Jason Bitner to me today:


Nov 9, 2001
A phone call at 11 AM:

Jason: "I needed to speak with you about something. I am having a personal dilemma. You have been going to work at noon and staying up until 7 AM and it is keeping me awake. This is unacceptable. Blah blah blah blah"

Me: "Okay dude, I'll be less loud."
i think maybe i got woken up once or twice last night by whoever was up but it didn't bother me at all really.

also were you and chris in the living room laughing at one point? because i had this bizarre-o dream of you guys standing in front of the couch i was sleeping on laughing at me for some reason. eventually i woke up and looked around and chris was fast asleep on the other couch.

hehe no, i passed out when we were listening to that Devin Townsend album. I was woken up by the buzzer at 4 AM, smoked a cigareete after letting Chris in, and went back to sleep.

I guess I had some lemonade somewhere in there too.
so that was at 4 when chris came back? because i woke up and saw him standing in front of me asking me to come out for a cigarette but i went back to sleep, then got woken up again by the thud of him moving the speakers and setting up the bed and then had that weird dream, etc.

maybe what woke jason up was chris then meaning you actually are not responsible for waking him up.
and just to clarify to anyone out there. the jason bitner we refer to is NOT the jason bittner who drums for shadows fall:


Lest anyone think we be talkin trash.