Jaxx Night Club for Sale

Jaxx does not own the building, it is rented space in a small strip mall.

So basically he is selling the lease, the name and all the inside componets, as in sound lights, and furniture and bar stockage, plus all debts i assume.

One question does the price include the liquor license or does that have to be applied for by the buyer? And if so what is the wait time to get one?
So basically he is selling the lease, the name and all the inside componets, as in sound lights, and furniture and bar stockage, plus all debts i assume.
Yes, I would assume this. Keep in mind that Jaxx is currently debt free, which will surely drive up the price. ;)

One question does the price include the liquor license or does that have to be applied for by the buyer? And if so what is the wait time to get one?
You're talking about VA. ABC regulates all alcohol sales. VA is a Commonwealth, and is very strict about selling liquor. I seriously doubt this is transferable. Not only that, but the State requires a manager on duty to sell alcohol who has met the State's requirements, fees, etc. There is a piece of paper on the wall at Jaxx saying "person 1" and "person 2" are allowed to distribute alcohol. So this would be a big thing to deal with. Oh, and keep in mind that Jaxx generally makes ZERO money on bands - they make all their money on food and mostly alcohol sales. ;)
As most places like that do, it is done on a shoestring budget. As Matt has said, they make their money on liquor and food sales. So I really wonder how much revenue the place generates?

I spoke with Steve (SkiBumMSP) last night, who called me from Jaxx while waiting for the show to start (which was well over an hour late!). He said the place was dead. So I wonder if this indeed a bad trend and Jay is wanting to get out while the getting was good. Is he losing money, or he forsees that he will be losing money, and getting out now to protect his investments.

Just my gut feeling hunch.
Holy shit, where does that leave the shows that are booked already? Like Pagan Fest??

He hasn't sold it yet, so unless he plans to cease operations, I don't think near-term is a disaster.

I haven't heard back from Jay yet - I would imagine that he's being deluged - but I have a suspicion that unless one of the conglomerates buys it, it may cease to be a rock club. (Although that's unimaginable to me, since I've been going there since it was the Copa in '87.)

It will have a MAJOR impact on the east coast metal "scene", for sure, regardless. We'll have to see what shakes out.
Yes, I would assume this. Keep in mind that Jaxx is currently debt free, which will surely drive up the price. ;)

You're talking about VA. ABC regulates all alcohol sales. VA is a Commonwealth, and is very strict about selling liquor. I seriously doubt this is transferable. Not only that, but the State requires a manager on duty to sell alcohol who has met the State's requirements, fees, etc. There is a piece of paper on the wall at Jaxx saying "person 1" and "person 2" are allowed to distribute alcohol. So this would be a big thing to deal with. Oh, and keep in mind that Jaxx generally makes ZERO money on bands - they make all their money on food and mostly alcohol sales. ;)

ABC will require the new onwer(s) to apply for a license, IIRC.
That is why when I retire I am going to the rural Philippines. :lol::lol:
My uncle John has been living in the Philippines virtually his entire life. His wife is Filipino, too. He was in the Air Force and was stationed at Clarke AFB until MT. Pinatubo destroyed it. He had great movies he took of the eruption from a military chopper. People told him to sell the footage to CNN or something, but some other guys beat him to it. He retired back in the late 80's from the AF, but still worked for them in a civilian capacity for a few years after that. He and my Aunt Aurora now live in Dagupan City and they own a hotel and convenience store. Both were damaged heavily by a recent typhoon and just reopened not long before Christmas. He loves it there, but he said for most of the year it's like 95 degrees with 95% humidity. WAY too uncomfortable for me. The temp. goes above 65 degrees and I'm roasting. I hate the heat to death.
Baltimore sure doesn't have any clubs with long history like that. Hammerjack's could have had it not been torn down for the Raven's Stadium parking lot. :(
Just an FYI - Club Mate (formerly Baltimore's Thunderdome) was supposed to be "bringing back the rock" on Friday nights. I had talked to the woman running the show there a few months ago, but now I can't find her myspace page (how I last contacted her), so I'm wondering if things have changed. (Anyone know anything else about this?) So that venue might still be an option for touring metal and rock bands that come to the area (although, I agree that most of those kinds of bands are snatched up by Ram's Head Live or, occasionally, the Ottobar).
If we lived closer, we'd look into it. Mary and I have often talked about running a club...
Yeah, Nick and I have talked about the same. (In fact, awhile ago I considered asking Jay if he would partner with me on a venture I wanted to start in Baltimore as an offspring of Hammerjacks and Jaxx ... My conceptual name - go ahead and groan - HammerJaxx! :lol:) As much as I would love to do booking for a metal venue for a living, right now I just don't think it's feasible for me to be putting out that kind of money to buy a club, at least not on my own.
I still like the idea that a few folks suggested about getting a group together to buy it out. I'm not sure how that would work, but I'd be willing to talk to some folks about it if they were interested. A venue owned and operated by the fans ... imagine that? :rock: :lol:
I hope it continues with the current format, but if it does not, something else will fill in the void that it leaves behind.
Yeah, like the Indian Restaurant next door ... :rolleyes: :erk:
I spoke with Steve (SkiBumMSP) last night, who called me from Jaxx while waiting for the show to start (which was well over an hour late!). He said the place was dead. So I wonder if this indeed a bad trend and Jay is wanting to get out while the getting was good. Is he losing money, or he forsees that he will be losing money, and getting out now to protect his investments.
You should also take into account that it was a Wednesday night (not a particular great night for many people to spend a night out at a bar, since most work the next day) and that, although I loved every band on the bill last night, Trail of Tears, Echoes of Eternity, and Unexpect are not huge bands. I think it would have helped ticket sales a god deal more had Cellador not have to drop off the bill, but the three local openers (who also help draw in the local crowd) also dropped off the bill over the course of the past month or so. So I can see why there would not have been a huge crowd last night.
This is definitely a terrible situation for metalheads in the east area. Jaxx is the closest place that hosts bands that me and my friends like, heck, even friends have flown in from Puerto Rico to come to shows with me @Jaxx.

The only other place that might host something good once in a while is Norva but thats about it for people that live in NC.

When I win the lottery next week I'll buy it.
My uncle John has been living in the Philippines virtually his entire life. His wife is Filipino, too. He was in the Air Force and was stationed at Clarke AFB until MT. Pinatubo destroyed it. He had great movies he took of the eruption from a military chopper. People told him to sell the footage to CNN or something, but some other guys beat him to it. He retired back in the late 80's from the AF, but still worked for them in a civilian capacity for a few years after that. He and my Aunt Aurora now live in Dagupan City and they own a hotel and convenience store. Both were damaged heavily by a recent typhoon and just reopened not long before Christmas. He loves it there, but he said for most of the year it's like 95 degrees with 95% humidity. WAY too uncomfortable for me. The temp. goes above 65 degrees and I'm roasting. I hate the heat to death.

That is why my wife and I are paying down her farm in rural Nueva Vizcaya (6 hours, 120 miles from Manila). Very comfortable there year-round. Within three hours of Pangasinan's San Fabian beach on the South China Sea. Man, I miss the place. To eat on the table in a cottage on the beach, then put a blanket on it and go to sleep. :lol::lol: It is indeed the simple life. Always so much to do and so little time.
Just an FYI - Club Mate (formerly Baltimore's Thunderdome) was supposed to be "bringing back the rock" on Friday nights. I had talked to the woman running the show there a few months ago, but now I can't find her myspace page (how I last contacted her), so I'm wondering if things have changed. (Anyone know anything else about this?) So that venue might still be an option for touring metal and rock bands that come to the area (although, I agree that most of those kinds of bands are snatched up by Ram's Head Live or, occasionally, the Ottobar).
Yes, Club Mate is going to continue Friday nights as rock nights for the time being. Michelle is now booking at a smaller club over on the east side called Mac's for Thursdays A woman named Jen took over booking at Club Mate. You can find her MySpace by looking for Jen. K. Club Mate is MUCH nicer inside than the old Thunderdome, but is still in that wonderful neighborhood.

Yeah, Nick and I have talked about the same. (In fact, awhile ago I considered asking Jay if he would partner with me on a venture I wanted to start in Baltimore as an offspring of Hammerjacks and Jaxx ... My conceptual name - go ahead and groan - HammerJaxx! :lol:) As much as I would love to do booking for a metal venue for a living, right now I just don't think it's feasible for me to be putting out that kind of money to buy a club, at least not on my own.
I still like the idea that a few folks suggested about getting a group together to buy it out. I'm not sure how that would work, but I'd be willing to talk to some folks about it if they were interested. A venue owned and operated by the fans ... imagine that? :rock: :lol:
Yeah, Barb and I also have talked about that too, but Jaxx is 1:45 from me and I'm not really able to move for about the next 8 years.

Yeah, like the Indian Restaurant next door ... :rolleyes: :erk:
:lol: I think it is Afghan and the food always smells amazing coming out of there. Those people would be happy to see the club close.

You should also take into account that it was a Wednesday night (not a particular great night for many people to spend a night out at a bar, since most work the next day) and that, although I loved every band on the bill last night, Trail of Tears, Echoes of Eternity, and Unexpect are not huge bands. I think it would have helped ticket sales a god deal more had Cellador not have to drop off the bill, but the three local openers (who also help draw in the local crowd) also dropped off the bill over the course of the past month or so. So I can see why there would not have been a huge crowd last night.
OK, so what happens when Jaxx closes? Basically, unless someone picks up the baton, the region from Philly to Atlanta will be SOL when it comes to metal. THat is why it is imperative that someone, whether it be a consortium of metalheads, or an outfit like IntroMental, pick up the baton pronto. Otherwise, you will have Puff Daddy wannabes headlining, or a bunch of mullahs smoking the Hookah pipes talking of the old country.
Well, I finally talked to Jay. The scoop is pretty simple: The DC-area local band scene has degenerated so badly that he can't even get local openers for shows like last night - and when he does manage to book locals, they either don't bring anyone, or simply just don't show up.

There's more to it, but he's extremely frustrated about things (it was a very entertaining profanity-laced diatribe, for sure), and might actually go though with selling it if he gets an offer he likes. Right now, the only real candidates are a couple of guys who want to turn it into a Latin club - which will thrill Springfield no end. (It took ten years of minimal issues to get the cops off of Jay's back, and Latin clubs have a well-earned rep around here for having major security problems.)

I don't agree with Matt in this instance. Something always used to pop up to replace the metal clubs that left around here, but no NoVA club was ever this successful for this long at keeping an audience - and, sadly (pathetically, actually), a huge percentage of that audience is no longer local. Jaxx has truly become a regional club, and it would take a long time for a new venue to get there, I think...
When I win the lottery next week I'll buy it.

You and me both, bub. :)

(Hey, ya never know. I knew some folks who won the Fla. lottery for $18 mil once....)

I don't agree with Matt in this instance. Something always used to pop up to replace the metal clubs that left around here, but no NoVA club was ever this successful for this long at keeping an audience - and, sadly (pathetically, actually), a huge percentage of that audience is no longer local. Jaxx has truly become a regional club, and it would take a long time for a new venue to get there, I think...

Agreed. Aside from large-hall and arena tours, it's almost been a given in the last few years that metal/hardcore/thrash tours always stopped at Jaxx.
I don't agree with Matt in this instance. Something always used to pop up to replace the metal clubs that left around here, but no NoVA club was ever this successful for this long at keeping an audience - and, sadly (pathetically, actually), a huge percentage of that audience is no longer local. Jaxx has truly become a regional club, and it would take a long time for a new venue to get there, I think...

If Jaxx closes, that would mean every hard rock/metal club in the DC Metro that existed when Division started playing live would be gone. You don't think that something would fill the void?
I don't agree with Matt in this instance. Something always used to pop up to replace the metal clubs that left around here, but no NoVA club was ever this successful for this long at keeping an audience
:confused: On what? That it is high risk to buy? Or too much work/a pain? Or are you talking about the other Matt? :P

sadly (pathetically, actually), a huge percentage of that audience is no longer local. Jaxx has truly become a regional club, and it would take a long time for a new venue to get there, I think...
Well, we've been playing there and none of us have ever lived in VA. We're 2.5 hours away in different directions. And the overwhelming majority of folks who come to see us aren't from NoVA (though many are obviously).

And I have never lived in NoVA - when I lived in VA I came from Richmond and/or Fredericksburg to see shows there.

I don't think anyone will dispute that it is a regional club. I'd say fewer than 10% of attendees are actually from NoVA on the big shows. Since the underground metal scene is so small, Jaxx is more of a regional tour stop than a VA tour stop...