Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

This business of AA & Sewira Consulting and the trademark is interesting. The thing is that one has to sign up at that site to see who the 5 members of the company are, but it doesn't look like Alexi got screwed over or anything since that company exists since 2003 and holds the copyrights in some markets for HoB and IWC. If Alexander is the fifth member odd he would leave the band the same year he got involved in AA& Sewira.

Funny though that the split up was announced the day the trademark takes effect. I take it this trademark only applies in Finland. But again if Alexi does have a stake in the company it doesn't matter, but if the other 3 cause trouble he would probably have to buy them out or something.
Well, end of an era, I have always imagined they will disband around their 50s (~ 10 years from now on). I wouldn't say I've cared much for them nowadays, but still sad.:(

I will and suggest to everyone here also to keep from judging and pointing at members just yet.

Regarding the name, if Alexi will continue with it I hope they write after it an A. D. or something, as others did.
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Whoa, now that was unexpected. News are two days old and I still have problems imagining that this band will no longer exist in the way I know it. End of an era…

Ofc I'm curious what Alexi and what the others are gonna do, but actually I wouldn't mind much if Alexi would go on with other guys under the name of COB, as long as there's still passion and dedication towards the music. The others have my deepest gratitude and respect, Janne in special because back when I was into Warmen, that led me to discover what makes me truly happy in life, and I wish they will live their lives in a way that makes them happy too, whatever the reasons for leaving might be.

I will and suggest to everyone here also to keep from judging and pointing at members just yet.

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If it is a legal dispute then I'm sure Alexi would continue on with a name change, he is the frontman and main songwriter is I can't see him walking away from it. Best thing possible would be something like the "The Alexi Laiho Experience" where he could play both Bodom and Sinergy songs live. That depends on how he feels about Sinergy material.

If Rhapsody can continue on under the names:
Rhapsody of Fire
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody
Rhapsody reunion
Classic/Legendary Rhapsody
Turilli/Lione Rhapsody

Then Bodom could easily too. If Janne, Jaska and Henkka own the name and rights then they could tour as Children of Bodom without Laiho.
Still Alexi’s the song and lyric writer so a good share of the income would go to him. But I doubt this is about the three guys wanting to take over and ditch their songwriter, singer and both guitarists... sounds like soap opera.

Most likely they just aren’t that into this music anymore and want to live a normal life. I’m excited honestly because this system hadn’t worked for the last four albums.
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If it is a legal dispute then I'm sure Alexi would continue on with a name change, he is the frontman and main songwriter is I can't see him walking away from it. Best thing possible would be something like the "The Alexi Laiho Experience" where he could play both Bodom and Sinergy songs live. That depends on how he feels about Sinergy material.

If Rhapsody can continue on under the names:
Rhapsody of Fire
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody
Rhapsody reunion
Classic/Legendary Rhapsody
Turilli/Lione Rhapsody

Then Bodom could easily too. If Janne, Jaska and Henkka own the name and rights then they could tour as Children of Bodom without Laiho.
Regardless of what Laiho feels about Sinergy, I doubt he can sing it, and having a separate singer just for those songs would be kinda odd.
Sinergy would be cool with another vocalist, but even Roope is gone, they ’lost’ the fourth album, Sinergy only has a few good songs, it’s no longer Alexi’s playing style, so...

Why would Alexi give up Bodom? It’s his music, and if someone wants to leave there’s hundreds willing to replace.
Was zum....?! Every year one of my favourite bands quit. I wonder if it has something to do with Alexi.

Thats what I think too. What other reason could animate 3 guys to leave a band at the same time when they frshly announced a complete album tour 2 weeks ago? I don't know if it's similar to Santa Cruz because I also think it could've something to do with Alexis permanent absence in AUS.

It was definitely a relatively quick decision...

I think there were other reasons as well and not just some "lifestyle direction changes"


Janne, Henkka and Jaska own a company that's been handling the management stuff for COB and turns out said company owns the rights to the Children of Bodom name (Rights that they got this summer). Basically they have the right to tell Alexi that he can't keep on using the name if they want to do so.


I'm gonna be honest: I thought IF there was any bad blood it was coming from Alexi. But this is a real dick move from the other three guys. Alexi was writing all the music and lyrics on his own and now other guys have the rights to tell him that he can't play the cob songs (his own songs) live anymore in the future, if I understood this article correctly.

The fact that they founded this company in the summer already means that this definitely has been planned for a longer time and didn't just randomly happen in the last few days.

I also wonder how it's even possible for them to found a company that squires the rights for the name / content of a band that exists since over 20 years without the band leader even knowing about this. I also wonder how this works with the label. Could they theoretically tell nuclear blast to not sell any Bodom stuff anymore?

Honestly, it was Henkka who did most of the financial bookkeeping, he even said so in the latest biografy video of COB (name eludes me atm)
So I do not think this is a dick move, I think this is them stating that there is more to a band then just writing music, and that those parts are not as highlighted as the writing music stuff that puts Alexi in the spotlight. And they are ALOT more mature then Alexi.
Alexi has long been a guitar god to me, but those times are in the past, they are no longer CoB as it used to be.

If I listen to Warmen I hear more old CoB as to when I listen recent CoB.
Alexi is the one who changed the music direction, who changed the vocals, I think that those 3 maybe got fed-up with Alexi being the one who takes all the choices and deciding what to do. all 3 of them leaving (or fired,...etc) is very weird at the least.
I hope Alexi and Daniel stop using the name, it has been dragged through the mud enough by them. Hexed may have been refreshing, but why? because it grabs back to old stuff/composing, clearly indicating where their mojo lies.
Alexi his quest in exploring different music should have been in another band and not with the CoB name.
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Not sure if this was posted yet. Alexi says it had been talked about a year ago that the others wanna leave. He said "I was so tired of the discussion at some point that I just left the company and said you can keep the name if you want." He also said that they are in good terms still and there's no drama at all and that he has a new band coming up with Daniel. They're gonna play bodom songs still but the name thinking process is going on. Maybe just Bodom, a song name or something else but somehow it will be referring to COB.
He said that he is very sad about this but understands the decision and kind of feels relieved too that now this is a new fresh page. "And I'm sure at the last show I'm gonna be really sad but I'm a tough fuckin guy and I won't cry"

Janne said that he will be commenting after the tour is done.
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But why now, when they announced the HCDR show and everything?
Guess then they have really become sick of constant touring and all.
It's really respectful, that he let the name go as a proper ending of a chapter.
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Maybe they announced the HCDR show and then realized people are gonna be expecting more festivals and it would be lame to end it to a festival tbh. Then they'd have to have a separate whole farewell tour and everything so maybe they thought "Better just rip the bandaid off"?
Maybe they announced the HCDR show and then realized people are gonna be expecting more festivals and it would be lame to end it to a festival tbh. Then they'd have to have a separate whole farewell tour and everything so maybe they thought "Better just rip the bandaid off"?

Yeah it would be a never ending story, because people would demand farewell tour all over the world, which means minimum 1+ year touring
Yeah, nice to get a little info on stuff. Doesn't seem like there's any drama either, which is nice.

"Already a year ago we talked that with the guys that they don't want to do this anymore. People have families, and after 23 years of touring it's no wonder if someone wants to quit. There's no drama to this."

"I'm not gonna stop anything though. Daniel was also sad about this. I told him that we'll continue together, form a new line-up and keep going."

Is it possible that COB will continue without you?
"As I've understood it the guys won't be continuing, but I don't know. Can't really say more."

He also knows who the new drummer and bassist are, and claims they're "extremely talented young guys". They have two options for a keyboardist, but haven't made a final decision yet. Alexi already knows the drummer and bassist from before. Doesn't say where from though.

I like the ending:

"It might be that in December in the Black Box, I might feel like getting a tear in my eye. But because I'm such a fucking tough guy, I won't cry." :D
Nice. So it's basically just good news. I hope the new guys push Alexi to get back to old-school direction. The name's gonna be Bodom Night or something with Lake on it.

If the name is one of their past song titles... the only sensible ones would be Children of Decadence or Bastards of Bodom or Northpole Throwdown or... hopefully not Hate Crew Deathroll... out of these options Children of Decadence would be the only acceptable one, but it can be better, and only elite fans know the song title relates to this band.

Now we know what 'Soon Departed' meant?

Anyways, just pick 'Bodom Night' or something with 'Lake' on it, something that refers to curse or such.

Yeah and Alexi needs to try out soloing with the keyboardist candidates to see which he gels with better, and which one is more in touch with their musical atmosphere.
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If what Tragedian says is true, I think this could be the reason why Hexed was delayed so much while the album was already recorded. Maybe Janne, Henkka and Jaska voiced their desire to leave the band prior to the expected release and the label decided to postpone it while they figured it out. This would explain the very shitty "Only the label knows why the album is delayed" excuse.
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^I thought the same. Clearly Alexi was hiding something when I asked him in person. It could be they don't want the gap between Hexed and the next album to be terribly long. Something was damn fishy about it.

It will take until the end of next year before they gel and are ready to start making the next album.