Janne please read about pictures from San Francisco!


Photo Mistress
Hey Janne, I am the photographer with the very long blonde hair that took pics of you guys in San Francisco in November. I was smack in front of you most of the time. I know you guys wanted these photos, but I don't know where to send them? They will be on the website (swedish metal) soon as well. I have some seriously funny and cool pics from that gig. Please get ahold of me. :rock:
Well Squeak was nice enough to let me peek at these pics!


Janne: =whistles= Tongue even!

Alexi: Aww shucks +blush blush+

Henkka: one word ladies........SWEAT +purrrrs+

Jaska: He's a sweet looking man.

Roope: He's an animated chappy I see. :loco:

From what I hear not even CoB has seen these pictures. I'm a lucky gal! :p CoB will like these pics once they see them. And in black and white too!
I'll let you know, but it might be a couple weeks or more since Fredrik (the webmaster) has a million things going on right now. :( I guess Janne and the guys don't want the pictures after all. Oh well.

Shucks is a slang word we use here.... If we say "awww shucks" it's kind of like saying "awwww damn" but in a very shy way. A lot of people in the South (in the states) use that term. If you ever watched the old TV series Gomer Pyle or the Andy griffith Show or Leave It To Beaver, you'd hear that term. ;)
The Lantern Nut said:
Mewants to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kitty: What's "shucks"?

Squeak has got the right of it. In layman's terms, I just couldn't be like "Alexi sexy sexy man" so I just said awww shucks. :p :blush: I mean anyone can easily read these comments and I don't want them to think I'm a perv. :loco:
@Oceanqueen - I did a PM to him and then this thread. I did not have a chance to get anyone's emails before I left, nor did I get to talk to Janne or anyone but Alexi after their performance. :( Even then, I talked to Alexi for maybe 1 1/2 minutes because he had lots of people around him and I didn't want to make more people for him.