Jaska now with 2 bass drums.


Jan 8, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Lately, Jaska was wondering wether to get another bass drum or to stick with his double-bass pedal. Now he's with two bass drums.

I think it's quite cool because there'll be nothing restraining him anymore. Two bass drums does not only look cooler and bigger (in metal music, the size of the drumkit seems to be an important thing (???)) but with two single bass drum pedals instead there is no more resistance and he'll be much more free. Great improvement IMO ! By the way, sorry if this has been discussed before.
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^I wouldn't get so hyped on that, cos the american tour seems to be suporting LOG, and then maybe he'll have to return to 1 single bass drum (if LOGs setup is there the whole night I don't think Jaska will be given space to place there a huge drumset with two bass drums) like he's been doing on the other tours. I hope he doesn't though, it does look great with 2 bass drums. Actually I think Jaska's drumset (with both 1 or 2 bass drums) is my favourite drumset, at least if we talk about looks.
^haha so true.
Double kicks aren't panned. They're in the center usually. It would indeed sound awful to hear one kick left and one kick right :P Just imagine if you happen to listen to the songs mono.....yeah you would hear only half of the kicks haha would be odd
^^ Yeah you deserve the props man lol.
Seeing them for the 8th time on april 14th in Montréal ! Can't wait to see that new setup on stage.

I saw Bodom a few years ago with Amon Amarth and Trivium.

Was in a small club and jammed packed and hot as fuck in there even though it was like 20 degrees outside. :lol: