James, you should produce the next Beyond The Embrace album


Perpetually In A Zone
Jun 13, 2003
San Antonio
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If you don't know who they are, they're a band featuring 3 guitarists that is signed to Metal Blade and they will be recording their new album sometime at the end of the year. I think if you produced it, you could take this band to the next level and extract greatness out of them, as they are extremely talented, but their last album was a bit weak, in part I believe because they had a first time producer who is in a metalcore band, while their first album was a thrash/death metal gem and showed great potential. I think you'd make a great team, especially after the kickass job you did for Enforsaken, The Forever Endeavor was one of my favorite albums of 2004.

P.S. I'm eagerly awaiting the Death tribute, pretty much like everyone I know.
hi... i'd be happy to work with them, but i don't see my phone ringing off the hook... lol. thanks for the kind words though!