he said. "It's a great opportunity, and this bill, by directing more money toward low-income families, families where English is not spoken, will respond to the various challenges."

In the new year, California is expected to become the second state, behind New Mexico, in which Latinos are the largest racial or ethnic group.

The state estimates that in 2020, Hispanics will account for 40.7 percent of California's population while whites will make up 36.6 percent. In 2030, the population is projected to be nearly 44 percent Hispanic and about 34 percent white.

In 2060, Hispanics will make up 48 percent of the population compared with 30 percent for whites, according to state projections. Blacks are expected to slip from nearly 6 percent in 2010 to just more than 4 percent by 2060, while the Asian population, now just below 13 percent, may grow slightly.

This is the United States of America
And you got a right to hate who you want
So lets start busting heads

Black against white
Yellow versus red
The fighting won't stop
Until we're dead
Until we're all dead
Burning riots destroy the masses
Nightfall brings death,city reduced to ashes
Don't call me your brother
Cause I ain't your fuckin' brother
We fell from different cunts
And your skins an ugly color
Race war
We're going to a Race war
Hate war
We're going to a Hate war
Prejudicial homicide
Bloodshed, rampage torture is not subsiding
Chaos, bedlam, violent ethnic uprising
Moslems against christians
And the arabs versus jews
The catholics and protestants
No one wins we all loose
Everybody's gonna die
Xenophobic tendencies
Instilled in us at birth
Our mislabelled racism
Hostilities getting worse
Accept the fact my distant cousin
We cannot live in peace
Isolated environments
May just be the key
Human beings suspicious
Soon fear grows to hate
We'll have each other by the throat
When forced to integrate
Mothers watch their children die
And each other hand
Cain and Abel set the course
Ethnocentric command
Race war
Hate war
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Are there real tensions between latinos and w.a.s.p.s in California? I guess so many of them came at once that real integration might not always occur, but I would presume that it kind of has to for families that want to get into the middle class (ie, speak English, act classy etc). I don't know.
There aren't many black people in the US. It's very odd that so many people think they are taking over.

As opposed to other assumptions based on racial tendencies, which strictly adhere to logic and reason. :loco:
Can these apes get over that Skittle eating ape already?

I don't get it man. My initial kneejerk reaction to that was HE KILLED AN UNARMED BOY WTF HANG 'IM HIGH but then I read about the case, the evidence, etc. It's a damn shame it happened, but it really does appear to be self-defense.

That being said, the issues brought up, no matter how insignificantly they are actually related to the trial itself, are very real. At the same time I think Obama's speech was fucking stupid the other day. Important? Yes. Relevant to what happened in Florida? I dunno.

Either way, that entire situation was a big bowl of wrong, and it still continues. LOL @ post-racism, I highly doubt we'll ever climb that peak as a species.