Japanese Metal

X Japan is a pretty good goth metal group. Heavy metal albums do sell well in Japan but it's pretty underground over there. You'll pretty much never see Cannibal Corpse playing on music channels over there. It's all J-POP and Japanese rap over there *shudders*. By the way, my parents are Japanese folks.
MURAI said:
X Japan is a pretty good goth metal group. Heavy metal albums do sell well in Japan but it's pretty underground over there. You'll pretty much never see Cannibal Corpse playing on music channels over there. It's all J-POP and Japanese rap over there *shudders*. By the way, my parents are Japanese folks.

X-Japan is a great band though that has to be the first time I ever heard them refered to as goth ............ My fiance Loves the J-POP I cant say that I really like it that much myself ....... your folks are Japanese huh Thats cool:grin: So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess your japanese too :loco: hehehehe sorry I'ma smart ass
No dude. Both my parents are Japanese but they gave birth to a white guy which is me. The birth control pills must of deformed my DNA formation causing a mutation. Why do you think I'm into heavy metal?
MURAI said:
No dude. Both my parents are Japanese but they gave birth to a white guy which is me. The birth control pills must of deformed my DNA formation causing a mutation. Why do you think I'm into heavy metal?
LOL ok thats a new one to me hmmmmm Mutation from birth control sounds like fun I thought you were into metal cause you were cool maybe :grin:
Yes, severe mutations were caused in my parents' gametes. So they got a white child.

Yakuza is a great experimental band but they're not Japanese eh.
help! is there any japanese bands that are a lot like rage against the machine? or any rap metal japanese bands that you cn suggest. i really need to know
X-Japan is unbelievably shitty.

The first Intestine Baalism was excellent. Someone is sending me a dub of "Under a Black Moon" by some Japanese black metal band called Gnome. I look forward to hearing it. I find the band name to be very amusing, by the way.
Intestine Baalism, Cut Throat, Abigail, Barbatos, Vomit Remnants, Sigh, Catasexual Urge Motivation/Vampiric Motives, Gore Beyond Necropsy, Swarrrm, Woundeep. All awesome Japanese bands. The scene there is heavily underrated.

The first Intestine Baalism was excellent.

Are you saying the newest wasn't? Because if you are, you're incorrect.
