James' guitars


Self Portrait
Jul 19, 2005
Hey James, been wondering lately if you still have any of your old B.C. Riches
& what do you think about them these days? Also how many guitars do you own now?
Radd said:
Hey James, been wondering lately if you still have any of your old B.C. Riches
& what do you think about them these days? Also how many guitars do you own now?
sorry.. i don't have any of those old BC Rich's anymore. currently i have 8 guitars... 5 Caparison, 2 Ibanez, and one Jose Ramirez.

you can see them all in this pic except for one of my Caparisons, which i didn't yet have when this pic was snapped in my practice room at my house.
Nice! I wonder if those Dellingers will ever come down in price, say closer to a grand? They even look like they would play like a dream!
Death_Work said:
You americans are spoiled with cheap gear. :)
The prices here in sweden can be twice as much as it is in the U.S.
yeah, well in the US the government doesn't give us money to rehearse with and live from just because we are musicians. :p
James Murphy said:
yeah, well is the US the government doesn't give us money to rehearse with and live from just because we are musicians. :p

*imagines entire population of musicians migrating to Sweden*

James Murphy said:
yeah, well is the US the government doesn't give us money to rehearse with and live from just because we are musicians. :p

You got me there James ;).

I meant that everything else except caparison and Diezel amps are much more expensive here than in the US. And I already nknow why, it's because most companies are U.S.

And that's why caparison is expensive in the US and here in europe. It's because caparison is japanese. Caparison guitars are cheap in japan you know ;).
speaking of my guitars and swedes, here's me with most of my Caparions (my new Horus HGS is having EMG's installed at the moment) here's me and my guitars with Peter Wichers (recently ex-Soilwork guitarist).

Cool pics man, I like Peter Wishers work in soilwork alot, I can't imagine what evil tones you guy's can put together :D.

I have a dellinger on itäs way. I get it in a few weeks.
And have 2 emg's just waiting to be installed in it :D

Can you tell ous something about the project you're working on?
Here in sweden you can get help to pay your rehearsal space, if your like 10 bands. But you never get money in your hand or something, and it's not alot of money. But you can get help with that kind of stuff.

It's hard to explain in english how it works.