Jaxx Night Club for Sale

That was me :goggly:
Thank God that idiot didn't hit me; with my neck issues it would not have been pretty... At least the bouncers told him to knock it off after he did it a second time... Seriously, it was like a bowling ball comin' down the alley ~ hard thing to try to enjoy a set when you're constantly lookin' over your shoulder waiting for that to happen again...

Okay! I know who you are! I was that big guy with the wavy blond hair standing next to that bald-headed guy during the Echoes of Eternity set.

But anyway, that asshole that was trying to start a mosh was really starting to piss me off. I was just standing there enjoying the music and then suddenly - WHAM! That jackass shoved that bald guy into me, damn near causing me to twist my knee out and fall, which would not have been a good given that I ski professionally and such! I mean, come on! Moshing to Echoes of Eternity?? :confused: Maybe if this was a thrash or "-core" show, I can understand, but still. Not only that, there was only like maybe 15 people in the audience there! Not only that, if I was prepared for it, but this show, given the small audience and just not the style of metal one normally moshes to, that was the last thing I was expecting, plus like everyone else that was there, I came to enjoy the music and watch the band play, not get caught up in some stupid mosh pit.

Despite road runner, we had a really good time.. At least I did :Smokin: I made 3 new pals from Richmond - and I'm diggin' Echoes of Eternity more n' more every time I see them live...

Exactly! That was actually quite a good show. Trail of Tears just blew me away as well as Unexpect! Never even heard of them, but I was impressed enough to go buy their current album In a Flesh Aquarium. Also went and bought Trail of Tears two most recent albums (and listened to their new one (Existentia)on the way to work - wow, what an incredible piece of work! Now there is a band I think would be kick ass for a future ProgPower appearance! I'll have to go grab their other albums off of eMusic) I already had Echoes of Eternity's album and a t-shirt, as this was the third time I've seen them. The band even remembered me from the last time I saw them! When they come out with their new album, I am getting it! Not only that, I chatted at length with Trail of Tear's Ronny Thorsen (the one that does the male growling vocals), and he was a really cool guy. In fact all three of these bands were really cool from a personality point of view.
Right now, the only real candidates are a couple of guys who want to turn it into a Latin club - which will thrill Springfield no end. (It took ten years of minimal issues to get the cops off of Jay's back, and Latin clubs have a well-earned rep around here for having major security problems.)

The sad thing was that this very topic was being talked about amongst some of us last night at the Trail of Tears show. One of us actually made a comment to the effect of "Watch, it'll probably end up getting bought out and turned into a Latin club!".

The thing is that after talking with Ronny from Trail of Tears, he told me that many of the bands in Europe look at getting to play Jaxx as a pretty big thing in their careers (despite the piss-poor attendance of some of these shows)! Apparently, this place practically seems to be almost legendary to many of those guys. I remember talking to a few of the bands over the past few years that I've been going there and having them say something like "I can't believe we finally got to play Jaxx!" It really would be a major blow to the metal scene here on the East Coast if this place gets shut down. Even if another club picks up the slack, it would take a long time to establish the respectability within the scene that Jaxx has seemed to of garnered over the years!

Yeah, K.C's here in Fredericksburg is not even close, but it seems to be the only viable alternative that I see that currently exists in the immediate area. Rumor has it that there is supposed to be some type of music venue that is planned to be built in that Celebrate Virginia area nearby where they are planning on building that Kalahari waterpark resort. If they could get some metal shows there, that would be friggan sweet - especially since it would be less than 2 miles from my place! Alas, if all the bitching about Kalahari from the stubborn old fucks in this area is any indication (and believe me, I did attend the public hearing on it just this past Tuesday evening), I would not hold my breath of seeing any decent metal venues around here anytime soon.
Well it would be quite a shame to see Jaxx close, but for a venue that is starting to get more 'regional', Jay sure isn't giving much consideration to acts that want to come from out of town on their own expense & are ambitious promoters. I have tried to get Suspyre down there to open for a larger touring act so they can reach their NoVa market (and really the market between Philly & Atlanta) but Jay has said not if they are not a local act. I think Suspyre can draw a fairly large crowd, and they were going to play at Jaxx as part of the Circus Maximus tour but now their chance is gone ... Be nice to be able to play there before it closes. :) So if Jaxx closes, it looks like you people down there are SOL. You will have to come to NYC to see your favorite bands :)
I still like the idea that a few folks suggested about getting a group together to buy it out. I'm not sure how that would work, but I'd be willing to talk to some folks about it if they were interested. A venue owned and operated by the fans ... imagine that? :rock: :lol:

I would guess the best way to make something like this work, would be to see how the Mad River Glen cooperative works and possibly model it off of that. Basically that is a ski area operated by skiers. Granted, operating a ski area is definitely a long shot from operating a metal club, but I would imagine the basics of how to make a cooperative work would be pretty similar. Mad River Glen is pretty legendary in the skiing scene (and believe me, I definitely want to get up there and ski it sometime soon myself), but Jaxx is also pretty legendary within the metal scene as well.

Basically, the coop would sell shares (Mad River Glen, for example, shares are $2000 each, although I doubt the Jaxx coop would need to be that expensive - maybe around $500, if even that much, since it would not need anywhere near the capital that operating a ski area would need). For those that can't afford, or don't want to pay the full amount, they offer an installment plan of $50/month. We probably could do it for as little as $15/month - very doable for anybody that even has a pretty modest income. They limit the number of shares to 4 per individual - most likely keeping somebody from buying a lot of shares thus getting a voting majority. There would be no dividends on these shares - all of the money made is pretty much sunk back into the club. They also require an annual "Advanced Purchase Requirement." Mad River Glen has a $200 APR, which is then redeemed towards services and merchandise, ie lift tickets, food, etc. Basically they are guranteeing that every shareholder will spend at least $200 on the mountain. Other perks should be discounts on purchases and such. For Jaxx, perhaps a $50 APR, or 10% of what a share would cost, which is what it is for Mad River Glen, basically guaranteeing that each of us would spend $50 at the club each year - and believe me, I've spent way more than that there in a year). I think that shareholders should also get discounts on food and drinks and such. Another perk should be to allow advance sale of tickets to shareholders as well as perhaps also allow shareholders earlier entry into the club, much like the Gold Badge holders for ProgPower.

There are a whole host of other things, such as coming up with a mission statement, i.e:

"Forever protect the legendary metal venue of Jaxx and to continue to provide a safe, fun, clean environment to experience a wide array of quality heavy metal and hard rock acts."

coming up with some sort of by-laws, electing a board of trustees, setting up various committees for handing certain aspects, and so forth. This would not be an easy undertaking, but imagine how awesome this would be to pull off, though? Obviously few avid skier up in Vermont manage to pull it off and now operating what many consider to be a true legend in skiing, why not do the same to operate what has pretty much seemed to of become a legend in metal clubs!
Also the club up in Fredrick (forgot the name...)

refering to Xhale's? I think they closed about 3 years ago

as for Trail of Tears, amazing show & set, only dissapointment was Kjetil Nordhus (clean vocalist in ToT, also of Green Carnation) wasn't there. Catherine Paulson (female vocalist) did all the clean parts, which was cool
I made 3 new pals from Richmond
Well, next time you see me at a show say hi and you'll make 2 new friends from Baltimore. :grin:
I would guess the best way to make something like this work, would be to see how the Mad River Glen cooperative works and possibly model it off of that.
I think you and I may need to have a longer talk at the next Jaxx show (Doro, I think we said it would be for us?)

Anyone else have any interest in making something like this work? I'd be interested in at least looking into it more seriously and giving it a shot, but I'd like to know if it's more than just me and SkiBum that have an interest in doing something like this. Any takers for saving the Mid-Atlantic metal scene? :rock:
Anyone else have any interest in making something like this work? I'd be interested in at least looking into it more seriously and giving it a shot, but I'd like to know if it's more than just me and SkiBum that have an interest in doing something like this. Any takers for saving the Mid-Atlantic metal scene? :rock:

I'd definately be interested in being an investor if a co-op effort is made for Jaxx. I think it would be a great investment. :kickass::rock:

Of course, then I'd be obligated to see more shows, but it would get me off my ass and get up to Springfield.

Of course Steve knows me, and I met you at PP last year, so if you're so inclined to continue this, feel free to PM me.

p.s. Anyone know what Jay is selling Jaxx for? Just out of curiousity.
This would not be an easy undertaking, but imagine how awesome this would be to pull off, though? Obviously few avid skier up in Vermont manage to pull it off and now operating what many consider to be a true legend in skiing, why not do the same to operate what has pretty much seemed to of become a legend in metal clubs!

I would elect you as the first president of Jaxx. :rock:

Steve is right though... setting up something like this would be a CONSIDERABLE effort. A lot of time would involved in making something like this work. Of course, none of us actually lives in Springfield (we all live 1+ hours away), so actually managing the place may be difficult.

Obviously, if done right it can work. But a lot time and energy will be needed to make it all happen.
I would defintely like to hear more about co op deal. Jaxx has meant so so much to me and several friends for a long time.
I'd be interested as well, if there were monetary gains to be made as well. I don't invest in anything unless there's more than an emotional return. (also since i'm in AZ.)
Well it would be quite a shame to see Jaxx close, but for a venue that is starting to get more 'regional', Jay sure isn't giving much consideration to acts that want to come from out of town on their own expense & are ambitious promoters. I have tried to get Suspyre down there to open for a larger touring act so they can reach their NoVa market (and really the market between Philly & Atlanta) but Jay has said not if they are not a local act. I think Suspyre can draw a fairly large crowd, and they were going to play at Jaxx as part of the Circus Maximus tour but now their chance is gone ... Be nice to be able to play there before it closes. :) So if Jaxx closes, it looks like you people down there are SOL. You will have to come to NYC to see your favorite bands :)

To defned Jay, he's a local musician himself, his band "The Road Ducks" has toured all over the US and most of the world... most of it on their own dime. He's incredibly loyal to the local guys, as long as you're willing to work for it. He'll always hand a show to a local band before he goes "out of market"

If you want to play there, you'll have to work out something with him to prove your serious, especialy if he's never heard of you. Rent a couple of buses and bring your crowd with you, or something like that. However at this point if he wants out he's not going to take a chance on an unknown quantity.

If Jaxx closes it'll segment the mid atlantic market, it really means that more clubs are going to get a shot at these tours. There's a couple of clubs in Raleigh that could support these tours, and it's closer to DC than NYC.
Well, I finally talked to Jay. The scoop is pretty simple: The DC-area local band scene has degenerated so badly that he can't even get local openers for shows like last night - and when he does manage to book locals, they either don't bring anyone, or simply just don't show up.

There's more to it, but he's extremely frustrated about things (it was a very entertaining profanity-laced diatribe, for sure), and might actually go though with selling it if he gets an offer he likes. Right now, the only real candidates are a couple of guys who want to turn it into a Latin club - which will thrill Springfield no end. (It took ten years of minimal issues to get the cops off of Jay's back, and Latin clubs have a well-earned rep around here for having major security problems.)

I don't agree with Matt in this instance. Something always used to pop up to replace the metal clubs that left around here, but no NoVA club was ever this successful for this long at keeping an audience - and, sadly (pathetically, actually), a huge percentage of that audience is no longer local. Jaxx has truly become a regional club, and it would take a long time for a new venue to get there, I think...

Man, that place is like a metal mecca, and HW would be willing to travel up there for the right shows as long as we could get our expenses covered for the most part. Give us gas and a cheap hotel room and we're probably good. Heck, we could probably stay with Sean's family or friends there because they all live around DC. Pass the word along to the owner, seriously.
Man, that place is like a metal mecca, and HW would be willing to travel up there for the right shows as long as we could get our expenses covered for the most part. Give us gas and a cheap hotel room and we're probably good. Heck, we could probably stay with Sean's family or friends there because they all live around DC. Pass the word along to the owner, seriously.

Unless you are part of the tour package, Jaxx pays based on how many people you bring to the show. That is determined by how many tickets you sell to the show. Openers are not paid a set fee, it's a dollar amount per ticket sold, and it scales based on the number of tickets sold. If HW sold 20 tickets to the show, you would make $20, if you sold 100 you would make $300.

Jay has not shown any interest in booking unknown out of town bands to support national acts, they do nothing to help his bottom line.
Unless you are part of the tour package, Jaxx pays based on how many people you bring to the show. That is determined by how many tickets you sell to the show. Openers are not paid a set fee, it's a dollar amount per ticket sold, and it scales based on the number of tickets sold. If HW sold 20 tickets to the show, you would make $20, if you sold 100 you would make $300.

How are national touring acts paid? A certain percentage of the take?

Jay has not shown any interest in booking unknown out of town bands to support national acts, they do nothing to help his bottom line.

I am baffled by this statement. So he's not willing to take a chance on a small band unless they're well known? I can sort of see this because no one would know who they were, but often times there are opening acts I have never heard of either. If I go to Jaxx, it is to see a well known US or European band, not necessarily an opening act. But then again, I know of HW and I'd see them if they were part of a larger package deal.
How are national touring acts paid? A certain percentage of the take?

It could be either, depending on the contract. Generally, there's a minimum guarantee, and then a certain amount above that for sales over a specified amount.

I am baffled by this statement. So he's not willing to take a chance on a small band unless they're well known? I can sort of see this because no one would know who they were, but often times there are opening acts I have never heard of either. If I go to Jaxx, it is to see a well known US or European band, not necessarily an opening act. But then again, I know of HW and I'd see them if they were part of a larger package deal.

He's not willing to take a chance on a band that can't even get their friends to come see them. In the past there were other smaller clubs that bands could play to get a following before playing Jaxx. In Division we played out for a year before ever playing Jaxx.
He's not willing to take a chance on a band that can't even get their friends to come see them. In the past there were other smaller clubs that bands could play to get a following before playing Jaxx. In Division we played out for a year before ever playing Jaxx.

So where would new bands in the DC area "cut their teeth" and get noticed? I thought Jaxx would be the perfect place for such a thing.
So where would new bands in the DC area "cut their teeth" and get noticed? I thought Jaxx would be the perfect place for such a thing.

Well that is part of the problem, there aren't many (any?) places. Sharpshooters in Manassas has metal from time to time, Jamin Java in Falls Church has metal once in a blue moon, and I'm sure there are others, I just don't know...
I was thinking about the Jaxx sale today, and recalled that business was down in late '01 and into '02, and Jay made like he was going to sell. Obviosusly he didn't; maybe he's just hit a rough spot recently. In any case, any business owner is always willing to entertain an offer to be bought out, no matter what business that may be.

That being said, I can't argue that the club has turned from "local" to "regional", which has surely hurt his bottom line.