Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!


Oct 19, 2015
Under the gray sky
What the fuck? Guys, check out their Facebook. I am on my phone and I cannot share the post here. Seems like Janne, Jaska and Henkka are leaving the band after a final show in December.... Only Alexi and Daniel will remain....
I am speechless. This comes out of nowhere...
“Unfortunately this also means that ”Hate Crew Deathroll”-special show at Tuska 2020 will be cancelled. Tuska festival apologizes for the inconvenience.”

All 3 must have made a decision together to leave at once. 10 albums is a long time so maybe they were all done with touring or because of trouble within the band, wether direction or Alexi.

Whatever the reason I would expect any more of statement or individual reasons from them.
They didn't even tour in Europe for Hexed ?

That's sad. With only Alexi and Daniel remaining in the band, they shouldn't keep "COB" as band's name as it definitly won't be COB anymore. What about the keyboards if Janne's gone?

Any of us looking to go to the 15/12 show in Helsinki ?
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Well, I also think the Bodom name will die now. Alexi started this band with his friends, and if they're all leaving, it's not the same band anymore, even if he was the sole composer. I actually hope he changes the name. (Adults of Bodom lol)

As for the concert, I obviously would love to. I started checking for plane tickets and such, but I am supposed to be working the day after, so it's tricky...
Ohhh Shit... It was their life with this Band. So CoB is gone... That is sad, first Roope now these Guys.
What the actual fuck?

They release a new music video and literally two days later they announce a complete departure?!

I can't believe it.... How? Why?

They all talked about upcoming tours in Europe next year in interviews. So I feel like there must have either something really bad happened in the last two days, or the 3 guys leaving now had this planned secretly since a few weeks or maybe months already to move on and focus on family or something like that.

I truly want to believe the second option, since bad blood between them would destroy my image of the highschool friends, who still have fun playing together.

It really came out of nowhere. I'm confused and shocked....
Just a minute earlier I thought how sad and weird it was that HIM stopped, but I thought it's because romance is dead these times so there's no place for such band anymore.

Then a minute later this. Kinda shocking, but it's not. I've felt for a long long time the band is not passionate. These guys have played very well, but I've felt they're not passionate about the music.

If even Alexi is not passionate about Bodom's style, I'd be happier if they just buried the band, instead of continuing for money or "for fans'" sake.

If making good money playing this music live is too unappealing to them, it's better this way. Maybe they lost passion after four not-so-good albums.

Well, I think Bodom's time was around '99-2008, and at this point it's best to remember the past with joy and excitement and not dwell in a ship who's time has sailed.

Sad. But it depends if Alexi's still interested. They didn't say it's over, so it might even be a good new start. It would be very easy for them to find passionate new members who actually like metal.
It might be a very powerful move for the next album if Alexi gets a bunch of guys on who are true into metal, preferably black metal and stuff. Kinda what you should have in a metal band. Then everyone will be happy. But please take guys who honestly get kicks from the music. Who knows how big influence a band's chemistry and atmosphere has on the albums, even if the composer is 90%. The small fills and such still influence the songs, and the way they talk coming music. Still it's important not to share composing because that way bands turn out making "quality music in the genre" but un-memorable songs each sounding the same. It's important there's only one creative mind, but the crew around must make certain difference, the way the drummer jams with the guitarist etc.
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I guess you've really gotta like what you're doing to keep going as nonstop as they have. They're 40 years old now. It makes sense. The passion of the music died probably a while ago, Alexi has total control over the band, and they tour like mad.

I'm not upset. I'm happy for them. The last time I saw them it was like watching a machine. Professionals.

I think Alexi is too stubborn to let go of COB and its name. I'm sure they will recruit a fresh line up and make some decent music but it's going to be very weird.

The one thing that has me confused is the sudden nature. I wonder if this caught Alexi/Management by surprise, considering they had to cancel Tuska. It's possible that there is drama behind the scenes, but who knows.
Keeping 4/5ths of a lineup together for 26 years is an incredible achievement.

When band members all quit at once(the faceless, the Haarp machine etc) it’s usually a disagreement with the band leader that can’t be solved and if they got fired like Sabaton then it could be to do with touring disagreements.

It was definitely a surprise since they just announced the hate crew show. Maybe that was the final push.
wtf? i dont even know if i should feel sad or not. im sure they all got fed up with each other...lets see what future reserves.
My personal feeling is the band members haven't been excited enough with the last 4 albums. Relentless Reckless Forever was so bad they had to make a pact to stay metal, hence the title. Bodom has been needing some type of a brave shake-up for a long time. They hit the gold vein with songs like Halo of Blood, but to keep going for ten years with just a few exciting new songs, with your family waiting back home, must be tough. It's still good, but Bodom used to be gods of metal. It's Alexi's art and I feel the albums would be more in the vein of Hatebreeder if the band members genuinely liked metal and mentally supported the composer in the desired direction. They say there's never planning, but there should be. Also, what kind of music would Alexi sincerely do if he created a band today? The Hatebreeder style music is really the invention COB made, and everything should be done to reinvigorate that feeling in the music. If Alexi recruits a drummer from the black metal scene and a synth player with atmospheric ideas, who knows what awaits.
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Well then. That is kinda surprising, but also not really. For the past years you could already see a constant decrease in passion and while we still had some amazing songs, the overall quality decreased a lot (at least for me).

So while I will always love Bodom for what they did and meant in my life, at least they quit before the albums got seriously awful.

CoB is dead. Interesting to see how Alexi will handle that, with his past and all that stuff. It would kinda depend on the exact reasons for this break up I guess. And looking at those short announcements I don't think it is at the best of terms...
A friend just suggested Alexi had a rage moment. Could've been a final trigger in a already difficult situation. But it doesn't matter, it would just be a moment when the differences culminate.
Thats what I think too. What other reason could animate 3 guys to leave a band at the same time when they frshly announced a complete album tour 2 weeks ago? I don't know if it's similar to Santa Cruz because I also think it could've something to do with Alexis permanent absence in AUS.

It was definitely a relatively quick decision...
They’re pushing 40. They probably just want normal lives, i.e., spouse, kids, waking up in their own bed the whole year. Alexander did it. Might as well all do it at once.
Most metal bands I know got an average age of 40+, they announced a full album tour for next year, there was no Hexed tour in Europe, they hired Daniel as new guitarist, Daniel was freshly endorsed by ESP and there was absolutely no indication that someone could leave the band because his "age".

Whenever more than half of a band will quit a band out of nothing, something other must've happened than just age.