There is not a black metal riff or blastbeat on the entire Imaginary Sonicscape album. The music is old-school death/Maiden style with a prog influence. Sure some of their older stuff is more black metal sounding but their newer stuff retains almost none of that.
Anyone like Gallhammer?
I know they are not that good but there jap chicks in a Black Metal band does it for me.
I do like their song "Beyond the hatered" very much.
My favorite Jap band is Intestine Baalism. Brutal melodeath. I have Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape, but for some reason I find it hard to get into Sigh. It's too psychadelic, upbeat, and cheeful sounding for me. It's not bad, just not my cup of tea. But I really don't see why they are labeled as black metal. Were their early releases black metal?