Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

Soon Departed

'When your hands have been tied
From front, back and from side to side
It's hard to see the shape of things to come
And the past becomes undone
No stars aligned to lead the blind
When your future is already declined

Lying, discarded
Dying, soon departed

Another morning, it's hard to breathe
Waking up so damn confined
By these walls, cut, bruised and left behind
Another day and it hurts to
Burn your candles at all ends
No more looking and
Waiting for the godsends
You keep throwing away

If that is the life you choose
No circumstance can excuse
Why you run when you've passed
A dead end sign at long last
The days are numbered you swear
So you can start the countdown for all I care
Keep on telling yourself
There's nothing left to do
Your story's weak and so are you'
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Also, is all of this is correct, it's actually Laiho leaving the Children of Bodom and Janne/Jaska/Henkka going on a pause with Children of Bodom.... Boy is this messy...
Highly doubt they would continue Bodom without Laiho. He is the face and the voice of the band. This is more like "Children Of Bodom breaks up and Alexi doesn't wanna let it go."
Will feel fuckin weird to hear someone else do keys/bass/drums if he really plays the old songs with his new band. Imo they should all just let this go and move on to something else. I mean imagine" We're the hate crew we stand and we won't fall" live with only Alexi having been there when that song came out. It just sounds ironic lol. BUT having followed their career for over a decade I also think this is a pretty natural change. Janne and Henkka for example never planned to become rockstars, they just happened to be there at the right time and I'm so glad they were in this band. But like Henkka has said he wanted to be a history teacher and he kept his studies going on alongside the band. I think when people get to the magical 40 years of age, their thinking shifts from "lol I'm so young I have all my life to live yet" to "omg I've already lived half of this I need to focus on the things I still want". Jaska gave an interview like a year ago and he was so sad to leave his kids home and tbh I thought that some sort of an issue with that is going to come. If you don't feel like it and constantly miss your home, it's no use just serving the fans and letting the band fade out. You can let it go and let it be an awesome memory and an awesome thing you've done.
Then Alexi didn't even think he'd live this long and this is his dream and his creation. Of course the other guys were there playing an important part and the band will not be the same without them. He can go on, it will not be the same but as he is the songwriter, it sure as hell will be Bodom somehow. He put all of himself into this. I can imagine how hard it would be when the rest of the band didnt wanna do all this anymore.

Also I felt a bit like "what the fuck is up" when they had so much special fan stuffs going on before/after Hexed release. This explains it. They wanted us to enjoy this album so much before this band breaks up.
Pretty funny actually; Before the news I had a dream where I saw Alexi on the street and he started randomly just screaming at me like FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF LEAVE ME ALONE AAAAARGH and in the morning I was like lol okay. Then later I got this feeling that Janne will probably leave? Then I got the news next morning. Hm.

Sorry for the novel. TL;DR I think the three of them having the rights to the name is them just thinking that it's not COB anymire without them and they have the right now to prevent the use of the name in things they are not involved in. I think Alexi just decided to let the name go bc he didn't want to keep fighting over it for years to come. The name is just formality and law issues here. Basically COB is over but Alexi as the songwriter can keep his songs and continue his story all he wants.

Lmao I'm kinda relieved now that I'll have to wait a while for new music. I have put all my money and so much time to seeing these guys. Need to get my studies done.
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apart from the whole story, this is going to slice alot of sponsorings and endorsments, ESP, Nuclair blast, they might have to throw money after this decision i quess ?

Jackson guitars have something to make up for with Alexi... they better be there on time haha nahhh just kidding. ESP will be there nomatter what...

Anyone here going to the Ice hall in Helskini ? on 15/12 ? im going from Holland, i for myself need to see this last gig to close this chapter for my self, who else will be going to this funeral ?
Time for the Bodom Oatmeal diet again I guess. Can't afford anything else for a while lmao but going to the last show on 15th. And at least 5 others...
Btw, who do you guys think are the guys who Alexi's talking about? The young and talented guys he knows from before? A lot of people are guessing Lost Society guys but I doubt it. For some reason I thought of Heikki Saari who at least I haven't heard much of in a while but Alexi and Daniel do know him well as he has played in Norther and Naildown...
Btw, who do you guys think are the guys who Alexi's talking about? The young and talented guys he knows from before? A lot of people are guessing Lost Society guys but I doubt it. For some reason I thought of Heikki Saari who at least I haven't heard much of in a while but Alexi and Daniel do know him well as he has played in Norther and Naildown...

Pls god not the lost society guys. Heikki Saari is playing with Wintersun on tours.
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Yeah I hope Alexi took guys who you can sort of tell have been thru shit in life, so they have the music ’in them.’ Don’t want no damn fags who had everything easy and have no worry or scars in their face so to speak. It’s just the way it is... at least if Alexi wants ANY sort of involvement in music making... you will not have the tears of blood for this type of art otherwise. You can’t fake the spirit. Good guys who have passion for the music, not just freeriders.
Alexi says it had been talked about a year ago that the others wanna leave. He said "I was so tired of the discussion at some point that I just left the company and said you can keep the name if you want." He also said that they are in good terms still and there's no drama at all and that he has a new band coming up with Daniel.

Sad to hear but, it explains Alexi's depression/sickness/lethargy around the time of Hexed's release and tour. He seems to be rebounding after coming to terms with the end

On the bright side though at least it doesn't seem like some petty drama over money or some shit. Just people moving on with their lives.

Whatever happens with "Bodom Night" or w/e the continuation will be called should be interesting.
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I don't understand the hate for Lost Society guys lol yeah they have a completely different energy as COB and it"s very unlikely Alexi meant them.
Didn't know Heikki was in Wintersun... Hmm I guess that's off the list... Thought it would be really weird if the guys were some 22 year olds I've never heard of. Just reminds me of that time I saw this czech 80s band Citron in MOR last year and it was like... Two 60 year old original members with their beer guts and barely moving on stage and the rest if the band was some 20 year old muscular glam guys jumping around shirtless. Lol it was fuckin weird.
Nice that there's no drama, but something still feels wrong with how everything was announced so abruptly. Like something forced their hands.

If I were Alexi, I'd try and form a band with Marty Friedman. Their track "lycanthrope" is fucking cool and Marty himself said he'd love to be in a band like that again.

I think it's in everyone's best interests also to move the music in a different direction. Otherwise everyone, especially Joonas, will microexamine all the new music and compare it to COB classics. Shit, maybe put someone else on vocals.
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Well i at first started thinking of the Ex santa cruz guys

middy and taz, however these are not the guys you would see in an second bodom part..

And speaking of the Lost Society guys, they are freaking awesome with good musical talent and hell of an guitar players with them !
Maybe it's easier for Alexi to write now when it's not COB and he doesn't have so much of the "doesnt sound like FTR :/" sorta pressure.

Wonder if the COB website will be up after this all... I hope the forum stays up lol this has been pretty important for me. AND so many old interviews are up here for people just discovering the band to find. This is a part of history!!

Btw also if everything went as Alexi said, why couldn't they just say those words in the breakup post right then? Would have stopped rumours and confusion then and there. I find it weird that there's "no drama" but still Janne refused to comment to Soundi "until the tour is done". Like what's he gonna say, drop some bomb like "Alexi is a dick you all knew it all along" :D Or is it just that saying "This is the end you all have a final chance to see us now, no further comments" will make the tickets sell like crazy like they did and then after that they can say whatever was going on??? Like before Alexi commented I was like FUCK I NEED ALL TICKETS and then he saud he's gonna carry on I was like "good no need to die of hunger and stress then"???
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Probably referring to what Roope said after getting fired that Alexi is an arrogant prick and the rest of the band always havr to do exactly what he says...

I mean yeah in this case that interview probably pops into people's minds but tbh that was just bullshit from a bitter old fart imo AND I could Imagine if what he said was true, the Arrogant Alexi would have defended himself immediately but no, he waited years to share his side of the story.
As for the final gig, I think it'd be a great opportunity for them to invite Aleksander and Roope back for a featuring on one or two songs. No matter the bad blood going on behind the scene, this is the end of a big chapter for them, and they should all respect the work they've accomplished together over the last 26 years

It would be amazing!


I'm gonna be honest: I thought IF there was any bad blood it was coming from Alexi. But this is a real dick move from the other three guys. Alexi was writing all the music and lyrics on his own and now other guys have the rights to tell him that he can't play the cob songs (his own songs) live anymore in the future, if I understood this article correctly.

No. It is said it is about "trademark" and only this. There is no link with the music.

They either gonna change it in something like just "Bodom", if Alexi will continue with that style of music and if he is still allowed to play their old songs, or start fresh with something completely different, if he is gonna change the genre / style.

Ofcourse he will still be allowed to play his songs.
Ill throw in Tuomas Planman (Keytarist) and Jukka Koskinen (Bass) from Norther, same Vibe as Bodom and also from Espoo.
Heiki Saari would also be awesome, he only tours with Wintersun currently.
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Just had this thought last night: Alexi is the only one left of the original COB. He is the only "survivor" so maybe he'll be inspired to write one Bodom themed song about that... Basically the murder just happened and he's Nils lol. Maybe we'll get promos of him and Daniel in a bloody tent or a music video of them waking up all bloody in the woods. And band name like "Survivors Of Bodom" or something :D I Survived Lake Bodom would be a good album name at least...
Another thing that could work would be Not My Funeral... OR if he wanted to be salty he could just go for My Bodom :D
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