Jag Panzer tattoo - suggestions?


New Metal Member
Dec 1, 2003
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I'm thinking of getting a new tattoo, probably on my left upper arm, and the thought of paying tribute to one of my absolute favourite bands, Jag Panzer, struck me. :worship:

But I'm really not sure of exactly what. I don't want a tattoo with too much details, and I don't want the band logo, I don't know why but I don't like letters in tattoos :erk:

Does anyone here have any suggestions? All thoughts and opinions are most welcome. :rock:
It's difficult considering you don't just want the simple JP with the sickles or whatever. Although it would be quite a bit of detail you could take a picture from one of the covers, perhaps Casting the Stones.
Haha.. some quite good suggestions and some fun ones.

No, I don't want the sickles and the JP, and not their usual JAG PANZER-logo either.. aargh, I guess I'm quite choosy or whatever you say..
And something from Casting the stones cover would be hard I think.. or not very goodlooking, like with the stone or that bug, it wouldn't look good on my arm. And Mechanized Warfare.. I don't like that cover :) I think it looks quite cheesy and also a little blurry..

Thanks anyway though.. I'll keep on thinking..
_Vandroiy_ said:
Haha.. some quite good suggestions and some fun ones.

No, I don't want the sickles and the JP, and not their usual JAG PANZER-logo either.. aargh, I guess I'm quite choosy or whatever you say..
And something from Casting the stones cover would be hard I think.. or not very goodlooking, like with the stone or that bug, it wouldn't look good on my arm. And Mechanized Warfare.. I don't like that cover :) I think it looks quite cheesy and also a little blurry..

Thanks anyway though.. I'll keep on thinking..

You could go for the "Elric killing everything" cover of the European release of Ample Destruction...
Haha.. some quite good suggestions and some fun ones.

No, I don't want the sickles and the JP, and not their usual JAG PANZER-logo either.. aargh, I guess I'm quite choosy or whatever you say..
And something from Casting the stones cover would be hard I think.. or not very goodlooking, like with the stone or that bug, it wouldn't look good on my arm. And Mechanized Warfare.. I don't like that cover I think it looks quite cheesy and also a little blurry..

Thanks anyway though.. I'll keep on thinking..

That's kinda eliminating almost everything... :loco:

You could do a Manowar type scene with the Panzer guys standing around in huge muscle bodies, and it could say behind it: "Other bands play, PANZ-OWAR KILLS!"

Ok, maybe that's a little over the top...
Avalanche9601 said:
That's kinda eliminating almost everything... :loco:

You could do a Manowar type scene with the Panzer guys standing around in huge muscle bodies, and it could say behind it: "Other bands play, PANZ-OWAR KILLS!"

Ok, maybe that's a little over the top...

Get one of Harry in one of his many triumphant Tyrant poses.