Should Steven Wilson produce the next Opeth album?

Should SW produce the next Opeth album?

  • Of course he is a great producer!

    Votes: 41 47.7%
  • He´s had a good effect on Opeth, but now it´s time for Opeth and him to move on

    Votes: 32 37.2%
  • Noway SW has had a bad influence on Opeth

    Votes: 5 5.8%
  • Dunno, don´t care

    Votes: 8 9.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I love Porcupine Tree and Opeth, I think Wilson adds depth and balance to any any band he is invloved with, no matter the genre.
SW should move on, his influence on them has been wonderful and all the albums he has produced are excellent, but i feel that MAYH and Still Life are their best albums, BWP isnt too far behind though, and plus I'm not sure if Steven has the ability to prodeuce a black metal concept album, I hope he proves me wrong.
If i were Opeth i would move on. Steve's been great for the guys, and the albums he's worked with have turned out to be awesome (apart from Damnation, but that's just a personal thing), but i think a change is in order.
I'd like to hear what they can do with somebody else. We've heard what Steve has to offer, let's give somebody else a shot. It might be interesting to hear what Dan Swano could do once again, or somebody totally new.
Just my view.
i could care less any other way..whatever Opeth decides to do with their own music is fine with long as its good, Steve Wilson could produce all of them for all i care..
Since Blackwater Park, Deliverance, and Damnation were all amazing albums, I don't see any problems with him producing another. On the other hand I would want to see what they came out with if someone else produced it.
It almost seems as if Steven Wilson is suggesting a lot of soft parts... and Mikael is overcompensating with the heavy bits to make up for it... the dynamics of the Wilson-produced albums do not compare with those of earlier albums.
While that could have nothing to do with Steven Wilson producing the albums, and it could have been just a natural Opeth progression, I still think that Opeth need to find their own feet again... I mean, look at the DVD doco, where Steven is suggesting things to Mike and Mike doesnt even think before agreeing... its just not 100% Opeth originality... and thats what I think should be brought back.
No, I'm kind of sick of his influence on the albums now. 3 albums on, I think it's enough. That long-ass droning acoustic part in Master's Apprentice with the 'aahhhh ahhh' vocals is so obviously inspired by him, it makes me remember the utter boredom I feel when I listen to Porcupine Tree, and feeling that during an Opeth song is not good. His influence on the albums seems to be dumbing them down, adding more production at the expense of actual song writing.

I want to see Mikael shine again, I want to see his genius as we saw it on Still Life.

I hardly think Steve is appropriate to produce a 'bordering on black metal' album.

No offense to Mike and the guys in case you read this, but I think it's time to put it to rest... I understand you guys think of him as a musical genius, but don't you think it's time that you took your own path and started progressing your music again after the bottle-neck point hit by D&D, where one album was experimental and the other blandly boring? I know it's given new success to you guys and you may appreciate that, but there are many out here that think you can continue doing your own thing, possibly even better, without the influence of SW, especially on this new album which is apparently meant to be the most heavy. Think, if you had SW producing it, he'd be trying to counter every single heavy riff with some cheesy vocal melody and strummed chords.
I kind of get what you're saying, and to an extent I agree....but I think I'm a bit on the fence here. I'd like to see how an Opeth produced album would sound, but if Mikael, Peter, and the Martins want to use Wilson, then that's Opeth's choice, and their fate that they're controlling.

Either way, this next album is going to be DAMN interesting....
I agree with Moonlapse, but letting SW go could also mean that Mikael will try to make up for his absence resulting in unnatural sounding parts. On the other hand, Opeth have become so comfortable with SW that their creativity is likely at its peak.

Apart from that I'm more concerned with letting the other three in the band contribute. The DVD revealed that Mike rules the band with an iron fist. Gradually he's letting others put in (drums at ending of closure) but his own 70's influences have by far been the most dominant. The Martin's seem to have very diverse interests, why not ask them how the album should be?
It would be great to see the band as a whole collaborate again as in the old Orchid era (not saying they should make an Orchid-clone, as im sure that's the last thing on their mind) and see what comes out. I say that's being truly experimental. You can tell that alot of the Orchid riffs were derived with Peter and Mikael just sitting in a room locked up playing guitar off each other for hours upon hours. I know they aren't after the same feel of that album in the slightest, as Mikael seems to hate the feel of Morningrise, and well, Orchid is virtually the same thing, but I just think a democratic system might let the band shine in new ways.

Besides I'd like to see Mendez bring in some of his 'jazzz fushhionn' [:D]