Jaxx Night Club for Sale

Man, where's a mega millions winning lottery ticket when you really need one??

If Jaxx ceases to be what it is... It's going to be a very sad sad sad day...

Personally, for me, it's a club that I feel comfortable as a female to go to by myself and walk out to my car and not be scared to death..

There is NO WAY IN HELL you'll get me to the 9:30 Club by myself - it's in a horrid place in DC...

Man, whoever buys it, I hope n' pray they keep the metal bands coming.. And if you look at the schedule - I'd say for the past 6 months at least, they have been trying to bring in hip hop acts, pop acts, so on and so forth... I don't know how well that's been going tho...

Here's to hoping it survives for us that love what does come thru there...

Oh and just my two fer - no way could Jaxx ever hold PPUSA and do it justice.. it's just not possible... I love Jaxx 'cause God knows I've seen so many bands there that I would've never have been able to see otherwise, but it's just not a PPUSA venue possibility..

And yeah - the Trail of Tears/ Echoes of Eternity show last night was poorly attended... I think it would've been attended by 4 or 5x as many people if Cellador had stayed on the bill
He hasn't sold it yet, so unless he plans to cease operations, I don't think near-term is a disaster.

I haven't heard back from Jay yet - I would imagine that he's being deluged - but I have a suspicion that unless one of the conglomerates buys it, it may cease to be a rock club. (Although that's unimaginable to me, since I've been going there since it was the Copa in '87.)

It will have a MAJOR impact on the east coast metal "scene", for sure, regardless. We'll have to see what shakes out.

More than likely the 9:30 Club in downtown DC will pick up some of the heavy hitters that play Jaxx, after all IMP has been trying to put Jaxx out of business for years.

As for the mid card acts, if they want to play NoVA/DC they'll play smaller venues (this may be a good thing for TT's in Fairfax). Or rethink their tours, which would be really good for places like the Lincoln Theater in Raleigh.

I'd imagine Jay's just had enough, with every other promoter and the cops constantly trying to shut him down... it doesn't suprise me. Let's just hope that Nick's doesn't try to start booking rock again.
If Jaxx closes, that would mean every hard rock/metal club in the DC Metro that existed when Division started playing live would be gone. You don't think that something would fill the void?

I think someone might try, or that it would become more fragmented.

I can only think of a couple of suitable venues, and no one's going to lose their ass starting new, unless they're a real idiot. :lol:
More than likely the 9:30 Club in downtown DC will pick up some of the heavy hitters that play Jaxx, after all IMP has been trying to put Jaxx out of business for years.

Some. I don't know how many. 930 isn't conducive to a lot of these shows.

As for the mid card acts, if they want to play NoVA/DC they'll play smaller venues (this may be a good thing for TT's in Fairfax). Or rethink their tours, which would be really good for places like the Lincoln Theater in Raleigh.

TT's cannot handle - nor do they want - the mid-card stuff that comes to Jaxx. The only semi-suitable local room (other than the State Theater, and that won't happen) is KC's in Fredericksburg, and they have a LONG way to go.

I'd imagine Jay's just had enough, with every other promoter and the cops constantly trying to shut him down... it doesn't suprise me. Let's just hope that Nick's doesn't try to start booking rock again.

I don't think you have to worry about that - and Nick's wouldn't get touring acts like Kamelot anyway. For some locals, well, they'd probably be happy. Jay's had a lot of run ins with bands that don't want to a.) work at promoting or b.) think they deserve a whole lot more than they do. Almost every negative Jay local band story (lately, anyway) has either a band lying to him or going rock star on him.

Man, whoever buys it, I hope n' pray they keep the metal bands coming.. And if you look at the schedule - I'd say for the past 6 months at least, they have been trying to bring in hip hop acts, pop acts, so on and so forth... I don't know how well that's been going tho...

That's certainly one possibility - diversifying the music might help the bottom line. Clubs tend to very "scene-oriented", though, especially in this area, so I don't know how well it would work - plus, that would put him up against places like the Birchmere, etc, which would likely drive up prices.

I'm just pokin' at you. :lol:

I agree that the majority of the bands Jaxx gets couldn't go to 9:30 or Ram's Head Live or somewhere similar instead - Jaxx holds 550 max (including staff, crew, etc.), and a place that holds 1000+ can't stay in business with shows that draw 100-300 on average.

I keep coming back to Fredericksburg as the only real possibility - NoVA's too damned expensive. KC's is just, well, not up to snuff - they'd have to be very serious about upgrading that room...
Man, where's a mega millions winning lottery ticket when you really need one??
No kidding ... me too ... but as many people have said something like this, I keep feeling like maybe if we all pulled money together it could happen. :) Maybe I'm just dreaming. :erk:
And yeah - the Trail of Tears/ Echoes of Eternity show last night was poorly attended... I think it would've been attended by 4 or 5x as many people if Cellador had stayed on the bill
Were you the girl/lady with the guys in the Century Media t-shirts of which one almost got into a fight with that asshole who kept trying to mosh in a crowd of a only about dozen other people, none of whom wanted to mosh with him?
More than likely the 9:30 Club in downtown DC will pick up some of the heavy hitters that play Jaxx, after all IMP has been trying to put Jaxx out of business for years.

As for the mid card acts, if they want to play NoVA/DC they'll play smaller venues (this may be a good thing for TT's in Fairfax). Or rethink their tours, which would be really good for places like the Lincoln Theater in Raleigh.
Which for me up here in Baltimore means back to checking about 6 or 7 different web sites whenever I want to know if a good metal act is coming around (9:30 Club, The Black Cat, Ram's Head Live, Club Mate, The Ottobar, The Sidebar, etc.) instead of just check one site (Jaxx). I really hope if it has to sell that a metalhead buys it.
I'm just pokin' at you. :lol:

I keep coming back to Fredericksburg as the only real possibility - NoVA's too damned expensive. KC's is just, well, not up to snuff - they'd have to be very serious about upgrading that room...
I lived in Fred for 5 years, and it's been 8 years since I lived there. I visit a couple times a year, and although the area has grown, I still don't know of any good clubs. When I was there there was NO music scene. Just a place called the Underground in Old Town that had cover bands playing for 5 or 6 people. I've never been to KC's, but I can't imagine it's a place that could replace Jaxx easily. Fred's location is prime though. Between Richmond and NoVA right on 95...

I lived in Fred for 5 years, and it's been 8 years since I lived there. I visit a couple times a year, and although the area has grown, I still don't know of any good clubs. When I was there there was NO music scene. Just a place called the Underground in Old Town that had cover bands playing for 5 or 6 people. I've never been to KC's, but I can't imagine it's a place that could replace Jaxx easily. Fred's location is prime though. Between Richmond and NoVA right on 95...

There's a very strong cover/drinking band scene there (my drinking band plays there a lot :lol:), but not much as far as serious original music. Various people who've booked KC's have mentioned wanting to go after the Jaxx audience, but the room's just not up to it - no house sound, for one thing...
There's a very strong cover/drinking band scene there (my drinking band plays there a lot :lol:), but not much as far as serious original music. Various people who've booked KC's have mentioned wanting to go after the Jaxx audience, but the room's just not up to it - no house sound, for one thing...
Well, most any place has a "strong cover/drinking band scene" on some level. I've played in my fair share of cover bands around MD/DC/VA. That is a lot easier to manage - bands cover all the music, the bar provides the beer. Charge a cover to pay the band, sell beer and pay your rent. And any local who wants to grind and get their groove on will come out to hear top 40 performed poorly. There is a quite a leap from that to Jaxx, so yeah, you're right - KC's can't do it...
Well, most any place has a "strong cover/drinking band scene" on some level.

Yeah, but it's very strong down there - it's supporting 15-20 bands that play regularly and get paid pretty well, and the bars have solid cores of regulars. It's a lot like Fairfax/Centreville was 15 years ago, except the music's a tad heavier (the DC101 crowd).

Promoters down there see these turnouts and think they can do metal shows and pull the same numbers. It doesn't usually work out that way. Fred's not the little college town it used to be...
Looks like this might be the end for metal in the area. I really don't see anywhere else stepping up. I love The Ram's Head, but it's too big for a lot of stuff. And the other places in Baltimore are questionable. Thuderdome was cool, but every ticket should come with body armor for the walk back to your car (to be fair, I think the area around the 9:30 Club is even worse).

I'd love to run a place. But given my tastes in music, it would probably be out of business inside a week...

Yeah, but it's very strong down there - it's supporting 15-20 bands that play regularly and get paid pretty well, and the bars have solid cores of regulars. It's a lot like Fairfax/Centreville was 15 years ago, except the music's a tad heavier (the DC101 crowd).
SoMD is the same - as long as you play top 40/radio stuff. ;)

Promoters down there see these turnouts and think they can do metal shows and pull the same numbers. It doesn't usually work out that way.
I found out the hard way in SoMD that it doesn't translate (though I really knew and just hoped it wasn't like that). Which is why we play infrequently in my current "home" town. It works once every 6-12 months...

Fred's not the little college town it used to be...
:( That makes me sad.
Were you the girl/lady with the guys in the Century Media t-shirts of which one almost got into a fight with that asshole who kept trying to mosh in a crowd of a only about dozen other people, none of whom wanted to mosh with him?

That was me :goggly:
Thank God that idiot didn't hit me; with my neck issues it would not have been pretty... At least the bouncers told him to knock it off after he did it a second time... Seriously, it was like a bowling ball comin' down the alley ~ hard thing to try to enjoy a set when you're constantly lookin' over your shoulder waiting for that to happen again...

Despite road runner, we had a really good time.. At least I did :Smokin: I made 3 new pals from Richmond - and I'm diggin' Echoes of Eternity more n' more every time I see them live...
I keep coming back to Fredericksburg as the only real possibility - NoVA's too damned expensive. KC's is just, well, not up to snuff - they'd have to be very serious about upgrading that room...

Richmond might have a room or two that could pick up some shows too. Also the club up in Fredrick (forgot the name...) is a touch bigger than Jaxx and it could pick up these some of these shows. ...and who knows maybe will get lucky and a House of Blues will come into DC and pick up all the tours.