Jasun and Troy scored a new endorsement with Manne guitars. Here are some pictures of the owner of Manne Guitars, Andrea Manne as he was making Jasun's guitar and finally, Jasun with his beautiful 7-string guitar. Troy's bass is in the process of being built. We will post pictures when it's ready.
Jasun: Manne guitars are truly a guitar players dream. The feel, look and sound is awesome and Andrea (Manne owner and builder) really makes a high quality instrument. I can go on and on about how great the guitar sounds, plays, looks and not to mention how great Andrea, Richard and Sean have been to Troy and myself . And also I want to thank Alan Paredes for supplying me with the awesome Zero Hour logo. Check them out at www.manne.com Troys Bass is being built as we speak and he cant wait to get his hands on it.
Jasun: Manne guitars are truly a guitar players dream. The feel, look and sound is awesome and Andrea (Manne owner and builder) really makes a high quality instrument. I can go on and on about how great the guitar sounds, plays, looks and not to mention how great Andrea, Richard and Sean have been to Troy and myself . And also I want to thank Alan Paredes for supplying me with the awesome Zero Hour logo. Check them out at www.manne.com Troys Bass is being built as we speak and he cant wait to get his hands on it.