Jam Night Benifit Show Planned For Fri. Oct. 3

Doodoobubbachuck said:
Oooh. And how fast ARE those hands????:grin:
Hmm...well, they're faster than Steve Harris's (I can do faster tremelo picking with my index and middle fingers than he can), but not fast enough to get out of the way of certain women armed with 15-inch long pieces of hickory. :erk: :yell: :loco: :) ;)
Snausages said:
I'll make an announcement too, cos it seem like a good idea...

ON Master of Puppetz, I gonna to the second solo (the really fun one), I'd prefer to hear from Eddie on the intro, but it basically starts with only one guitar and I was gonna see if him wanna do it..?

Whoo hooo, i signed up for Master -- Snausie and I will jam together!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Just saw Prophecy last night at the Galaxy. Now I am even more psyched to play Queensryche at this benefit! They made it look so fun! Good job guys!
i left after clubber lane, i only went cuz a friend plays in that band.........and i heard LA guns sabataged the band cuz they were mad about Bruiser anouncing them. that sounds about right for an old hollywood band.....sorry if anyone doesnt like it, but i hate pussy bands that have to do that.
psykopain said:
i left after clubber lane, i only went cuz a friend plays in that band.........and i heard LA guns sabataged the band cuz they were mad about Bruiser anouncing them. that sounds about right for an old hollywood band.....sorry if anyone doesnt like it, but i hate pussy bands that have to do that.

I liked Clubber Lane. :cool: LA Guns....hmm..I don't have much to say about them. I experienced some 80's attitude from a crew dude and it seems there was plenty of that all night long coming from that camp. I left after the first song. The rumor you heard doesn't suprise me. I heard all the opening bands' sets were cut short.
Doodoobubbachuck said:
I liked Clubber Lane. :cool: LA Guns....hmm..I don't have much to say about them. I experienced some 80's attitude from a crew dude and it seems there was plenty of that all night long coming from that camp. I left after the first song. The rumor you heard doesn't suprise me. I heard all the opening bands' sets were cut short.
my drummer told me. our friend is the rythm guitar in clubber and thats what he told my drummer......yeah its sounds believable for sure.
It's Clubber Lang. My friend was playing drums for them a couple of years ago.

As to L.A. Guns, they really need to give it up. They only had one semi-hit and that was almost 2 decades ago!
supernav said:
if u guys want a GREAT ending jam song to jam too. How about TUSH by ZZ Top! or Sweet Home Alabama! You could have one guy do the rhythm and then all the guitarists keep coming up to solo to it (do the switch-over quick, or have 3 guitars plugged in! hehe).

-= nav =-
interesting idea nav! but lambchop and his puppetmaster might rise from the grave for stealing the song that never ends-hehehe
could you imagine how long that song would be if we gathered all the guitarists from the valley down to diego? 6 months at least- make it a bass solo fest and we'd be home by 10.
MiniMurray said:
interesting idea nav! but lambchop and his puppetmaster might rise from the grave for stealing the song that never ends-hehehe
could you imagine how long that song would be if we gathered all the guitarists from the valley down to diego? 6 months at least- make it a bass solo fest and we'd be home by 10.
I've got a better idea. How about we have all the guitar players in the audience all solo at the same time, simultaneously?
Say, for the pre-jam rehearsal, do I need to bring my half stack, the head, or just the cab? Should I just run my Digitrash thru the PA? Will Jessica ever return to Joe? Will his secret love child remain a secret when Cassandra returns to Pine Bluff? Will Billy pretend to be gay to end his farce of a marriage to Edna Sue?
All guitarists doing a solo, huh? We'd have to get all the bass players in on that, too. However, since there will only be two amps in there, we'll have to have a shitload of Y-adapters. That sounds like a Guiness World Record attempt to me. Another thing, that was a KILLER jam with Drumslut the other night at Sound Arena. We even tried the songs we're NOT on. Hahahaha!