Jaxx Night Club for Sale

From what I understand, he does not have anyone who understands metal helping him book the bands like he did in the past.
Where did you hear that? Believe it or not, Jay is a good business man. And he has people he asks questions about metal bands (like me and Mike for example). ;) The industry just isn't what it used to be across the board...
I disagree. Running a business like that is rough and HIGH RISK. It would be opening a can of worms - to take that on in addition to the whole booking/tour promotion thing nationally would be way too much for a small team of people. Not that Glenn doesn't work wonders, but running a club compared to booking an occasional tour or doing a yearly festival are two very different challenges. I’m sure it can be done, but the level of stress and BS would probably not be worth it. Believe it or not, Jaxx wasn’t exactly a booming business churning out thousands for the owner. There are costs and headaches that you’d never dream of until you experience it first hand.

I'd buy it myself if I didn't want the headaches (not to mention the risk)!

You have a point. But, would you rather have an outfit like Live Nation of AEG pick it up? Bands like Odin's Court, Division, and Engage won't be able to get in unless they have a ticket if one of those two pick it up.
If I remember correctly, it started as a movie theater then bacame The Copa(rock) then Boots(country) then Zaxxs (rock) and finally Jaxxs.

Even though I don't live up there anymore, I'd hate to see it change hands and become something other than a club for metal/rock. Jaxxs was like a second home to me for many years and Jay was always really cool. I wish him the best.
You have a point. But, would you rather have an outfit like Live Nation of AEG pick it up? Bands like Odin's Court, Division, and Engage won't be able to get in unless they have a ticket if one of those two pick it up.
Well, I know that Matt nor anyone I know want the huge conglomerates to pick it up. He is simply pointing out that it would be close to impossible to run the club on a day-to-day basis without being heavily involved. And combine that with the complexities of putting on an annual festival the caliber of PP AND being part of Intromental -- well something has to give. I don't think any of us want PP to suffer.
If I remember correctly, it started as a movie theater then bacame The Copa(rock) then Boots(country) then Zaxxs (rock) and finally Jaxxs.

Even though I don't live up there anymore, I'd hate to see it change hands and become something other than a club for metal/rock. Jaxxs was like a second home to me for many years and Jay was always really cool. I wish him the best.
I didn't know about the movie theater (but can believe it) and didn't know about Boots, but the rest of the history is the same as what I've heard. It is one of the longest running clubs in the entire region! Baltimore sure doesn't have any clubs with long history like that. Hammerjack's could have had it not been torn down for the Raven's Stadium parking lot. :(

That was really nice, Kim! :)
You have a point. But, would you rather have an outfit like Live Nation of AEG pick it up? Bands like Odin's Court, Division, and Engage won't be able to get in unless they have a ticket if one of those two pick it up.
No, but who will go through all the hassle? Remember, there aren't shows at Jaxx every day. Jaxx is only opened for Nationals during the week. Locals on the weekend if there isn't a National show. So it isn't like you can have another job - the sporadic nature of shows won't allow it. Then there are all the staff, legal, management, etc. issues to deal with. I'd *love* to buy it and run it, but I'd have to quite my nice job I have. The risk isn't worth it. So whoever buys it will probably be someone who is willing to risk it all or someone like Live Nation who has deep pockets and the patience for the biz...
If I still lived in DC I'd be interested. I hope it goes to somebody who still wants metal there. But I'm doubting it.
It's awesome there. We're actually taking a trip to Costa Rica to look at buying property. Never been, just here it has a lot of advantages for Americans wishing to move there.


Costa Rica has a lot of snakes...lots of poisonous ones too. A lot of the new developments are on the west coast, but nothing really happens there and the east coast is the place to be, apparently.
Costa Rica has a lot of snakes...lots of poisonous ones too. A lot of the new developments are on the west coast, but nothing really happens there and the east coast is the place to be, apparently.

That is why when I retire I am going to the rural Philippines. :lol::lol:
The building that Jaxx is in did start as a movie theater. After that it was a resturant (I ate there as a kid). After that, in the mid 80s, it became the Copa, which was a rock/metal club. In the late 80s it became Zaxx and had a similar format to what it does now. In the early 90s it became Boots, which was a live country music venue. It then became Zaxx II for a short period of time. In the mid-90s Jay purchased the club and renamed it Jaxx. Where it goes now... who knows.

Jay is an excellent businessman, and it is truly a credit to him that he kept the club running in the mid to late 90s. I hope it continues with the current format, but if it does not, something else will fill in the void that it leaves behind.
I've never been to Jaxx, but a similar thing happened here in Philly at Birch Hill in Old Bridge, NJ. It was about 70 minutes from me, but they used to get every tour that hit Jaxx. The owner sold, and I think they tore the place down.

I'd feel sorrier, but I was at a Dream Theater show there (Home for the Holidays mini-tour? Maybe before that) that still ranks as the tightest-packed show I ever attended. Absolutely criminal. Hence the oft-heard monicker, Birch Hell.

The building that Jaxx is in did start as a movie theater. After that it was a resturant (I ate there as a kid). After that, in the mid 80s, it became the Copa, which was a rock/metal club. In the late 80s it became Zaxx and had a similar format to what it does now. In the early 90s it became Boots, which was a live country music venue. It then became Jaxx II for a short period of time. In the mid-90s Jay purchased the club and renamed it Jaxx. Where it goes now... who knows.

Jay is an excellent businessman, and it is truly a credit to him that he kept the club running in the mid to late 90s. I hope it continues with the current format, but if it does not, something else will fill in the void that it leaves behind.

I'm pulling for Jaxx to survive, too. I've only seen one show there -- Dream Theater again, later on -- but I liked the place for what it was. And I found a Division guitar pick on the floor. :lol:
I found out about this, and having just got back from Jaxx at the Trail of Tears show (another one I should post in that old "shows with crappy attendance" thread (there could not have been more than 20 people on the floor, maybe 40 in the whole place!). I did not think I was going to like them, from what little I heard, but I was blown away. Went and picked up their two most current albums. Also really cool to hang out with.

I would be majorally bummed if Jaxx got sold and closed up (or turned into some Hip-Hop club or some such bullshit - hell took a decent local rock station and turned it into a Hip-Hop station just last week (99.3 out of Fredericksburg)! How long before what is now a good metal club is ruined the same way?). There would be no more metal venues that has the shows of the type that I'd like to see nearby to me short of going some 2 hours up to Baltimore or 4 hours up to Philly. Hell, just tonight, I bought three more tickets (Doro, PaganFest, and Sym X/Epica/Into Eternity) for a total cost of $60. Could hope some local outfit right here in Fredericksburg, such as K.C. Music Alley could book such bands.

Makes me wish I could buy it, but I don't know shit from sherlock on how to even run such a place. Hell, maybe a bunch of us could partner up as a cooperative and buy it. I would not mind buying a share into it. Hell, it seems to be working for Mad River Glen ski area, why not to keep a good metal club live as well?
Hmmm...sad to see Jaxx being sold. I has served the metal community well and maybe/hopefully it still will.

In so far as purchasing this club?...not a chance in hell.
Too small. Capacity includes the lounge area and outside entrance area. These two areas take up about 30-35% of capacity.
If total capacity is in the 500-600 person range it makes running this club difficult, which it already is being mainly an all metal venue...though 375-400 at many of the shows which are booked there, from what I hear, would be a lot anyways and thusly this club does serve bands and fans of those bands that generally will not be booked in larger venues (though 20-40 people are hard to make a living on....i really though have no idea how it draws overall, just what I see read here and the few shows I have attended there over the years)

One would really need to diversify the line up and it's size would limit it's ability to do so.

Now, this not being my field, but from folks I have chatted to over the years, you really are looking for a venue that can bring in 900+ people so one can diversify and bring in larger national tours and then be able to take more risks on booking the under 100 tours. In that you are also looking for the right club that can handle both and still not feel too cramped or not too empty (not easy I would figure). In the last year or so, The Lincoln Theater, here, added an upstairs to do just that...worked well, though just not a metal stopping ground in this area.

To me, The 9.30 Club and Norva are great examples of clubs that can accomplish this, though both could do more to book metal (of course), but from time to time they both have there moments.

Ultimately running a Jaxx is no easy feat and while it has been done wonderfully though the years and serves a niche well, not a great investment in it's current location.

I guess something I do not know, is the name being sold with a lease on the building or is the building too being sold?

On another note mentioned, if anything did happen to Center Stage, the Norva at 1500 cap could be a worthy alternative with downtown Norfolk being a very very nice place.