Jam Night Benifit Show Planned For Fri. Oct. 3

Knock Renfield said:
nother thing, that was a KILLER jam with Drumslut the other night at Sound Arena. We even tried the songs we're NOT on. Hahahaha!

Yeah, Jeff, that was a lot of fun! It's great to jam with musicians with the same musical influences. It's been awhile since I even can remember jamming to Metallica, Megadeth, Dio, Sabbath, KISS, etc. And we made it through every song! Smylex should have been there too! The gig will be a lot of fun. Hopefully everyone who's participating will be prepared.

Mel, ya got the bass parts down on Puppets?

Can't wait to hear MiniMurray sing Souls of Black!
smylex said:
Well, maybe if somebody had TOLD ME, I could have shown up. :p


I would have thought that your roommate Bill would have told you, but again he himself forgot about the rehearsal and it was a good thing that Snausages called him 1/2 hour before the rehearsal to remind him! Still had a great jam! Sat. will be great. Heaven and Hell will KILL!
drumslut said:
I would have thought that your roommate Bill would have told you, but again he himself forgot about the rehearsal and it was a good thing that Snausages called him 1/2 hour before the rehearsal to remind him! Still had a great jam! Sat. will be great. Heaven and Hell will KILL!
No. The problem I have with most roommates is that our lives are usually so busy that we never see each other. Ever! It's sad, really...we've lived under the same roof for just over a year and we only see each other about once or twice a week, sometimes.

And, Armando, the rehearsal's on Friday. Be there or I'm taking your spots. :Smug:
Snausages said:
Anyone heard from Eddie? I really wanna know what parts he's gonna play, the high or low harmonies etc...

Yeah, where is he? He's signed up for a number of songs. Hope he shows up on Friday (I apologize for the mix up on the date).

And shame on you, Senor Vega! I thought you already knew the lyrics to Heaven and Hell!
drumslut said:
And shame on you, Senor Vega! I thought you already knew the lyrics to Heaven and Hell!
I'm there... cutting it close tho. There's a bug working it's way through the family at Case De Vega.

If Eddie doesn't show is there anybody that knows the song? I could have learned it last night and improvise thru solo. Somebody has to know it.

I kind of know the lyrics to H & H but I need to re-fresh them... I'll listen to the songs on the way down, tonight. That what I
Eddie knows about it. He should be there. Hopefully, I can remember the bass parts for Raining Blood by tonight. :) I've been busy with the stuff from the guitar ensemble, so I haven't really had the chance to sit down with the tune.:erk:
drumslut said:
See ya all at rehearsal tonight! Gonna be a fun "pre-jam" jam!
Yeah, if I can remember where it is. Someone forgot to include the address in the e-mail! :ill:
Well kids, it's all over but the shouting...the pics will be arriving soon, so will the video footage! I hope everyone was with who they were supposed to be with ("Who's that next to you at that show? You said you were going to your mother's!") and that everyone got home safely.

A lot of fun memories from tonight (including Linda playing "Tap the Smylex" while I was trying to play Rock and Roll All Nite :loco: ). Hope everyone had fun! :) :Spin: :grin: :wave:
A MILLION THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR SHOWING UP AND PARTICIPATING!!!! An extra special thanks goes out to those who helped out for this show. From what I understand, we gathered over $500 for Unlocking Autism. Take a bow, people!

I don't know all the names of those who helped out, but I'd like to personally thank the following people for all their time and hard work:

Jenny and Bill Warren: You two made this show happen. For all the setbacks and bumps in the road, you really came through in fine style. The venue, the shirts, the article in HB Independent, and all the bells and whistles that went along with this were your doing. Thanks for a special night.

Melanie Sisneros: Website GODDESS! A huge thanks to you for all your hard work on the website and also for filming the jam. You are truly the mighty Mel, LR.

Gary Howe: I know you had to haul that drum set to three gigs this weekend, so a big "fuck yeah" and a huge thanks to you for busting your ass yet again for this jam.

Junkman from KNAC.com: Thank you for coming down and MC'ing this fucker. I hope you had as good a time as I did and hope you can come down and do it again when we do the next one.

Sara Marsh: Thanks again for letting us use your pad for the rehearsal jam. I believe that was intregal (as well as being a lot of fun) to the success of the show. UP THE IRONS!!!!

Pam and Marlin's bar: Thanks for use of the venue on such short notice. Thanks to you, this gig didn't have to be postponed 'till next year!

I'd also like to thank the lady who worked the merchandise table all night. I don't know your name, but you stuck it out like a trouper. Fuck yeah!

On a more personal note, I'd like to thank Jesse Hudgins, Lance Harrison, Victor Thunderbass, Micheal from Painkiller and Andy Casiato from Empyre for such great work on "Victim" and "Tears". Also Kevin Pittsey from Empyre for use of his studio for rehearsal. That threatened to become another fucking party and probably would have if it hadn't happened on a Thursday.

And last, but most certainly not least, all those of you who donated money to the cause and/or just showed up to catch one of the best heavy metal shows in OC in YEARS!!!! You were loud and crazy, just like it should be.

I'm sorry if I forgot anyone here. Also, I'll have a much better guitar rig on stage right next time. Equipment always seems to pick that one special moment to not work right, doesn't it?

Well, folks....I hope we can do it again sometime.
smylex said:
Well kids, it's all over but the shouting...the pics will be arriving soon, so will the video footage! I hope everyone was with who they were supposed to be with ("Who's that next to you at that show? You said you were going to your mother's!") and that everyone got home safely.
I'll try to get those photos online tonight. Carol Anderson, who was photographer for the evening, filled up all 4 of my SmartMedia cards (over 200MB of photos!) and got photos of everyone, so there's a lot to go thru, so please be patient.

I also captured footage of every performance, filling up 3 mini-DV tapes! Whew! The DVD will be a while... hehehhehe....
bassbitch said:
I'll try to get those photos online tonight. Carol Anderson, who was photographer for the evening, filled up all 4 of my SmartMedia cards (over 200MB of photos!) and got photos of everyone, so there's a lot to go thru, so please be patient.

I also captured footage of every performance, filling up 3 mini-DV tapes! Whew! The DVD will be a while... hehehhehe....
That was gonna my first question, my vid cam wasn't charging properly and McFly's vidcam ate one a the blank tapes early on in the show. I'd be uber grateful to anywon who can provide me with any format (except quick...) of the show! Thanks in advance!
Fucking TAPE. I bought a twin pack of Fuji. Guess it candle the loud music like Maxell can. One tape was totally defective in my opinion.

AI did manage to get some closups of Jeff on No more tears and some Great closeups of Jesse Hudgins - Fucking awesome Job dude (Yes we all have out little quirks. But fucking awesome overall - I can tell you put alot of hard working that and it paid off).

I did get some of myself singing on 2 of teh 4 songs I did. I am extremly thankfull to have video of Crazy train with Melanie sisneros on Bass and Sara Baracuda Marsh on Randy (Fucking eh). ahhhhh The long awaited moment of my life. To be a front man With my favorite Bassist on my left and My favorite Guitarist on my right. Fuckin Eh again !!!!!!!

Anyway if anyone wants vid of 1/2 of Ballz , Killerz (Kickass), Paranoid, Victim (Anotherkickass), Crazy train, Trooper , Or no more tears Let me know.
Georgemcfly4 said:
Anyway if anyone wants vid of 1/2 of Ballz , Killerz (Kickass), Paranoid, Victim (Anotherkickass), Crazy train, Trooper , Or no more tears Let me know.
One Trooper please! :)