Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

I'm eager to know whats next. The next few weeks are gonna be exciting. In my opinion, it's most likely that they'll fill up the spots with live musicians (like in Behemoth with Seth, who is touring with them for over a decace now). If that works would be another chapter.

I believe they will not say anything until the ”tragic farewell” gig is over (or sold out). What they should do is contact every existing metal band and ask for motivated drummers, bassists and keyboardists to send application. Keyboardists who can solo like that are rare in metal so they’ll need to look outside metal or look for bedroom virtuosos.
Well, originally Janne was from "outside metal", so yeah, I agree with Joonas on that one. Classical/Jazz pianist are the ones to go to. Ideally someone of the caliber of Jordan Rudess, if there is anyone else of his caliber that is...

As for the final gig, I think it'd be a great opportunity for them to invite Aleksander and Roope back for a featuring on one or two songs. No matter the bad blood going on behind the scene, this is the end of a big chapter for them, and they should all respect the work they've accomplished together over the last 26 years.

Bodom might continue, it might even get better for all we know, but it will not be the same.
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Oooooh so they planned this for some time already...No wonder they didn't look like they enjoyed themselves on the stage.
Well, that's an interesting thing to know. Especially if this was made so recently. Could they have had plans to leave this summer and made sure that Laiho wouldn't continue with the name Bodom?
Wow that's actually pretty ugly. My wild guess is that those three guys started getting the feeling that Alexi was going to do something drastic, like fire them, or hold their pay until they do more, and so they found a way not to get fucked over.

That would be insane if Alexi won't continue under the COB name. But at the same time maybe he goes a whole new direction in style and name. Could be time for a change for him.

If their blood was that bad, they would not be able to carry out the remaining gigs. Still, I’m sure everyone will do what they can to ensure best financial foundation.
This shit is crazy, man. I don't even want a keyboard player who isn't Janne; His style is unique and fits Bodom perfectly. And Bodom isn't Bodom without keys, imo.

Has Henkka said anything publicly yet? He always seems to shed a lot of light on everything.

Janne, Henkka and Jaska own a company that's been handling the management stuff for COB and turns out said company owns the rights to the Children of Bodom name (Rights that they got this summer). Basically they have the right to tell Alexi that he can't keep on using the name if they want to do so.


I'm gonna be honest: I thought IF there was any bad blood it was coming from Alexi. But this is a real dick move from the other three guys. Alexi was writing all the music and lyrics on his own and now other guys have the rights to tell him that he can't play the cob songs (his own songs) live anymore in the future, if I understood this article correctly.

The fact that they founded this company in the summer already means that this definitely has been planned for a longer time and didn't just randomly happen in the last few days.

I also wonder how it's even possible for them to found a company that squires the rights for the name / content of a band that exists since over 20 years without the band leader even knowing about this. I also wonder how this works with the label. Could they theoretically tell nuclear blast to not sell any Bodom stuff anymore?
Considering this new information combined with the name of the last show "A Chapter called Children of Bodom", I'm convinced now that the name won't be used after December.

They either gonna change it in something like just "Bodom", if Alexi will continue with that style of music and if he is still allowed to play their old songs, or start fresh with something completely different, if he is gonna change the genre / style.
Not a big deal, CoB is Alexi and Alexi is CoB, and as Hexed proved, new blood is a good influence on him. Janne, if you read this, know that you are a giant faggot you mongoloid.
Honestly, I don't care much. They haven't put out an album I really liked in more than 10 years. I'm thinking about this situation and I'm telling myself "you should probably feel sad about this", but I don't.
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I'm gonna be honest: I thought IF there was any bad blood it was coming from Alexi. But this is a real dick move from the other three guys. Alexi was writing all the music and lyrics on his own and now other guys have the rights to tell him that he can't play the cob songs (his own songs) live anymore in the future, if I understood this article correctly.

The fact that they founded this company in the summer already means that this definitely has been planned for a longer time and didn't just randomly happen in the last few days.

I also wonder how it's even possible for them to found a company that squires the rights for the name / content of a band that exists since over 20 years without the band leader even knowing about this. I also wonder how this works with the label. Could they theoretically tell nuclear blast to not sell any Bodom stuff anymore?
They way I read that is that they've had the company for longer, but they got the rights to the Bodom name last summer. I'm pretty sure they can't tell Nuclear Blast to stop selling albums either, since NB owns all the music
The weirdest thing of all is that they still play the shows this year. I mean, if it's really as bad as it looks from our perspective, how can they still do that?

I would really love to see a statement video with the whole band
Regarding the company and though my understanding of finnish language sucks, it seems that it was founded in 2003 and since it’s called A&A Sewira consulting Oy which I can only guess stands for the 5 members at the time. A(leksi) A(lexander) Se(ppälä) Wi(rman) and Ra(atikainen). Alexander of course is not part of this for years, but I can’t understand how hell Alexi is not. It seems that on June 2019 changes were made at leading roles in the company, according to https://www.finder.fi/Äänituotanto/AA+&+Sewira+Consulting+Oy/Helsinki/yhteystiedot/919315
This is really getting complicated and it frustrates me even more. I got some news from a friend of mine that there was ‘no specific incident’ as in a fight or bad blood between them and Janne even posted a pic hanging with Daniel and Mikko Karmilla last night, but this all seems so weird and really sad.
Well, it could also just be us trying to read things between the line and trying to find "evidences" that underpin our theories. In the end, it could just be that while sharing a drink, Jaska, Henkka and Janne came to the subject of their personnal lives and realized that all 3 had this desire for a long time to leave the touring life and concentrate on their family/personal lives instead, but they were afraid of talking about it to the other band members as they felt they'd be judged harshly for this. Yet, discovering that this is something they all desire, they decided to take the plunge together. Had a serious talk with Alexi and the label, and made their decision official.
This is just a wild guess, but it's just as credible as any theory that has been mentioned on this thread so far.
Imagine how full the NB email is of people trying to get their chance to replace these players. I'm sure even without asking, members from active bands will be trying to get in, at least for the drummer and bassist roles. And pretty sure every legit bedroom metal keyboardist. Maybe this will fire up Alexi's on-stage act also. I think Alexi is a person that needs something to stir him up to get in mode, it's probably been too cosy and set for a long time. First he strived to challenge the other big metal bands, now he needs to recreate Bodom.
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This is really getting complicated and it frustrates me even more. I got some news from a friend of mine that there was ‘no specific incident’ as in a fight or bad blood between them and Janne even posted a pic hanging with Daniel and Mikko Karmilla last night, but this all seems so weird and really sad.

Where did he post it?