Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

Neither Not My Funeral or My Bodom are fitting for band names, so no. Alexi isn’t an emo pussy who gets all broken over a few dudes leaving his band. Art is art, it’s just kinda sad how some people leave the good things behind like they have tunnel vision in life.
My Bodom was supposed to be a joke. I it would sound so petty lol. Just throwing it out there what kind of things this "post COB" era could mean :D
After being introduced to metal around the release of AYDY, becoming a huge fan, and playing their music on a daily basis while studying, commuting, and working, this news is disappointing to hear and feels like an end of an era of my life that I will look fondly upon for the rest of my life.

While I saw them play live a handful of times in Houston, I missed several of their more recent shows due to grad school obligations, which I rationalized with the belief that the band had found their groove again with Hexed and some songs from IWC and would be touring for years to come with plenty of time to see them perform again after finishing school.

It was always my dream to see them play live in Finland (their natural environment), to meet the guys, and to express my appreciation for their work and the impact it has had on my life. While I cant afford to travel to Finland for their last show at the ice hall, I will be there in spirit. However, it would be awesome if they did a pro-shot recording of their final shows; Id absolutely love to add that to my collection.

While I don’t quite know or understand the circumstances of this recent announcement, I fully respect members’ decisions to return to their lives and families after decades of touring and wish them all well.
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A live DVD for the last show... with Alexander and Roope. :D Tokyo Warhearts intro, old songs, more Hexed songs, covers etc... ah
It's would be really nice. :)
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Glad to see I’m not the only one hoping for a live video! Maybe if this gets enough support it will grab the attention of the band/management, if it already isn’t something they are considering. I’m sure others are proposing the same across other social media platforms, too, so fingers crossed!
I'll be there!

im going to plan to arrive on Friday 12th, want to check out helsinki with my girlfriend saterday, surely want to go out saterday night to some clubs or bars ? we could plan to hang out or something ? sunday during the day some more helsinki exploring and well sunday night the gig, heading back to holland on monday... thats my idea !

OH AND HELL YES, they should shoot a live DVD out of this last gig !


making an patition is to late now for all of us to sign about this dvd idea..

what i just did was i wrote an Email to Nuclearblast contact person that works with COB, i wrote the booking FIN and the COB management,

what if we all do the very same with that you want to have this very last show recorded as Live DVD, maybe if we write them enough emails we will be getting their attention and this could actually happen....

i wrote an email to
florian.milz@nuclearblast.de and i put in the CC jouni@greybeard.fi and steve@davisentertainmentgroup.com ...

i hope all of you guys will do the same, and who knows.. we can hope for the best of this DVD,
begging them to make COB work again wont work, lets all beg them to atleast capture this last DVD for all to remember for us fans !!!
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Do you think they will play HCDR?

Im curios about the steilst. Hope it’s not the same shitty playlist they used for the last shows...

And yes, I hope they will record it but I don’t think Alexander or Roope will be there.
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The setlist has to be somehow special. A good mix of old and new and some more rare songs. I have been begging them to play Tie My Rope. Guys pleass do it! It would be disappointing to get the summer festival set again, though I think they're going to play the big hits like In Your Face there too.
It would be great to have Alexander and Roope participate somehow, but with how things are between them and Roope I can't imagine that happening. But they seem to be in good terms with Alexander so I guess that could happen? I saw Nightwish play Stargazer with Jukka and Sami in Jämsä, Marco went into the crowd bc "it's been ages since I last saw us live". It was fuckin amazing, I wish something like that could happen at the last show. (lmao imagine there's a reaper walking around on stage and then it takes the hood off and it's Alexander and they bring him a guitar and start playing SNBN or something :D)

They said they were considering this possibilities, but it costs a lot and blah blah blah.
Bullshit, look at Lordi's last dvd, it is ""low cost" but it doesn't look too bad, 3 or 4 dslrs and a gopro aiming to jaska and they are ready to go. They used high quality cameras for stockholm knockout (it looks badass on my 4k tv), but times have changed and now everybody can record with a decent quality even on a budget
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Will be attending 1-3 of the finnish shows, depending on circumstances.

Going to be VERY interesting to see what the setlists will be, especially on the final gig in Helsinki. Would be awesome if they played some of the rarer HCDR songs that they would have needed to rehearse for the canceled Tuska show.

I am absolutely certain they will play Deadnight Warrior on the last show, but that's about it. One could hope that they would skip songs like In Your Face that every single audience member over 12 will already have seen multiple times.

Another thing to speculate about would be the lenght of the final gig. Seems natural that they would at least consider to play more songs than the usual. If the band have enough energy left after the other shows I could easily see the setlist be 20 songs long or so.

Or they might just play the same setlist as the last summer festivals and tour and call it a day, impossible to say if one doesn't have inside information about what happened between the members and how they are dealing with it.
I think it’s gonna be the same, maybe ETID as last song if we’re lucky.

Yeah make a DVD with also Ale and Roope and name it the Quitters of Bodom, I’m sure Alexi would be proud of this DVD and even shed a fake tear like Holopainen for Nightwish emo crew.

Don’t you guys have pride? Why you miss guys who quit the band you love?
I think it’s gonna be the same, maybe ETID as last song if we’re lucky.

Yeah make a DVD with also Ale and Roope and name it the Quitters of Bodom, I’m sure Alexi would be proud of this DVD and even shed a fake tear like Holopainen for Nightwish emo crew.

Don’t you guys have pride? Why you miss guys who quit the band you love?
I think it’s gonna be the same, maybe ETID as last song if we’re lucky.

Yeah make a DVD with also Ale and Roope and name it the Quitters of Bodom, I’m sure Alexi would be proud of this DVD and even shed a fake tear like Holopainen for Nightwish emo crew.

Don’t you guys have pride? Why you miss guys who quit the band you love?

I was at Tuska 2003 (the last show with Ale). Still remember how sad I felt after he unexpectedly quit the band that night. Alexi had said that they would dissolve the band if a single member quit. Obviously that didn't happen, but it was different to see the band after that. I had already seen Sinergy live and liked Roope, but I still really missed Ale.

Even if you love the band, there is no way to not feel down about this. I'm sure Alexi can compose great music in the future. But still... when the assumed new lineup play old COB songs, it will not be the same, regardless if he has found or will find new skilled musicians to play with.

Will totally support his new band, but it will really be a different thing without the original members... come on.
Alexi had said that they would dissolve the band if a single member quit.

Yeah, but things have obviously changed after that.

Imagine going to perform for thousands of people with four guys three of which wanna abandon ship.

Are you a bunch of girls or something? I thought metal is about music and spirit.

I did kinda like Henkka cos he's laid-back and looks good on stage, but well, I hope the new drummer and keyboardist bring some wild ideas into the songwriting and enthusiasm and maybe care to associate with fans more, so there's not much to miss.

You’d expect them to want to record a DVD as legacy to show their family etc. But instead they’ll keep old bootlegs of the best shows of the past.
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Are you a bunch of girls or something? I thought metal is about music and spirit.

I did kinda like Henkka cos he's laid-back and looks good on stage, but well, I hope the new drummer and keyboardist bring some wild ideas into the songwriting and enthusiasm and maybe care to associate with fans more, so there's not much to miss.

I have been fan since before FTR was released. Seen them live more times than I can count, probably 20+. Spent time with the guys many times, backstage and otherwise. Have shared a whole bottle of booze with Alexi in a small bar toilet (no homo).

Of course it's extremely sad to see them split up like this. Hell, anyone who has seen the Trashed in Helsinki DVD can tell that they had "the spirit" with all the members and that it was not just about Alexis songwriting. There is a lot more to it than what man you enjoy watching on stage.

Even though you have cared enough to post 10k times on a dead internet forum you can't relate to fans that finds this sad? Autism level over 9000.

Janne always wrote his own keyboard solos by the way That is such a major part of their sound that this attitude doesn't make sense even if you only care about the music. Worst joke ever if you are trying to come off as ironic instead of retarded or something.
I just care about the music of bands I like. I may like a musician if he’s very passionate.

The keyboard solos are improvising, the new player can do it too.

Just riles me up when fans think it’s all over and Alexi’s gonna quit, sounds like underestimating someone’s passion for his art.

Isn’t this what Bodom’s music is all about, surviving on your own? Learn to let go of people who leave you.

I understand their decision completely. Difference between you and me is I’m not disheartened by band members leaving, but by them losing passion. Different aspect of the same thing.
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Would you rather they carry on playing like they don't want to do it? It's probably hard for them too. For me it has always been important about the band that they stick together and it's THE HATE CREW and I will be missing that part greatly and how the guys looked on stage together. Janne and Alexi standing next to eachother doing funny faces. Janne interrupting Alexi's live speeches telling him to shut up. Jaska's smile on stage. Henkka walking around all cool with the bass looking really into the songs. I will miss that so much and I have no bad feelings toward these guys for leaving. We don't have experience of how rough this all touring is. I have toured with my band bug not 200 shows a year. This is a hard fuckin job and wanting to do something else is not "losing passion". Also if you have kids I can imagine what it's like when they call you crying bc they miss you and you miss out on the birthdays and school things. You miss out on the proud moments and think "what kind of a dad am I just being here in USA drunk when my kids are growing super fast and learning about life at home"
You can act like a true kvlt metalhead but I'm sure becoming a father will still change your priorities. And age will change you too.

And Joonas I guess this band represents different things to all the fans. Yes, I agree I think COB is kind of about surviving on your own. But to me this band has always also represented Being the realest yourself unapologetically. You feel what you feel and you face that and only that way you can really move on. I'll admit I cried a lot when I heard the latest news. It's an end of an era for me. The first time I heard them it was like they'd said to me "It's okay to be angry, we are too. Fuckin listen to this. FUCK we are pissed off and so are you but it's cool and you don't have to hide that." And I went through some heavy shit but with COB there, suicide, even if I did think of that a lot, was never an option, listening to them I always felt like" you have time to work this out. Just buy a COB ticket and scream that shit out there." This band has represented strenght to me but also being real with yourself and accepting the things you feel. I'm fuckin sad now but also I haven't been this inspired in a long time.
Now I just thought of that scene in Holiday when Henkka got pissed and Alexi was just like "ok man it's good. Henkka would be a serial killer if he didn't ever get pissed off. It's not mentally healthy to be OK all the time."
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Hehe did he say that, lol.

Yeah let’s talk about quitting when I’ve 2000 gigs under the belt with my music, and a wife and family, and albums getting stale, then sure, might hang it up. What I would do is gig 6 months a year and stay home on holiday 6 months.

Like I said I understand their decision. I just won’t be missing. You should just remember it happily, after all they aren’t your friends. Be excited about the new chapter. I’m more enthusiastic about my own music now anyway: don’t want to realize one day these guys quit already and I never did nothing.
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